Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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The 3rd Overture Workshop

Date and location

Third Overture Workshop

27-28 November 2006

Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK


There was a lot of activity around tools and applications of VDM in 2005-6. However, apart from the tools work, there are several drivers that lead us to consider new research directions in the semantics and foundations of VDM’s version of formal, yet lightweight and applicable methods. The aim of this workshop was to form collaborative links and concrete plans for research directions related to, but not confined to, VDM. Topics included:


We decided to pursue research in three main streams, each of which has a group:

Cutting across the activities of the three groups, we will start work on VDM/Overture approaches to the Grand challenges, with the first of these being the Mondex study, led by Jeremy Bryans. We will go on to pursue the Posix fault tolerant file store example next.

Contributed Papers and Presentations

The following papers and presentations are as supplied by their authors. They have not been subject to peer review. If you have any queries about externally published materials based on these papers, please contact the authors directly.

A Review of the VDM-SL Static and Dynamic Semantics, Peter Gorm Larsen, IHA, Denmark:

The following paper was sent by Tiago Alves, who could not attend in person: Sex up Overture


See the Discussion Summary for a record of discussions at the workshop, including a summary of the main actions.
