Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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The 8th Overture Workshop


VDM (The Vienna Development Method) is a well-established formal method, which has seen widespread use in both academia and industry. In recent years, extensions have been defined that introduce notions of object-orientation and real-time control to VDM. These extensions bring with them many interesting semantic issues that are yet to be resolved. This one-day workshop, jointly organized by the VDM Community and BCS-FACS, addressed semantic issues relating to the formal specification language and its derivatives, together referred to as “VDM-10”, and to the “Overture” open tools project for VDM-10.

Title, date and location

“Semantic Issues in VDM: a BCS-FACS and Overture Workshop”

13 September 2010. BCS, Davidson Building, 5 Southampton Street, London WC2E 7HA, United Kingdom

The proceedings of the workshop is available as a technical report1 from Newcastle University.

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The workshop was sponsored by the BCS, who kindly offered free use of their location and refreshments.The workshop was followed by a BCS-FACS evening seminar, where Jan Broenink (University of Twente, The Netherlands) gave a presentation: “Embedded Control Software Design with Formal Methods and Engineering Models”.

Agenda for the workshop

09:00 Introduction and welcome

09:10 Theme 1: “Object-orientation”. Presentations by Nick Battle and Erik Ernst, followed by a short intermission and a 1,5 hour discussion block

12:00 Lunch

13:00 Theme 2: “PhD Work”. Presentations by Matthew Lovert and Claus Nielsen.

14:00 Theme 3: “Real-time and co-simulation”. Presentations by Kenneth Lausdahl and Marcel Verhoef, followed by a short intermission and a 1,5 hour discussion block.

16:45 Concluding remarks

16:55 End of Workshop

Abstracts and presentations

Abstract: The semantics of the VDM-SL dialect of VDM is formally defined in an ISO standard. However, the object oriented dialect, VDM++, has only an informally defined semantics and this causes problems both in the development of VDM++ tool support, and with the use of the dialect for formal verification. This paper summarises the semantic issues encountered while developing VDM++ support in the VDMJ tool, and the informal proposals for how to address them in VDM-10.

Abstract: In the process of defining a precise semantics for VDM++, there are many possible criteria for the selection of features and their detailed properties. We take an outsider’s view on the known difficulties and ambiguities, and argue for a strong emphasis on the most foundational features. Based on such a simple core language with few but full-fledged features, additional features could then be supported by means of a reduction to the core language, which allows for an open-ended set of additional features including multiple variants. This approach reduces the complexity for tool implementers, and ensures semantic transparency for users. The use of additional features may represent a trade-off between convenient and familiar usage and semantic transparency, but at least the division between core and additional features is explicit which puts the user in control of the trade-off.

Abstract: Partial functions and operators arise frequently in program specifications. The application of partial functions and operators can give rise to non-denoting (undefined) terms. Non-denoting terms that are then arguments to strict relational operators lead to non-denoting logical values of which First-Order Predicate Calculus has no meaning for. One logic that copes naturally with propositions over terms that can fail to denote is a non-classical (three-valued) logic entitled the The Logic of Partial Functions (LPF). The aim of this paper is to provide semantics for LPF, which is done through a Structural Operational Semantics which provides an intuitive introduction into how LPF copes with non-denoting terms that can arise.

Abstract: The VDM-RT dialect enables the modeling and validation of distributed embedded real-time systems by expressing the distributed architecture as CPUs connected by buses. This paper presents the initial results of a study in extending VDM-RT to enable dynamic reconfiguration during the runtime execution of a model. New language constructs is introduced for expressing the dynamic reconfiguration of the deployment of CPUs and changes to the BUS topology as well as subsystem redeployment on CPUs during the execution of the model. A case study of a vehicle monitoring system is presented to show the semantics of the proposed extension and demonstrate the impact on a model.

Abstract: An inventory of current semantic models of the VDM language is presented, for which their purpose, strengths and weaknesses are assessed. The focus will be on VDM-RT with (multi-threading and multi-core) concurrency, communication, scheduling and real-time. Areas are identified where the semantics is currently unclear, incomplete or even undefined. Challenges in adopting novel language concepts are investigated, for example for modeling uncertainty in real-time distributed systems. Approaches taken by other formalisms are presented and suggestions are offered how these ideas could be applied in the context of VDM-RT. The result of this work shall be a roadmap for the definition of a full semantics of VDM-RT, which is aimed, on the short term, at symbolic execution (simulation), but needs to be amenable to formal proof and exhaustive search (model checking) in the future.



The Ouverture Workshop will be held in Wilkes Room 2  Nico Plat opens the workshop  Participants in the morning Nick Battle with the first talk of the day Nick again, enthusiastic about the subject Peter Gorm Larsen explaining invariants Football and formal methods mixed up? Erik Ernst  The group listening to Erik  Erik explaining diamond inheritance  The group again Erik listening and thinking  Peter Gorm Larsen proudly presents the Japanese translation of VDFOS Matthew Lovert Claus Nielsen  Kenneth Lausdahl Shin Sahara taking a picture  Marcel Verhoef  Subgroup #1 disccussing RT and co-sim issues Subgroup #2 disccussing RT and co-sim issues Subgroup #3 disccussing RT and co-sim issues Ken Pierce  Sune Wolff and Peter Gorm Larsen  Marcel Verhoef