The 6th Overture Workshop
This workshop was organised at the University of Newcastle in the UK and
took place between 7-8 May 2009. The overall theme of this workshop was
to exercise different aspects of developing software for the Overture
open source platform on top of Eclipse. In order to compile the Overture
executables different steps need to be taken to produce subprojects
without the Eclipse
interface or with
the Eclipse
interface. The
aspects that will be covered included:
- Kernel functionality developed on top of the abstract syntax using
VDM++ and with code generation to java
- User interface functionality focusing on how to develop Eclipse
- Testing using VDMUnit and JUnit of Overture components.
7th May
8th May
- 9:00 - 11:00 Structure of Overture tool development; Exercise
(Marcel Verhoef)
- Break
- 11:30 – 13:00 Introduction to the Overture kernel (Marcel Verhoef)
- Lunch
- 14:00 – 14:30 Overture UML mapper using the Overture
kernel (Kenneth
- 14:30 – 15:00 Overture proof obligation and export to HOL (Miguel
- 15:00 – 15:30 Combinatorial Testing
Component (Kenneth
Lausdahl & Peter Gorm Larsen)
- Break
- 15:45 – 16:30 The Maven plug-in for VDM models in Overture
(Kenneth Lausdahl)
- 16:30 – 17:00 Closing Discussion (Peter Gorm Larsen)
Action list
During the workshop we came up with a list of outstanding issues that
needs attension (in brackets the responsible persons are listed):
- Updatesite (David Møller and Christian Thillerman)
- Refactoring support (David Møller and Christian Thillerman)
- Auto-completion, intelisense (David Møller and Christian Thillerman)
- Debugger easier to use (David Møller and Christian Thillerman)
- Proof obligations transformed to proof engine (Miguel Ferriera)
- Pre-processed Eclipse with Overture installed for Windows, Linux and
Mac platforms (Miguel Ferriera and Kenneth Lausdahl)
- Make the Maven eclipse part easier (Kenneth Lausdahl, David Møller
and Christian Thillerman)
- Move Eclipse Maven stuff from Kenneths own pages to West Consulting
(Kenneth Lausdahl and Marcel Verhoef) - Done
- Enabling navigation menu items on the side of web
pages (Miguel Ferriera) - Done
- Overture documentation and getting started guide (to be reviewed by
Peter Gorm Larsen and Nico Plat)
- Development guide for Overture developers (Kenneth Lausdahl)
- Check in sources of showtrace, ASTGen (Marcel Verhoef)
- Overture Java code generator based on library from VDMJ (not
assigned but priority for next student project)
- Bug reporting/tracking set up (not assigned yet)
- One parser and one AST (not priority right now but Nick Battle,
Marcel Verhoef and Peter Gorm Larsen will discuss)
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