Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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The 13th Overture Workshop


The proceedings for this workshop can be found at


9:00-9:15 Opening, Peter Gorm Larsen and Fuyuki Ishikawa

9:15:10:00 Invited Talk: Taro Kurita, Sony Felica

10:00-10:30 Break


12:30-14:00 Lunch


15:30-16:00 Break


17:30-17:45 Closing including discussions about future


The 13th Overture Workshop will be held on the 23rd June 2015 in connection with the Formal Methods 2015 symposium

This is the 13th in a series of workshops on the Vienna Development Method (VDM) seen in the open-source Overture setting. Although VDM is one of the oldest formal methods to have enjoyed a level of industry use, it nevertheless has a lively and youthful research community, which has grown up around the development of the Overture open tools platform. On top of the Overture platform the Crescendo and Symphony tools from respectively the DESTECS and COMPASS projects, as well as the new development that will take place in the new INTO-CPS project (see http://into-cps.au.dk/). The platform provides a vehicle for activity in modelling and analysis technology including static analysis, interpreters, test generation and execution support and model checking. The growth of this community has been greatly assisted by the Overture workshop series.

There is a long tradition for having these workshops co-located with the FM symposia (2005, 2006, 2008, 2011 and 2012). We did not collocate with the FM’14 symposium in Singapore since we felt that it would be hard to gather enough attendance so instead John Fitzgerald, Ken Pierce and Peter Gorm Larsen delivered a Crescendo tutorial (see http://crescendotool.org/). Proceedings of previous workshops may be obtained from https://www.overturetool.org/.

Call for Papers

Our workshop aims to provide a forum for discussing and advancing the state of the art in formal modelling and analysis using VDM and its family of associated formalisms including extensions for distributed and real-time systems. We strongly welcome contributions on the development of tools for VDM as well as developments in foundations and reports of practical experience. The page limit is 15 pages.

The scope of the workshop includes, but is not restricted to:

Important Dates


The organising committee can be reached via the following e-mail address: workshop-oc@overturetool.org

Program Committee


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