Date | 2016-06-26 00:00:00 +0200 |
Participants | PGL, HS, KS, MV, NB, NP, SS, TO, VB, PJ. Welcome to Tommaso Fabbri! Minutes by PJ. |
The minutes from today’s LB NM are available at
Nick has developed prototype implementtions of RM35 and RM36. We need help testing them. Follow the links in the LB NM minutes for more information about the prototype implementations.
VDMTools is still moving towards open-source. There will be a meeting in July where many decision related to this will be made.
Various small fixes to VDMJ type checker as a result of Paul Chisholm’s testing, mostly to do with module import/exports and polymorphic types. Also made some progress with RM35 (the “set1” type) and RM36 (“seq binds”) in VDMJ, though changes not applied to Overture as yet.
The new plotting library enabled plotting of variables from a VDM model during simulation without modifying the model:
The Masters thesis by Peter Holst and Nikolas Bram has been submitted and their work on code generation from VDM++ to TypeScript has been added at the Overture GitHub in their own branch. It includes a number of interesting features. Hopefully we can get the thesis uploaded before Sunday so all of you who are interested can take a look.
The Masters thesis by PSteffen Diswal has been submitted and their work on code generation from VDM-SL to C# and the .MET contracts framework has been added at the Overture GitHub in its own branch. It includes a number of interesting features. Hopefully we can get the thesis uploaded before Sunday so all of you who are interested can take a look.
The Masters thesis by Rasmus Reimer and Kasper Saaby has been submitted and their work on IDE for VDM-SL has been completed some time ago, and it will soon be available from one of the AU servers.
Work on the code generator is currently focused on integrating it with Overture’s (F)unctional (M)ockup (U)nit export functionality. After exporting a model as a source code FMU, the user can upload the FMU to the FMU cross-compilation server ( and receive a standalone FMU that can be used in co-simulation on Linux, Mac OS and Windows platforms.
A new release is planned for the 4th of July. The release candidate can be found at
As usual, we need testers for all platforms.
In the framework of the SOCIS (Summer of Code In Space) 2016, Overture will be integrated into the TASTE architecture as a new Application Layer component (more information about the SOCIS call can be found at the following link). Follows the main progresses of the development:
On a more wider note, MV just announced in the Language Board meeting that in parallel to the work of Tommaso he will be looking into establishing a full binding from VDM (data types) to ASN.1
See download stats on the downloads page
See Planned Publications.