Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Net Meeting 90

Date 2015-08-16 13:00 CET
Participants HS, KP, PGL, NB, PJ, TO. Minutes by PJ.

Review Status of the Action List

See Net Meeting Actions

Overture Language Board Status

RM 27

Nick has implemented a first version of pure operations in both VDMJ and Overture. There has been some initial testing and a few issues have been reported. PGL will take care of updating the LRM when we get to that.

Status of VDMTools Development

Shin reported VDMTools to be stable. Other than that there’s nothing new.

Status of the Overture Components


I’ve updated VDMJ and Overture to support the “pure operation” feature described by RM#27. This is only enabled in “vdm10” mode (not classic). I need people to test the feature before we merge the change into the main branch. The Overture changes are currently on a separate “ncb/pureoperations” branch. Note also that VDMJ has moved from SourceForge to GitHub (as SF was down for a couple of weeks!). See https://github.com/nickbattle/vdmj.

VDM-SL to JML annotated Java

I (PJ) found some flaws in the way that the JML generator handles atomic execution and state invariants that I have fixed. A new release of the JML generator will ship with the next release of Overture.

Release Planning

When the pure operation implementation is considered stable Overture 2.3 will be released. Peter will talk to Anders (the release manager) about this.

Community Development

Nothing new reported.

Overture Traffic

See download stats on the downloads page

Publications Status and Plans

Also see Planned Publications.

Any Other Business
