Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Net Meeting 87

Date 2015-03-29 00:00:00 +0100
Participants Nick Battle, Nico Plat, Peter Gorm Larsen (chair), Tomohiro Oda, Peter Tran-Jørgensen. Minutes by Peter Tran-Jørgensen.

Review Status of the Action List

See Net Meeting Actions

Overture Language Board Status

Add a VDM-Util function for getting current system time

There has been a proposal to extend the standard libraries with support for measuring the time it takes to execute a functional description.

See https://github.com/overturetool/language/issues/31

Pure operations

Status of this request for modification remains unchanged.

See https://github.com/overturetool/language/issues/27

Status of VDMTools Development


SCSK has a plan to release v9.0.6 in this month.

Status of the Overture Components


Some small bug fixes:

New Projects

Students at the University of Minho have started two projects on Overture (ldc supervising):

It will be some time until either of these is in the tool (if they ever are) but we are particularly interested in how the students get along. These are probably the first fully remote Overture contributions by new developers.

New functionality added to the Java code generator:

Release Planning

Overture 2.2.4

The next version of Overture is coming out very soon. The internal RC has been sent out for testing (interested parties can grab it at http://overture.au.dk/overture/development/Build-206_2015-03-27_13-21/). Assuming all goes well, the release will be built and published Monday, March 30.

The release will consist of bugfixes and some usability improvements as well as some updates to the user manual. It is being done in part to support upcoming VDM courses.

Community Development

Overture Traffic

See download stats on the downloads page


The Overture twitter handle (https://twitter.com/overturetool) is now under direct administration of the Overture project. We have a tool in place to do group tweeting so multiple people can tweet from the handle without sharing a password. It would be really nice if we could make the acount more lively. Interested parties should contact ldc/kl. Also, we are considering embedding the timeline on the main overturetool.org website. Input is welcome on this.

Publications Status and Plans

Also see Planned Publications.

Any Other Business

PVJ is going ot the US (University of Central Florida) for a two month period (April, May). He will be working on translating VDM into JML and use this in his work on code generation of traces.