Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Net Meeting 84

Date 14 December 2014, 13:00 CET
Participants HS, JC, JF, MV, KP, PGL, PJ, SS, TO. Minutes by PJ.

Review Status of the Action List

See Net Meeting Actions

PGL has made a video on this but received little feedback. KP has offered to give some feedback on the video. Actions remains open.

It was suggested to devote a NM for this next year. Action remains open.

KP is currently working on this. Actions remains open.

PGL has started working on the report. It can be found at http://wiki.overturetool.org/index.php/Japan_Trip_November_2014 . JF and PGL will try to work more on this over the vacation period.

Overture Language Board Status

Election of the LB for 2015

Eight persons has stated their desire to become a member of the LB for

  1. However, according to the rules of the LB only seven members are allowed (due to the rules of majority voting). Shin proposed to be an observer of the LB and therefore the members of the LB for year 2015 will be:

Status of VDMTools Development

SS has reported the status of VDMTools to be unchanged.

Status of the Overture Components


A few bug fixes, and one enhancement to allow to be thrown/caught, which is compatible with VDMTools behaviour.

2014-11-11 Correction to conversion of composed function values
2014-11-10 Fix IO`freadval to use specification charset
2014-11-09 Correction for object reference comparisons
2014-11-04 Introduce the -exceptions flag to throw 


On the code generator side their is a development version of a C++ code generator back end from another student at Aarhus. KP is working on an Arduino (restricted C++) backend and PJ is helping out with that.

A tool for automatic generation of user interfaces for VDM models has been integrated into Overture. Currently, only VDM++ models are supported. The tool is run as a launch configuration, although breakpoints are not correctly supported yet. For more about the tool, see http://www.thinkmind.org/index.php?view=article&articleid=icsea_2011_17_20_10244

Release Planning

Version 2.1.4 released

Version 2.1.4 was released 20 November, with small bugfixes (grab it at GitHub), with the main legwork done by Luís.

Release Process

From watching Luís go through the release process, Joey has noted some improvements that must be made to the process document, and will deal with them as time permits. Another not-done-by-Joey release is tentatively planned for either 2.1.8 or 2.1.10

Version 2.1.6

Expected in the new year.

Community Development

Overture Traffic

See download stats on GitHub

Analytics for November: .

Interesting Overture projects:

Separate Git repository for the Overture documents

With the migration of the LRM and Language Board issue tracker to a GitHub repository (https://github.com/overturetool/language), the examples and all of the documents (with a few exceptions, like release notes) were migrated to the new repository. Joey announced to the overture-core list that that should be considered the canonical place for them, and that bug reports pertaining to the examples should be submitted there; this was also noted in Net Meeting 83 minutes with no objection. Marcel has objected, as there is a preference that that issue tracker only be used for LB issues.

During the meeting it was decided to use the LB tracker solely for RMs and not for the LRM. The content of the LB repository moves to a new documentation repository instead. The Overture repository and the associated issues tracker will remain unchanged. An action on Joey has been created - see Net-Meeting 84

Publications Status and Plans

See Planned Publications.

The next Overture workshop

The draft call is available at: http://wiki.overturetool.org/index.php/13th_Overture_Workshop

Input on the draft slidecast video using VDM for requirements

KP and MV will give some feedback on this.

Any Other Business
