Date | 16 March 2014, 13:00 CET |
Participants | Joey Coleman, Hiroshi Sako, Nick Battle, Peter Gorm Larsen, Peter Jorgensen, Shin Sahara, Ken Pierce, Marcel Verhoef, Luis Diogo Couto (minutes) |
Created: 1 December 2013 (see Net Meeting
Owner: Marcel Verhoef
Marcel will migrate the NM tracker to the Overture wiki.
Created: 26 January 2014 (see Net Meeting
Owner: Peter Wurtz Vinther Jorgensen
Send out schedule for the Language Board (LB) 2014 Net Meetings to the LB mailing list.
Nothing to report.
Some small bug fixes this period:
2014-02-13 Fix to text and location of warning 5010
2014-02-09 Correction to merge for incompatible maps
2014-02-07 Added type check correction for constructor return statements
2014-01-22 Missing type error for value definitions calling operations
Various bug fixes
Code Generation
An experimental version should be available soon.
(“I” refers to JWC)
Overture 2.0.4
Released 11 March, grab it at GitHub — downloads are at the bottom of that page. The release process is getting much better.
Maven Central
Overture core jars are now published on Maven Central — this means that the core jars are available for anyone to use as a dependency in their pom.xml without any extra configuration in their pom.xml files (this applies only the the pure Java core jars, though: Eclipse makes things difficult, as usual).
The process is a little baroque, but mostly automated. I suggest that someone outside AU volunteer to learn how to push a release out to Maven Central; volunteers? Ideally they’ll do the release of 2.0.6 follow instructions I’m writing in the dev wiki; but they’ll need to register with Sonatype first.
Publishing Eclipse dependencies
I’m still working on this; it’ll probably stay with in the end.
Issues on GitHub — File attachments
I have no good solution for this, as GitHub only allows image attachments. However, for most VDM models, it is feasible to just copy/paste it into the bug report. If a user wishes to do this, they should put three tildes (~~~) in an otherwise empty at the start and end of the code that’s been pasted in.
Buildserver considerations
We’ve started using Travis CI to build the Overture codebase. This is a free (for open source) service that may end up meaning that we don’t need a build server as such. The major considerations here are a) the VDMTools conformance tests we have; b) test status reporting; and c) producing release builds.
I see conformance testing as being addressed by individual (trusted) developers just running them, and this is not a deviation from past practice. Overall test status reporting is a bit tricky, but I’m still thinking about it. Finally, the release builds can be built on an individual’s machine with a bit of discipline (indeed, 2.0.4 was built on my laptop, so we’ll see how that works).
Release Training
JWC wants to spread the knowledge of how to do release builds to people outside of AU. We are currently looking for a candidate to learn this.
Nothing has been done on this due to lack of time. But there is an action to discuss the issue and there will be a community development session at the Workshop. Also, we will begin monitoring Overture downloads as part of community development every NM.
The Strategic Research Agenda is reviewed every other NetMeeting.
Also see Planned Publications.