Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Net Meeting 62

Date 6th May 2012, 1300 CET
Participants Peter Gorm Larsen, Sune Wolff, Augusto Ribeiro, Kenneth Lausdahl, Joey Coleman, Nick Battle, Nico Plat, Marcel Verhoef

Review of Action List

The action item list is maintained as a tracker on SourceForge.

No change to items this time.


The newest version
The VDM++ Toolbox v9.0.2b - Tue 24-Apr-2012 08:51:01 +0900
My paper was accepted to Sofware Symposium 2012.

The title is “VDM++ specification as structured Japanese Requirement specification”

VDM Team
Same as last month.
VDM Project
Dr. K and Mr. Ueki are working to improve code generation for SCSK software factory.
IPA/SEC “formal specification and strict specification WG” is active.
IPA/SEC “formal method training WG” is active too.
VDM Sales
We got a VDM training from a subsidiary of FUJITU :-)

I have to teach Overturetool and VDMTool.



Changed “old” variable processing for postconditions to copy only affected state. This is more efficient and corrects a problem found with accessing old-inherited state. Corrected pattern handling for empty sequence/sets.


The parser and type-checker were synched with VDMJ. Next steps are implementing the test framework that thoroughly tests the parser and type-checker and start the interpreter implementation.

VDM 2 UML translator

The VDM 2 UML translator is in process of being changed to use the ASTv2 parser.

Language Board

4 RMs presently in Discussion, but need more consideration.

Release Management

Source code in Git

The entire Subversion repository has been migrated to Git on sourceforge, and a page explaining basic Git usage is partially written at Using Git. The devs at IHA have migrated their work, however, configuration of Nick Battle’s setup is unfinished. For the moment it is possible to synchronize between the old SVN repo and Git (but this isn’t a great long-term solution). Part of the push to shift to Git has to do with the proposal for the Release Process, below. Joey is available –as time permits– to help assist anyone who needs to transition their build setup.

Release Process proposal

This is a proposal, comments desired — this will be written up into a wiki page for comment before the next core netmeeting

Note that one of the strongest features of Git is its handling of branches –parallel streams of development– both ‘cheaply’ and with clearer history tracking as compared to Subversion. Branches are not reflected in the file structure of the repository, but rather as names pointing to specific version in the history.

  1. All development on the overture platform should be done in branches dedicated to a particular person or feature. So, the work on the ASTv2 is done in the astV2 branch; Joey’s effort to sort out the maven build setup was done in a branch called Pruning, and that branch has since been deleted as it was merged back into the master branch.
  2. The master branch is to be used only to merge in stable features and bugfixes as they become ready for a release of the Overture tool. If possible, changes to the master branch will be restricted to a small handful of people; otherwise, the nature of Git makes it possible to omit changes which ought not have been made to master.
  3. Breaking the build in the master branch should be considered a grave sin.
  4. New development should happen in a branch named for either the developer (e.g. jwc, ari, etc), the feature (e.g. astV2, VDMJ-Dynamic-Reconfig), or, best, a combination of name and feature (e.g. jwc-maven-fixes). The rationale behind the last is that it makes it easy to identify both the feature and a contact person.
  5. It is still a bit unclear where bugfixes should happen. For very small bugfixes it seems acceptable to work directly in master, for larger problems a new branch should be created.
  6. Before any major feature is merged into the master branch, the developer should merge from the master branch into their feature branch, then contact a release manager (i.e. the small handful of master branch maintainers) to arrange to merge their work into the main development tree.
    • This implies that the release manager must coordinate these features merges with an eye to reducing the amount of disruption it will cause in other branches.
    • This also suggests that it’s a good idea for feature branch developers to merge from the master branch to keep up to date and reduce the effort required to merge the feature back into the main development tree.
  7. Branches that are done should probably be deleted. Note that this does not delete any history! It only removes a convenient name for referring to the branch.

Build Machinery

The Git master branch now has a maven configuration such that mvn install in the project root will now properly compile the Overture source. Further, mvn eclipse:eclipse (mostly) does what we expect and gives us an environment that we can use for development. Version number increments can now be done in a very small handful of places, and can be automated with a small number of commands (which are documented in the repository). We are able to compile a working version of the tool that we’ve tested on Windows and OS X.

One major change resulting is that we now depend on maven 3 for the build of the IDE portion of the source tree. We’ve not yet investigated how much effort it would be to make it work with maven 2; feedback would be welcomed as to whether this is necessary (for new developers, probably not; the question relates more to present needs). As far as we are aware, maven 2 still works in the core portion of the source tree.

The development pages on the wiki will be updated soon, in light of both the transition to Git and the update to the maven setup.

Action for all: feed back on necessity of Maven 2 to Joey

LB Sync

https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3438625&group_id=141350&atid=1127184 RM 3438625 has been added to the Release Planning document, but it remains unscheduled for the usual resourcing reasons.

Confusions about announcing Overture to outsiders

Present situation is confusing — we have a number of mailing lists in different places, and their purposes aren’t clear. Also, the ‘correct’ way of getting in touch with the community is not presently clear.

Nick Battle to take an action (62/1) to summarise current state and propose a better state of affairs.

Publication plans

Discussed, see Planned Publications.

Any Other Business

Overture Workshop at FM2012

Hoping for more submissions at the moment, we may have to consider some changes in the plan for the day.

Next Meeting