Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Net Meeting 61

Date 1 April 2012
Participants Peter Gorm Larsen, John Fitzgerald, Kenneth Lausdahl, Nico Plat, Shin Sahara, Joey Coleman

Review of Action List

The action item list is maintained as a tracker on SourceForge.


  1. The newest version
    • vdmpp-9.0.2b-120326
      • Code Generation modified. But, only dr.k knows changes :-<
  2. Publishing = nil
  3. VDM Team
    • Mr. Ogawa left the VDM team.
      • He became the president of a subsidiary company.
      • He thinks to use VDM in his company.
  4. VDM Project
    • IPA/SEC started a new working group that relates VDM and strict specification.
      • Mr. Sakoh and Mr. Oda become the member of the WG.
        • Mr. Oda was a pupil of Prof. Araki.
      • Already, Mr. Kurita and I are the member.
    • IPA/SEC continues the the formal method training WG .
      • Prof. Araki, Mr. Kurita and I are the member.
  5. VDM Sales = nil



Just some minor tweaks and fixes this period. There was a fix to SL to allow “old” state to be referred to in a postcondition as a whole (eg. Sigma~) as well as individual state items; the binary operators were changed so that stepping the debugger only stops “on” the left and right expressions rather than on the operator itself - this makes for much more sensible stepping through very long chains of “and” clauses (for example); made a small fix to the way complex sequence comprehensions work, after Shin spotted a bug :)

Language Board

https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3438625&group_id=141350&atid=1127184 RM 3438625 Append pattern

Announced for discussion by Sune on 26 March; agreed in meeting that it can be moved to execution.

Release Management


Versions 1.2.0 and 1.2.1 have been released, the latter being a very minor bugfix. There was an issue with dependencies in the build of the latter, but that has been sorted, and that particular problem will not recur.

Upcoming Bits

The ASTv2 transition is now a focus, and we will have that integrated and released as soon as possible.

Version control for the source code is switching from SVN to Git on sourceforge; IHA and Nick Battle are testing the workflow at present. Joey will watch for changes in the SVN tree, but all further development should happen in the Git repository. The primary motivation for the transition is to allow better management of parallel streams of development.

Strategic Research Agenda

The Strategic Research Agenda is reviewed every other NetMeeting.

Publication plans

Please update Planned Publications.

Any Other Business
