Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Net Meeting 56

Date 23 Oktober 2011, 1300 CET
Participants Peter Gorm Larsen, Shin Sahara, John Fitzgerald, Nick Battle, Nico Plat, Hiroshi Sako, Kenneth Lausdahl, Joey Coleman, Marcel Verhoef.

Review of Action List


Shin Sahara provided a private report. CSK has amalgamated with SCS. Then the new name became SCSK Corporation.

The latest release of the The VDM++ Toolbox v9.0 - Thu 22-Oct-2011. Following URL is same as before: http://www.vdmtools.jp/en/


No changes reported to VDMJ, mainly minor changes made to the current Overture release this month. Automatic build has been changed; any commit before 03h00 CET will be automatically incorporated in the nightly build. Joey Coleman will start as new Overture release manager. He will investigate current build processes and come up with a release schedule and maintenance plan in January 2012. Most work on the AST restructuring has been done at IHA and this is nearing completion. Some work still required on the AST code generator.

Language Board

The minutes of the language board are online, see Minutes_of_the_LB_NM%2C_9th_October_2011. The status of the current language issues can be found here https://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=ryibeUenlWcxrukJBlwQKuA&output=html

Overture Workshop FM 2012

The tenth Overture Workshop is planned for FM 2012; organising team is Nico Plat, Claus Ballegård Nielsen and Steve Riddle. A proposal is send by e-mail, with a request for comments (due Nov 7th). Workshop team to set up a preliminary web-page on this wiki to announce the event.

Publication plans

See Planned_Publications. Focus must be on generating sufficient papers for the VDM track at ABZ 2012 (Pisa, Italy). All overture members are asked to review the list of planned papers and add (or update) their submission plans here.

Any Other Business


Next Meeting

November 27th 2011, 1300 CET