Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Net Meeting 52

Date 17 April 2011, 1300 CET
Participants Peter Gorm Larsen, Shin Sahara, Hiroshi Sako, John Fitzgerald, Nick Battle, Nico Plat, Kenneth Lausdahl, Sune Wolff.

Review of Action List


See detailed report from Shin Sahara (sent to the overture-core mailing list) for the latest on VDMTools from Japan.

CSK has become a subsidiary of Sumitomo Company, and CSK will merge with Sumitomo Computer System Corporation in October 2011. After the merge CSK will not be able to decide on any strategy regarding VDM - this may affect the VDM group.



See detailed report from Kenneth Lausdahl (sent to the overture-core mailing list) for the latest news on the Overture IDE status.

PGL proposed a release 1.0.1 soon, based on the number of improvements made. PGL will propose a series of releases and present these at the WS.


Nick sent the updates to overture-core mailing list.


The LB have approached people to talk about the RM’s that have been put forward, and are now in the Consideration Phase. In addition, the LB plans to have an informal discussion on the OO issues at the WS.

Release of version 1.0.0

After some initial interest, it has been more quiet lately, and downloads have also gone down. No additional suggestions for new initiatives were put forward.

Overture Workshop

John Fitzgerals sent out a status of the 2011 WS to the overture-core mailing list.

Thanks to the hard work of Ken Pierce the proceedings of the September 2010 workshop in London have now appeared - can be found at 1

PGL proposed to make the Overture WS 2011 proceedings an Aarhus School of Engineering TR - PGL and SW will pursue that.

AST restructuring plans

Kenneth Lausdahl and Augusto Riberio will lead this effort in June 2011. Nick Battle will help if time permits. PGL expects two other PhD student will assist as well.

Publication plans

Everybody need to ensure that the Planned Publications page Planned Publications is updated, and that any published papers are available on the Overture wiki Overture Publications


A new member will join the Newcastle DESTECS team - Carl Gamble - from June onwards. Carl has a good background in manufacturing engineering and a PhD in architectural modelling and semantic mismatches. VDM is new to him. Over the summer, I expect that a student, Martin Mansfield, will also join the team to work on co-simulation models of the cardiac pacemaker.

Overture Core members will also be interested to know that the COMPASS proposal got very good scores at the commission in review, so we are quite hopeful it may get funded.

Next Meeting

Next meeting is due on May 29th 2011, 1030 CET