Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Net Meeting 35

Date 7 June 2009, 1300 CET
Participants Peter Gorm Larsen, John Fitzgerald, Shin Sahara, Nick Battle, Kenneth Lausdahl?, Sako Hiroshi, Augusto Ribeiro, Marcel Verhoef, Nico Plat, Miguel Ferreira.

Review of Action List

The actions are all at Overture on SourceForge.


Shin sent out the usual VDMTools report (see overture-core list).


Status for each of the Overture components at sourceforge

traces (Peter)

It was discovered that the specification in VDM which is code generated does not scale very well when looking at tests in the range of half a million to a million. Because of this problem it has been chosen to change the core of the traces to use the VDMJ traces feature.

eclipse (Christian and David)

The editor was built and an update site has been uploaded to overture.org together with a pre-installed Eclipse for Windows a discussed in Newcastle at the workshop. Overture Sourceforge

The development environment has been described in a similar style on Developer_Documentation where it’s possible to install all tools manual or download an Eclipse for Windows / Linux which is pre-installed. The DLTK problem discovered in Newcastle has been solved by taking a snapshot of the DLTK update site and uploading it to overture.org.

POTrans (Miguel)

Since the last workshop Miguel was able to tryout some ideas some of you provided ffor the interaction between the potrans component and HOL. Although the solution isn’t perfect yet, some progress has been made.

VDMJ (Nick)

Some of the language proposals where implemented though they can be backed out if not accepted. Several bugs have been corrected.

Overture Community Process

Note: Language Board = Executive Committee.

The LB accepted the first three proposals and they are:

Nick was proposed to be Secretary of the LB.

Overture Version

Two version of the release are available, one for developers and another for users.


Sony will give an invited talk at the next workshop

Publication plans

In preparation:

In review:

In press:

Recently appeared (since last NM):

Any Other Business


Next Meeting

August 2nd 2009, 1300 CET

Note: next NM should address the problem of 13:00 CET = 20:00 JST.