Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Net Meeting 34

Date 8 March 2009, 1400 CET
Participants Peter Gorm Larsen, John Fitzgerald, Shin Sahara, Nick Battle, Kenneth Lausdahl?, Christian Thillemann, Nico, Sako Hiroshi.

Review of Action List

The actions are all at Overture on SourceForge.


Shin sent out the usual VDMTools report (see overture-core list), to which he added:


Status for each of the Overture components at sourceforge

traces (Peter)

The initial problems with execution in JP has been solved. Current supported platforms: Linux, Windows XP and Vista, MAC OS. There are still problems with vppde. A bug report: Vdm tools and traces - GUI not updated properly (feedback from Shin)

eclipse (Christian and David)

Christian reports that work the debugger for VDMJ is working but there are still some problems with the update site concerning the vdmj debugger attachment. The VDM Tools debug protocol is almost done but require some changed to the CORBA interface.

Maven (Kenneth)

VDM Tools plugin The first version has been committed to the SVN with support for type check and code generation. Maven dependencies at one level is supported. Eclipse plugin integration in Maven The core part of the editor and other standalone plugins has been integrated in Maven with the aide of Maven plugins to alter the builde cycle for Eclipse plugins. The eclipse plugins will be committed during the next week.

Overture Community Process

Note: Language Board = Executive Committee.

Mr Sako have accepted the invitation to the language board.

Peter’s comment to the LB is that they should start working on the issues that was suggested by Nick.

Names for the Executive Committee: Peter, Shin, Sako, Nick and Marcel


John’s update on the Newcastle Workshop plans: The workshop is taking place at Newcastle University 7th-8th May. The plan is descriped in details in this doc.

Publication plans

In preparation:

In review:

In press:

Any Other Business

Next Meeting

June 7th 2009, 1300 CET

Note: next NM should address the problem of 13:00 CET = 20:00 JST.