Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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NetMeeting Default Template

Date 27 November 2022, 12:00 CEST
Participants HM, NB, KP, TO, LF, PGL. Minutes by NB.

Review Status of the Action List

See Net Meeting Actions

Overture Language Board Status

The LB progressed a few issues. The big one is that there is a request to alter constructors in VDM++ which is a known issue for many years and any “fix” will break backwards compatability. We will need to decide as a Community if/how we navigate this (and if we want to put the effort in to change the tools).

We can try to discuss before but Lubeck might be a good place for this.

Also it was the last LB meeting, so we’ll have an election over the end of year as usual.

Status of ViennaTalk Development

No changes.

Status of the Overture Components


NB asked for feedback on the new Guides.

VSCode Extension

Release Planning

VSCode 1.3.7 Release

It includes the VDM to UML translation and the updates to VDMJ

Version 1.3.7 has been released, with patches to VDMJ and UML jars.

Community Development

Overture Traffic

See download stats on the downloads page.

The old Eclipse download page will be updated to deprecate Overture Eclipse in favour of VDM VSCode.

OVT-20 and OVT-21

OVT-21 is already under way. PC invitations were made, and mostly accepted. The CFP is awaiting approval by Easychair.

Publications Status and Plans

Also see Planned Publications.

It was agreed that people should review and update this page with their planned papers.

Any Other Business

Meeting dates 2023: