Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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NetMeeting Default Template

Date 22 May 2022, 12:00 CET
Participants AA, BB, …, CC. Minutes by DD.

Review Status of the Action List

See Net Meeting Actions

Overture Language Board Status

RC50 Inconsistency with eq_T and ord_T signatures

The language board needs input from the community with regard to RC #49 and RC #50.

The language board has been working on these issues, and the discussion needs inputs from language users.

Status of ViennaTalk Development

Major release Graz

FRAM (Functional Resonance Analysis Method) collaboration support is added. FRAM models collaborations as functions/activities in an organization mutually coupled through 6 aspects (input, output, time, precondition, control and resource). Functions/activities in a model can be imported into a VDM source as skeltons of operation definitions, and also operations in a VDM source can be merged into a FRAM model. Traceability between VDM and FRAM is maintained through annotations in VDM and comments in FRAM.

Status of the Overture Components

Component 1

details about it

Release Planning

VSCode 1.3.3 Released last week

Many of the recently added features are now available for users (e.g. FMI Import/Export).


Community Development

Overture Traffic

See download stats on the downloads page


Strategic Research Agenda

The Strategic Research Agenda is reviewed every other NetMeeting.

Publications Status and Plans

Also see Planned Publications.

In preparation:

In review:

In press:

Any Other Business