Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Overture NetMeeting 127

Date 02 May 2021, 12:00 CET
Participants PGL, NB, HM, JR, KP, TO. Minutes by NB.

Review Status of the Action List

See Net Meeting Actions

Overture Language Board Status

Open Requests

KP gave a summary of the current open Requests for Clarification and Modification with the Language Board.

The full list of open issues is here.

Status of VDMTools/ViennaTalk


No major updates


Status of the Overture Components

VDM for VSCode

Release Planning

Now that a new VSCode feature has been added, it was decided to schedule a new release of the extension, and in future to follow a “rolling release” style, where releases are made on a frequent basis, with small functional enhancements.

It was suggested that the VSCode extension is moved from a JR private Github account to either INTO-CPS or (more likely) OvertureTool. HM/JR to progress.

Community Development

Overture Traffic

See download stats on the downloads page

For VSCode see status on the extension page

Overture Workshop

The CFP is out and everyone is encouraged to submit paper proposals.

Strategic Research Agenda

The Strategic Research Agenda is reviewed every other NetMeeting. No progress this time.

Publications Status and Plans

Planned Publications will be updated by HM.

Any Other Business

PGL stated his intention to stand down as the Convener of these Overture net meetings, handing the batton over to HM. We thank Peter for his efforts over the years and look forward to working with Hugo in the chair in future. Peter will, of course, still be involved with Overture as far as possible.