Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Net Meeting 115

Date 13 May 2018, 00:00 CEST
Participants PGL, MV, TO, SS, PJ, JF. Minutes by PJ.

Review Status of the Action List

The list of open actions is available here.

Overture Language Board Status

The minutes from today’s LB NM are available here.

In addition, the LB is happy to announce that we have completed a process for library submissions. Using this workflow it is now possible to submit suggestions for library entries (which was not previously possible).

Status of VDMTools Development


Preparing the next release.


No release plans.

Status of the Overture Components

See Overture release planning.



Release Planning


Next release of Overture, version 2.6.2, is due by May 18. A release candidate will be send out on May 9. A list of issues addressed since the last release can be found here. In addition, Andres Toom has reported a bug in the VDM-SL-to-Java/JML generator that has also been fixed.


No release plans.

Community Development

Core NM Dates

Upcoming core meetings are listed here.

The Overture workshop

All of the papers have been reviewed, and the Discussion phase has ended. Announcements will be send out tonight. A preliminary workshop programme is ready and will be announced later today. To enable discussion, the proceedings will be available before the workshop.

Please see the workshop page for additional details.

Reviving the Overture Strategic Research Agenda

The workshop organisers will prepare ahead of time, by email and other means so people not present can contribute. The SRA will bring together results from the previous two workshops. Specifically, the we intend to explore 5 themes:

Publications Status and Plans

See Planned Publications.

Any Other Business

Feedback on the workshop is appreciated. Please send your input to Marcel.