Author: Nick Battle
This example was produced by Nick Battle and it is used in the VDMJ user
manual to illustrate different features of VDMJ. It models the behaviour
of the 32-bit shared memory quadrants of HP-UX, using a record type M to
represent a block of memory which is either
The specification output indicates which allocation policy, first-fit or best-fit (or neither), produces the most memory fragmentation.
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
Entry point : | M`main(5,100) |
module M
exports all
Quadrant = seq of M;
--inv Q ==
-- forall a in seq Q &
-- (not exists b in set elems Q \ {a} &
-- (b.start >= a.start and b.start <= a.stop) or
-- (b.stop >= a.start and b.stop <= a.stop));
M :: type : <USED> | <FREE>
start: nat
stop : nat
inv mk_M(-, a, b) == (b >= a)
state Memory of
rseed: nat
Q3: Quadrant
Q4: Quadrant
inv mk_Memory(-, q3, q4) == len q3 > 0 and len q4 > 0
init q ==
q = mk_Memory(87654321,
[mk_M(<FREE>, 0, MAXMEM-1)],
[mk_M(<FREE>, 0, MAXMEM-1)])
MAXMEM = 10000;
CHUNK = 100;
sizeof: M -> nat1
sizeof(m) ==
m.stop - m.start + 1;
least: nat1 * nat1 -> nat1
least(a, b) ==
if a < b
then a
else b;
spacefor: nat1 * Quadrant -> nat1
spacefor(size, Q) ==
cases Q:
[] -> MAXMEM + 1,
[h] ^ tail -> if h.type = <FREE> and sizeof(h) >= size
then sizeof(h)
else spacefor(size, tail)
measure QuadrantLen;
QuadrantLen: nat1 * Quadrant -> nat
QuadrantLen(-,list) ==
len list;
bestfit: nat1 * Quadrant -> nat1
bestfit(size, Q) ==
cases Q:
-- as we're looking for the smallest
[] -> MAXMEM + 1,
[h] ^ tail -> if h.type = <FREE> and sizeof(h) >= size
then least(sizeof(h), bestfit(size, tail))
else bestfit(size, tail)
measure QuadrantLen;
add: nat1 * nat1 * Quadrant -> Quadrant
add(size, hole, Q) ==
cases Q:
[h] ^ tail -> if h.type = <FREE> and sizeof(h) = hole
then if hole = size
then [mk_M(<USED>, h.start, h.stop)] ^ tail
else [mk_M(<USED>, h.start, h.start + size - 1),
mk_M(<FREE>, h.start + size, h.stop)] ^ tail
else [h] ^ add(size, hole, tail),
others -> Q
pre hole >= size
measure QuadrantLen2;
QuadrantLen2: nat1 * nat1 * Quadrant -> nat
QuadrantLen2(-,-,list) ==
len list;
combine: Quadrant -> Quadrant
combine(Q) ==
cases Q:
[h1, h2] ^ tail ->
if h1.type = <FREE> and h2.type = <FREE>
then combine([mk_M(<FREE>, h1.start, h2.stop)] ^ tail)
else [h1] ^ combine(tl Q),
others -> Q
measure QuadrantLen0;
QuadrantLen0: Quadrant -> nat
QuadrantLen0(list) ==
len list;
delete: M * Quadrant -> Quadrant
delete(item, Q) ==
if hd Q = item
then combine([mk_M(<FREE>, item.start, item.stop)] ^ tl Q)
else [hd Q] ^ delete(item, tl Q)
measure MQuadrantLen;
MQuadrantLen: M * Quadrant -> nat
MQuadrantLen(-,list) ==
len list;
fragments: Quadrant -> nat
fragments(Q) ==
card {x | x in seq Q & x.type = <FREE>} - 1;
seed: nat1 ==> ()
seed(n) ==
rseed := n;
inc: () ==> ()
inc() ==
for i = 1 to rseed mod 7 + 3
rseed := (rseed * 69069 + 5) mod 4294967296;
rand: nat1 ==> nat1
rand(n) ==
return rseed mod n + 1;
FirstFit: nat1 ==> bool
FirstFit(size) ==
(let q4 = spacefor(size, Q4)
if q4 <= MAXMEM
then Q4 := add(size, q4, Q4)
else let q3 = spacefor(size, Q3)
if q3 <= MAXMEM
then Q3 := add(size, q3, Q3)
else return false;
return true;
BestFit: nat1 ==> bool
BestFit(size) ==
(let q4 = bestfit(size, Q4)
if q4 <= MAXMEM
then Q4 := add(size, q4, Q4)
else let q3 = bestfit(size, Q3)
if q3 <= MAXMEM
then Q3 := add(size, q3, Q3)
else return false;
return true;
Reset: () ==> ()
Reset() ==
(Q3 := [mk_M(<FREE>, 0, MAXMEM-1)];
Q4 := [mk_M(<FREE>, 0, MAXMEM-1)];
DeleteOne: () ==> ()
DeleteOne() ==
(if rand(2) = 1
then let i = rand(len Q3)
if Q3(i).type = <USED>
then Q3 := delete(Q3(i), Q3)
else DeleteOne()
else let i = rand(len Q4)
if Q4(i).type = <USED>
then Q4 := delete(Q4(i), Q4)
else DeleteOne()
pre (exists m in seq Q3 & m.type = <USED>) or
(exists m in seq Q4 & m.type = <USED>);
TryFirst: nat ==> nat
TryFirst(loops) ==
(dcl count:int := 0;
while count < loops and FirstFit(rand(CHUNK))
(if count > 50
then DeleteOne();
count := count + 1;
-- return count;
return fragments(Q3) + fragments(Q4);
TryBest: nat ==> nat
TryBest(loops) ==
(dcl count:int := 0;
while count < loops and BestFit(rand(CHUNK))
(if count > 50
then DeleteOne();
count := count + 1;
-- return count;
return fragments(Q3) + fragments(Q4);
main: nat1 * nat1 ==> seq of (<BEST> | <FIRST> | <SAME>)
main(tries, loops) ==
(dcl result: seq of (<BEST> | <FIRST> | <SAME>) := [];
for i = 1 to tries
(dcl best:int, first:int;
best := TryBest(loops);
first := TryFirst(loops);
if best = first
then result := result ^ [<SAME>]
elseif best > first
then result := result ^ [<BEST>]
else result := result ^ [<FIRST>];
return result;
end M