Overture Tool

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Author: Anne Maarsel

This specification is for a bibliography database. It has been written by Anne Maarsel when she was a student working at OECD Halden Reator Project in the Summer of 1998. Note that this specification can be improved in various ways. First of all it introduces post-conditions that are not really adding much value since they are virtually identical to the explicit bodies. In addition the use of an optional type instead of would be appropriate here.

Properties Values
Language Version: classic
Entry point : DEFAULT`isnumber(42)



Id = nat;
String = seq of char|<nil>;
Edition = nat|<nil>
inv e == e in set {1,...,50} union {<nil>};
Month = nat|<nil>
inv e == e in set {1,...,12} union {<nil>};
Number = nat1|<nil>;
Pages = nat1|<nil>;
Series = nat1|<nil>;
Volume = nat1|<nil>;
Year = nat|<nil>
inv e == e in set {1800,...,1998} union {<nil>};

Article::id	:Id
	author	:String
	journal	:String
	month	:Month
	note	:String
	number	:Number
	pages	:Pages
	title	:String
	volume	:Volume	
	year	:Year;

Book::	id	:Id
	address	:String
	author	:String
	edition	:Edition
	editor	:String
	month	:Month
	note	:String
	series	:Series
	title	:String
	volume	:Volume	
	year	:Year;

Inproceeding::	id	:Id
		address	:String
		author	:String
		editor	:String
		month	:Month
		note	:String
		pages	:Pages
		title	:String
		year	:Year;	

Manual::id	:Id
	address	:String
	author	:String
	edition	:Edition
	month	:Month
	note	:String
	title	:String
	year	:Year;

Techreport::	id	:Id
		address	:String
		author	:String
		month	:Month
		note	:String
		number	:Number
		title	:String
		type	:String
		year	:Year;

Record =  Article | Book | Inproceeding | Manual | Techreport;

Recordtype = <article> | <book> | <inproceeding> | <manual> | <techreport>;

Value = Id | String | Edition | Month | Number | Pages | 
	Series | Volume | Year;

Valuetype = <id> | <address> | <author> | <booktitle> | <edition> | 
	<editor> | <institution> | <journal> | <month> | <note> | 
	<number> | <organization> | <pages> | <publisher> | <series> | 
	<title> | <type> | <volume> | <year>;

state mgd of
dB:set of Record
init dB==dB=mk_mgd({})


field: Recordtype +> set of Valuetype
  required(rt) union optional(rt)
post RESULT=required(rt) union optional(rt);

get: set of Record*Id +> Record
  let record in set dB 
	if record.id=i 
	then record 
	else get(dB\{record},i)	
pre	i in set usedIds(dB) 
post RESULT.id=i and RESULT in set dB
measure card db;
getvalue: Valuetype*set of Record*Id +> Value
	cases valuetype:
		<title>	->		get(dB,i).title,
		<author> ->		get(dB,i).author,
		<journal> ->		get(dB,i).journal,
		<year> ->		get(dB,i).year,
		<booktitle> ->		get(dB,i).booktitle,
		<institution> ->	get(dB,i).institution,
		<publisher> ->		get(dB,i).publisher
pre	i in set usedIds(dB) and
	valuetype in set {<title>,<author>,<journal>,<year>,<booktitle>,
post 	valuetype=<title>	and RESULT=get(dB,i).title or
	valuetype=<author>	and RESULT=get(dB,i).author or
	valuetype=<journal>	and RESULT=get(dB,i).journal or 
	valuetype=<year>	and RESULT=get(dB,i).year or
	valuetype=<booktitle>	and RESULT=get(dB,i).booktitle or
	valuetype=<institution>	and RESULT=get(dB,i).institution or
	valuetype=<publisher>	and RESULT=get(dB,i).publisher;

iscomplete :set of Record*Id +> bool
  required(recordtype(dB,i))={f|f in set required(recordtype(dB,i)) 
                               & not isempty(getvalue(f,dB,i))}
pre	i in set usedIds(dB) 
post (forall x in set required(recordtype(dB,i)) & 
	     not isempty(getvalue(x,dB,i))) <=> RESULT;

isedition: Value +> bool
	v in set {1,...,50} or v=<nil>;

isempty: Value +> bool
	if value=<nil> then true
	else false
post value=<nil> <=> RESULT;

isidentical: set of Record +> bool
	if dB={} then false 
	else let record1 in set dB in 
	if iscomplete(dB,record1.id) 
	then isidentical2(dB,dB\{record1},dB,record1)
	else isidentical(dB\{record1})
post 	(exists i,j in set usedIds(dB) & i<>j and iscomplete(dB,i) 
	and iscomplete (dB,j) 
	and recordtype(dB,i)=recordtype(dB,j) and
	forall x in set required(recordtype(dB,i)) 
	& getvalue(x,dB,i)=getvalue(x,dB,j)) <=> RESULT;

isidentical2: set of Record*set of Record*set of Record*Record +>bool
	if dB2={} then isidentical(dB1\{record1}) 
	else let record2 in set dB2 in
	if iscomplete(olddB,record2.id) then
	else isidentical2(dB1,dB2\{record2},olddB,record1);

isidentical3: set of Record*set of Record*set of Record*Record*
              Record*set of Valuetype +> bool
	if requiredfields={} then true
	else let field in set requiredfields in
	if getvalue(field,olddB,record1.id)<>
	then isidentical2(dB1,dB2\{record2},olddB,record1)
	else isidentical3(dB1,dB2,olddB,record1,record2,requiredfields\{field});

ismonth: Value +> bool
	--v in set {1,...,12} or v=<nil>;

isnumber: Value +> bool
	is_nat(v) or v=<nil>;

ispages: Value +> bool
	is_nat(v) or v=<nil>;

isstring: Value +> bool
  if not is_real(v) 
  then if v=[] 
       then true
       elseif is_char(hd(v)) 
       then isstring(tl(v))
       else false
  else false;
issubstring: String*String +> bool
	if string1=[] then true 
	elseif string2=[] or string1=<nil> or string2=<nil> then false
	elseif hd(string1)=hd(string2) 
	then issubstring2(tl(string1),tl(string2),string1)
	else issubstring(string1,tl(string2))
post	(not (string2=<nil>)) and (exists i,j in set inds(string2) 
	& substring(string2,i,j)=string1) <=> RESULT;

issubstring2: String*String*String +> bool
	if string1=[] then true 
	elseif string2=[] then false
	elseif hd(string1)=hd(string2) 
	then issubstring2(tl(string1),tl(string2),oldstring1)
	else issubstring(oldstring1,string2);

isvalueoffield: Value*Valuetype +> bool
	cases f:
		<address> ->	isstring(v),
		<author> ->	isstring(v), 
		<booktitle> ->	isstring(v),
		<edition> ->	isedition(v),
		<editor> ->	isstring(v),
		<institution> ->isstring(v),
		<journal> ->	isstring(v), 
		<month>	->	ismonth(v),
		<note> ->	isstring(v),
		<number> ->	isnumber(v),
		<organization> ->isstring(v),
		<pages> ->	ispages(v),
		<publisher> ->	isstring(v),
		<title>	->	isstring(v),
		<type> ->	isstring(v),
		<volume> ->	isvolume(v),
		<year> ->	isyear(v)
post 	((f=<address> 	and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<author> 	and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<booktitle> 	and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<edition> 	and exists x:Edition & x=v) or
	(f=<editor> 	and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<institution> and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<journal> 	and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<month> 	and exists x:Month & x=v) or
	(f=<note> 	and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<number> 	and exists x:Number & x=v) or
	(f=<organization>and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<pages> 	and exists x:Pages & x=v) or
	(f=<publisher> 	and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<title> 	and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<type> 	and exists x:String & x=v) or
	(f=<volume> 	and exists x:Volume & x=v) or
	(f=<year> 	and exists x:Year & x=v)) <=> RESULT;

isvolume: Value +> bool
	is_nat(v) or v=<nil>;

isyear: Value +> bool
	v in set {1800,...,1998} or v=<nil>;

optional: Recordtype +> set of Valuetype
	cases rt:
		<article> 	-> {<volume>,<number>,<month>,<note>},
		<book>		-> {<volume>,<series>,<address>,
		<inproceeding>	-> {<editor>,<pages>,<organization>,
		<manual>	-> {<edition>,<note>,<organization>,<month>,
		<techreport>	-> {<number>,<note>,<type>,<month>,<address>}
post 	rt = <article>		
	and RESULT={<volume>,<number>,<month>,<note>} or
	rt = <book>		
	and RESULT={<volume>,<series>,<address>,<edition>,<month>,<note>,
		<publisher>} or
 	rt = <inproceeding>	
	and RESULT={<editor>,<pages>,<organization>,<publisher>,<address>,
		<pages>,<organization>} or
	rt = <manual>		
	and RESULT={<edition>,<note>,<organization>,<month>,<address>,
		<author>,<organization>,<year>} or
	rt = <techreport>	
	and RESULT={<number>,<note>,<type>,<month>,<address>};

recordtype: set of Record*Id +> Recordtype
	if is_Article(get(dB,i)) 		then <article> 
	elseif is_Book(get(dB,i))	 	then <book> 
	elseif is_Inproceeding(get(dB,i)) 	then <inproceeding> 
	elseif is_Manual(get(dB,i))	 	then <manual> 
	else <techreport>
pre	i in set usedIds(dB)
post 	is_Article(get(dB,i)) 		and RESULT=<article> or
	is_Book(get(dB,i))	 	and RESULT=<book> or
	is_Inproceeding(get(dB,i)) 	and RESULT=<inproceeding> or
	is_Manual(get(dB,i))	 	and RESULT=<manual> or
	is_Techreport(get(dB,i))  	and RESULT=<techreport>;

required: Recordtype +> set of Valuetype
	cases rt:
		<article> 	-> {<title>,<author>,<journal>,<year>},
		<book>		-> {<title>,<author>,<publisher>,<year>},
		<inproceeding>	-> {<title>,<author>,<booktitle>,<year>},
		<manual>	-> {<title>},
		<techreport>	-> {<title>,<author>,<institution>,<year>}
post 	rt = <article>		
	and RESULT={<title>,<author>,<journal>,<year>} or
	rt = <book>		
	and RESULT={<title>,<author>,<publisher>,<year>} or
 	rt = <inproceeding>	
	and RESULT={<title>,<author>,<booktitle>,<year>} or
	rt = <manual>		
	and RESULT={<title>} or
	rt = <techreport>	
	and RESULT={<title>,<author>,<institution>,<year>};

substring(s:String,i:nat1,j:nat1) r:String
pre	i<j and j<=len(s)
post	exists s1,s2:String & len(s1)=i-1 and len(s2)=len(s)-j 
	and s=s1^r^s2;

usedIds: set of Record +> set of Id
post 	forall x in set dB & x.id in set RESULT and
	forall i in set RESULT & exists x in set dB & x.id = i;

idset: set of Record*set of Id +> set of Id
  if dB={} 
  then ids
  else let record in set dB 
	     idset(dB\{record},ids union {record.id})
measure card dB;

CREATE: Recordtype ==> Id
(dcl i:nat1:=1;
i in set usedIds(dB) do i:=i+1);
	cases e:
		<article> 	-> dB:=dB union 
		<book>  	-> dB:=dB union 
		<inproceeding>	-> dB:=dB union 
		<manual>	-> dB:=dB union 
		<techreport>	-> dB:=dB union 
return i)

post 	RESULT not in set usedIds(dB~) and 
	e=<article> and 
	dB=dB~ union {mk_Article(RESULT,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,
	or e=<book> and 
	dB=dB~ union {mk_Book(RESULT,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,
	or e=<inproceeding> and 
	dB=dB~ union {mk_Inproceeding(RESULT,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,
	or e=<manual> and
	dB=dB~ union {mk_Manual(RESULT,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,
	or e=<techreport>  and 
	dB=dB~ union {mk_Techreport(RESULT,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,<nil>,

(if i in set usedIds(dB) and f in set field(recordtype(dB,i)) and 
then (cases f:
	<address>	-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),address|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<author>	-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),author|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<booktitle>	-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),booktitle|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<edition>	-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),edition|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<editor>	-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),editor|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<institution>	-> let urecord=
				{mu(get(dB,i),institution|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<journal>	-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),journal|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<month>		-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),month|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<note>		-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),note|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<number>	-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),number|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<organization>	-> let urecord=
				{mu(get(dB,i),organization|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<pages>		-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),pages|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<publisher>	-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),publisher|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<title>		-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),title|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<type>		-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),type|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<volume>	-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),volume|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord,
	<year>		-> let urecord={mu(get(dB,i),year|->v)} in  
				dB:=(dB\{get(dB,i)}) union urecord
if iscomplete(dB,i) and isidentical(dB) 
then (DELETE(i); error;)))
ext wr 	dB:set of Record
pre 	i in set usedIds(dB) and
	f in set field(recordtype(dB,i)) and
	isvalueoffield(v,f) and
	not (iscomplete(dB,i) and isidentical(dB))
post	getvalue(f,dB,i)=v and 
	dB\{get(dB,i)}=dB~\{get(dB~,i)} and
	forall x in set field(recordtype(dB,i))\{f} & 

COMPLETE: Id ==> bool
	return iscomplete(dB,i)
pre 	i in set usedIds(dB)
post	iscomplete(dB,i) <=> RESULT;

	if i in set usedIds(dB)
	then dB:=dB\{get(dB,i)}
ext wr 	dB:set of Record
pre 	i in set usedIds(dB)
post	dB~=dB union {get(dB~,i)};

SEARCH: String ==> set of Id
 (dcl ids:set of Id:={};
  for all record in set dB do
    if issubstring(a,record.author) 
    then ids:=ids union {record.id}
    else ids:=ids;
	return ids)
post forall i in set RESULT & issubstring(a,get(dB,i).author)
	and not exists record in set dB & 
	(record.id not in set RESULT and 

GET: Id ==> Record
	return get(dB,i)
pre 	i in set usedIds(dB)
post	RESULT=get(dB,i);