Author: Bernhard K. Aichernig and Andreas Kerschbaumer
This example is made by Bernhard K. Aichernig and Andreas Kerschbaumer and it contains a VDM model for a Static and Dynamic Semantics of a Simple Programming Language. The example has been an assignment in the exercises of the software technology course at the Technical University Graz, Austria.
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
Entry point : | Test`RunTypeCheck() |
Entry point : | Test`RunEval() |
module STATSEM
imports from AST all
exports all
StatEnv = map AST`Identifier to AST`Type;
wf_Program : AST`Program -> bool
wf_Program(mk_AST`Program(decls, stmt)) ==
wf_Declarations(decls) and wf_Stmt(stmt, get_Declarations(decls));
wf_Declarations : seq of AST`Declaration -> bool
wf_Declarations(decls) ==
(forall i1, i2 in set inds decls &
i1 <> i2 => decls(i1).id <> decls(i2).id) and
(forall d in seq decls &
d.val <> nil =>
((is_AST`BoolVal(d.val) and = <BoolType>) or
(is_AST`IntVal(d.val) and = <IntType>)));
get_Declarations : seq of AST`Declaration -> StatEnv
get_Declarations(decls) ==
{id |-> tp | mk_AST`Declaration(id, tp, -) in seq decls};
wf_Stmt : AST`Stmt * StatEnv -> bool
wf_Stmt(stmt, senv) ==
cases true :
(is_AST`BlockStmt(stmt)) -> wf_BlockStmt(stmt, senv),
(is_AST`AssignStmt(stmt)) -> let mk_(wf_ass, -) =
wf_AssignStmt(stmt, senv)
in wf_ass,
(is_AST`CondStmt(stmt)) -> wf_CondStmt(stmt, senv),
(is_AST`ForStmt(stmt)) -> wf_ForStmt(stmt, senv),
(is_AST`RepeatStmt(stmt)) -> wf_RepeatStmt(stmt, senv),
others -> false
wf_BlockStmt : AST`BlockStmt * StatEnv -> bool
wf_BlockStmt(mk_AST`BlockStmt(decls, stmts), senv) ==
wf_Declarations(decls) and
wf_Stmts(stmts, senv ++ get_Declarations(decls));
wf_Stmts : seq of AST`Stmt * StatEnv -> bool
wf_Stmts(stmts, senv) ==
forall stmt in seq stmts & wf_Stmt(stmt, senv);
wf_AssignStmt : AST`AssignStmt * StatEnv -> bool * [AST`Type]
wf_AssignStmt(mk_AST`AssignStmt(lhs, rhs), senv) ==
let mk_(wf_var, tp_var) = wf_Variable(lhs, senv),
mk_(wf_ex, tp_ex) = wf_Expr(rhs, senv)
in mk_(wf_ex and wf_var and tp_var = tp_ex, tp_var);
wf_CondStmt : AST`CondStmt * StatEnv -> bool
wf_CondStmt(mk_AST`CondStmt(guard, thenst, elsest), senv) ==
let mk_(wf_ex, tp_ex) = wf_Expr(guard, senv)
in wf_ex and tp_ex = <BoolType> and
wf_Stmt(thenst, senv) and wf_Stmt(elsest, senv);
wf_RepeatStmt : AST`RepeatStmt * StatEnv -> bool
wf_RepeatStmt(mk_AST`RepeatStmt(repeat, until), senv) ==
let mk_(wf_ex, tp_ex) = wf_Expr(until, senv)
in wf_ex and tp_ex = <BoolType> and wf_Stmt(repeat, senv);
wf_ForStmt : AST`ForStmt * StatEnv -> bool
wf_ForStmt(mk_AST`ForStmt(start, stop, stmt), senv) ==
let mk_(wf_ass, tp_ass) = wf_AssignStmt(start, senv),
mk_(wf_ex, tp_ex) = wf_Expr(stop, senv)
in wf_ass and wf_ex and tp_ass = <IntType> and tp_ex = <IntType> and
wf_Stmt(stmt, senv);
wf_Expr : AST`Expr * StatEnv -> bool * [AST`Type]
wf_Expr(ex, senv) ==
cases true :
(is_AST`BoolVal(ex)) -> mk_(true, <BoolType>),
(is_AST`IntVal(ex)) -> mk_(true, <IntType>),
(is_AST`Variable(ex)) -> wf_Variable(ex, senv),
(is_AST`BinaryExpr(ex)) -> wf_BinaryExpr(ex, senv),
others -> mk_(false, <IntType>)
wf_Variable : AST`Variable * StatEnv -> bool * [AST`Type]
wf_Variable(mk_AST`Variable(id), senv) ==
if id in set dom senv
then mk_(true, senv(id))
else mk_(false, nil);
wf_BinaryExpr : AST`BinaryExpr * StatEnv -> bool * [AST`Type]
wf_BinaryExpr(mk_AST`BinaryExpr(lhs, op, rhs), senv) ==
let mk_(wf_lhs, tp_lhs) = wf_Expr(lhs, senv),
mk_(wf_rhs, tp_rhs) = wf_Expr(rhs, senv)
in cases op :
<Add>, <Sub>, <Div>, <Mul> ->
mk_(wf_lhs and wf_rhs and
tp_lhs = <IntType> and tp_rhs = <IntType>,
<Lt>, <Gt>, <Eq> ->
mk_(wf_lhs and wf_rhs and
tp_lhs = <IntType> and tp_rhs = <IntType>,
<And>, <Or> ->
mk_(wf_lhs and wf_rhs and
tp_lhs = <BoolType> and tp_rhs = <BoolType>,
others -> mk_(false, nil)
module DYNSEM
from AST all,
from STATSEM all
exports all
DynEnv = map AST`Identifier to AST`Value;
EvalProgram : AST`Program -> DynEnv
EvalProgram(mk_AST`Program(decls, stmt)) ==
EvalStmt(stmt, EvalDeclarations(decls))
pre STATSEM`wf_Program(mk_AST`Program(decls, stmt)) and
pre_EvalStmt(stmt, EvalDeclarations(decls));
EvalDeclarations : seq of AST`Declaration -> DynEnv
EvalDeclarations(decls) ==
{id |-> if val <> nil
then val
elseif tp = <BoolType>
then mk_AST`BoolVal(false)
else mk_AST`IntVal(0)
| mk_AST`Declaration(id, tp, val) in seq decls};
EvalStmt : AST`Stmt * DynEnv -> DynEnv
EvalStmt(stmt, denv) ==
cases true :
(is_AST`BlockStmt(stmt)) -> EvalBlockStmt(stmt, denv),
(is_AST`AssignStmt(stmt)) -> EvalAssignStmt(stmt, denv),
(is_AST`CondStmt(stmt)) -> EvalCondStmt(stmt, denv),
(is_AST`ForStmt(stmt)) -> EvalForStmt(stmt, denv),
(is_AST`RepeatStmt(stmt)) -> EvalRepeatStmt(stmt, denv)
pre (is_AST`BlockStmt(stmt) => pre_EvalBlockStmt(stmt, denv)) and
(is_AST`AssignStmt(stmt) => pre_EvalAssignStmt(stmt, denv)) and
(is_AST`CondStmt(stmt) => pre_EvalCondStmt(stmt, denv)) and
(is_AST`ForStmt(stmt) => pre_EvalForStmt(stmt, denv)) and
(is_AST`RepeatStmt(stmt) => pre_EvalRepeatStmt(stmt, denv));
EvalBlockStmt : AST`BlockStmt * DynEnv -> DynEnv
EvalBlockStmt(mk_AST`BlockStmt(decls, stmts), denv) ==
let ldenv = EvalDeclarations(decls) in
let denv' = EvalStmts(stmts, denv ++ ldenv) in
denv ++ dom ldenv <-: denv'
pre let ldenv = EvalDeclarations(decls)
in pre_EvalStmts(stmts, denv ++ ldenv);
EvalStmts : seq of AST`Stmt * DynEnv -> DynEnv
EvalStmts(stmts, denv) ==
cases stmts :
[] -> denv,
others -> EvalStmts(tl stmts, EvalStmt(hd stmts, denv))
pre stmts <> [] => pre_EvalStmt(hd stmts, denv)
measure len stmts;
EvalAssignStmt : AST`AssignStmt * DynEnv -> DynEnv
EvalAssignStmt(mk_AST`AssignStmt(lhs, rhs), denv) ==
denv ++ { |-> EvalExpr(rhs, denv)}
pre pre_EvalExpr(rhs, denv);
EvalCondStmt : AST`CondStmt * DynEnv -> DynEnv
EvalCondStmt(mk_AST`CondStmt(guard, thenst, elsest), denv) ==
if EvalExpr(guard, denv).val
then EvalStmt(thenst, denv)
else EvalStmt(elsest, denv)
pre pre_EvalExpr(guard, denv) and
if EvalExpr(guard, denv).val
then pre_EvalStmt(thenst, denv)
else pre_EvalStmt(elsest, denv);
EvalRepeatStmt : AST`RepeatStmt * DynEnv -> DynEnv
EvalRepeatStmt(mk_AST`RepeatStmt(repeat, until), denv) ==
let denv' = EvalStmt(repeat, denv) in
if EvalExpr(until, denv').val
then denv'
else EvalRepeatStmt(mk_AST`RepeatStmt(repeat, until), denv')
pre pre_EvalStmt(repeat, denv) and
pre_EvalExpr(until, EvalStmt(repeat, denv));
EvalForStmt : AST`ForStmt * DynEnv -> DynEnv
EvalForStmt(mk_AST`ForStmt(start, stop, stmt), denv) ==
let denv' = EvalAssignStmt(start, denv) in
EvalForLoop(start.lhs, EvalExpr(stop, denv'), stmt, denv')
pre pre_EvalAssignStmt(start, denv) and
pre_EvalExpr(stop, EvalAssignStmt(start, denv));
EvalForLoop : AST`Variable * AST`Value * AST`Stmt * DynEnv -> DynEnv
EvalForLoop(mk_AST`Variable(id), val, stmt, denv) ==
if denv(id).val <= val.val
then let denv' = EvalStmt(stmt, denv)
in EvalForLoop(mk_AST`Variable(id), val, stmt,
denv' ++ {id |-> mk_AST`IntVal(denv'(id).val + 1)})
else denv
pre pre_EvalStmt(stmt, denv)
measure LoopParInc;
LoopParInc: AST`Variable * AST`Value * AST`Stmt * DynEnv -> nat
LoopParInc(mk_AST`Variable(id), val, -, denv) ==
val.val - denv(id).val;
EvalExpr : AST`Expr * DynEnv -> AST`Value
EvalExpr(ex, denv) ==
cases ex :
mk_AST`IntVal(-) -> ex,
mk_AST`Variable(id) -> denv(id),
mk_AST`BinaryExpr(-,-,-) -> EvalBinaryExpr(ex, denv)
pre is_AST`BinaryExpr(ex) => pre_EvalBinaryExpr(ex, denv);
EvalBinaryExpr : AST`BinaryExpr * DynEnv -> AST`Value
EvalBinaryExpr(mk_AST`BinaryExpr(lhs, op, rhs), denv) ==
let v1 = EvalExpr(lhs, denv).val,
v2 = EvalExpr(rhs, denv).val
in cases op :
<Add> -> mk_AST`IntVal(v1 + v2),
<Sub> -> mk_AST`IntVal(v1 - v2),
<Div> -> mk_AST`IntVal(v1 div v2),
<Mul> -> mk_AST`IntVal(v1 * v2),
<Lt> -> mk_AST`BoolVal(v1 < v2),
<Gt> -> mk_AST`BoolVal(v1 > v2),
<Eq> -> mk_AST`BoolVal(v1 = v2),
<And> -> mk_AST`BoolVal(v1 and v2),
<Or> -> mk_AST`BoolVal(v1 or v2)
pre op = <Div> => EvalExpr(rhs, denv).val <> 0;
module AST
exports all
Program :: decls : seq of Declaration
stmt : Stmt;
Declaration :: id : Identifier
tp : Type
val : [Value];
Identifier = seq1 of char;
Type = <BoolType> | <IntType> ;
Value = BoolVal | IntVal;
BoolVal :: val : bool;
IntVal :: val : int;
Stmt = BlockStmt | AssignStmt | CondStmt | ForStmt | RepeatStmt;
BlockStmt :: decls : seq of Declaration
stmts : seq1 of Stmt;
AssignStmt :: lhs : Variable
rhs : Expr;
Variable :: id : Identifier;
Expr = BinaryExpr | Value | Variable;
BinaryExpr :: lhs : Expr
op : Operator
rhs : Expr;
Operator = <Add> | <Sub> | <Div> | <Mul> | <Lt> | <Gt> | <Eq> | <And> | <Or>;
CondStmt :: guard : Expr
thenst : Stmt
elsest : Stmt;
ForStmt :: start : AssignStmt
stop : Expr
stmt : Stmt;
RepeatStmt :: repeat : Stmt
until : Expr;
end AST
module Test
from AST all,
from STATSEM all,
from DYNSEM all
exports all
binexpr: AST`Expr =
RunTypeCheck: () -> bool * [AST`Type]
RunTypeCheck() ==
RunEval: () -> AST`Value
RunEval() ==
end Test