Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Author: T.L. McCluskey and Pat Diskin

The specification is of the input language, and the central operations, of a domain-independent, partial order, constraint posting goal directed planner. It is essentially a model-based version of Chapmanā€™s TWEAK (1), and is used as a case study on VDM courses at the Univ. of Huddersfield. It is described fully, and prototyped in Prolog, in (2).

Planning for Conjunctive Goals, D.Chapman, AI Journal no 32, 1987.

The Construction of Formal Specifications: an Introduction to the Model-Based and Algebraic Approaches, J.Turner and McCluskey, McGraw-Hill Software Engineering Series, London. ISBN 0-07-707735-0.

Properties Values
Language Version: classic



	Literal = seq of token; 
	State = set of Literal;
	Goal = set of Literal;
	Action :: name : Literal
		pra	 : set of Literal
		add	 : set of Literal
		del	 : set of Literal;
	Planning_Problem :: AS : set of Action
		          I : State
		          G : Goal

	inv  mk_Planning_Problem ( AS, I, G) ==
	forall l in set G &
		 (l in set I or 
		exists A in set AS & l in set
	not (G subset I) and
	forall A in set AS & not (exists p : Literal & p in set A.add and
		p in set A.del); 

Action_id = token;
Action_instances = map Action_id to Action;

Arc ::
	  source	: Action_id
          dest    	: Action_id;

Bounded_Poset = set of Arc
inv  p ==
	forall x, y in set get_nodes(p) & 
	not (before(x, y, p) and before(y, x, p)) and
	x <> mk_token("pinit") => before(mk_token("pinit"), x, p) and 
	x <> mk_token("goal") => before(x, mk_token("goal"), p);

 Goal_instance :: 
		   gl : Literal
		   ai : Action_id;

Goal_instances = set of Goal_instance

state Partial_Plan of
	pp: Planning_Problem
	Os: Action_instances
	Ts: Bounded_Poset
	Ps: Goal_instances
	As: Goal_instances
inv  mk_Partial_Plan(pp, Os, Ts, Ps, As)== 
	(Os(mk_token("pinit")) = mk_Action([mk_token("pinit")], { }, pp.I, { })) and
	(Os(mk_token("goal")) = mk_Action([mk_token("goal")], pp.G, { }, { })) and
	rng Os subset pp.AS union {Os(mk_token("pinit")), Os(mk_token("goal"))} and
	dom Os = get_nodes(Ts) and
	As inter Ps = {} and
	forall A in set dom Os & (forall p in set Os(A).pra &  
       		mk_Goal_instance(p, A) in set (Ps union As)) and
	forall gi in set As & exists A in set dom Os & achieve(Os, Ts, A, gi)


get_nodes : set of Arc -> set of Action_id
get_nodes(p) ==
	{a.source | a in set p} union {a.dest | a in set p};

before : Action_id * Action_id * set of Arc -> bool 
before(x, z, p) ==
	mk_Arc(x, z) in set p or
	exists y in set get_nodes(p) & before(x, y, p) and before(y, z, p);

possibly_before : Action_id * Action_id * set of Arc -> bool 
possibly_before(x, z, p) ==
	x <> z and not before(z, x, p);

completion_of : Bounded_Poset * Bounded_Poset -> bool 
completion_of(p, q) ==
	(forall x, y in set get_nodes(p) & before(x, y, q) and before(x, y, p));

initposet: () -> Bounded_Poset
initposet() ==
	{mk_Arc(mk_token("pinit"), mk_token("goal"))};

add_node : Action_id * Bounded_Poset -> Bounded_Poset
add_node(u, p) ==
	p union {mk_Arc(mk_token("pinit"), u), mk_Arc(u, mk_token("goal"))};

make_before : Action_id * Action_id * Bounded_Poset -> Bounded_Poset
make_before(u, v, p) ==
	if possibly_before(u, v, p) and {u, v} subset get_nodes(p)
	then p union {mk_Arc(u, v)} else p;

newid(isa : set of Action_id) i: Action_id 
post i not in set isa;

achieve : Action_instances * Bounded_Poset * Action_id * Goal_instance -> bool 
achieve(Os, Ts, A, mk_Goal_instance(p, O)) ==
	before(A, O, Ts) and
	p in set Os(A).add and
	not (exists C in set dom Os & 
	possibly_before(C, O, Ts) and 
	possibly_before(A, C, Ts) and
	p in set Os(C).del); 

declobber:Action_instances * Bounded_Poset * Action_id * Goal_instance -> bool 
declobber(Os, Ts, NewA, mk_Goal_instance(q, C)) ==
	before(C, NewA, Ts) or
 	not(q in set Os(NewA).del) or
	exists W in set dom Os & 
	(before(NewA, W, Ts) and
	before(W, C, Ts) and
	q in set Os(W).add)


INIT (ppi : Planning_Problem)
ext	wr pp : Planning_Problem
	wr Os : Action_instances
	wr Ts : Bounded_Poset
	wr Ps : Goal_instances
	wr As : Goal_instances
post	pp = ppi and
	Os =  {mk_token("pinit") |->  mk_Action([mk_token("pinit")], { }, 
			ppi.I, { }), 
			 mk_token("goal") |->
				 mk_Action([mk_token ("goal")], ppi.G, { }, { })} and
	Ts = initposet( ) and
	Ps = {mk_Goal_instance(g, mk_token("goal")) | g in set ppi.G} and
	As = { };

ACHIEVE_1(gi : Goal_instance)
ext	rd Os : Action_instances
	wr Ts : Bounded_Poset
	wr Ps : Goal_instances
	wr As : Goal_instances
pre	gi in set Ps
post	exists A in set dom Os & achieve(Os, Ts, A, gi) and
	completion_of (Ts, Ts~) and 
	Ps = Ps~ \{gi} and 
	As = As~ union {gi};

ACHIEVE_2(gi: Goal_instance)
ext	rd pp : Planning_Problem
	wr Os : Action_instances
	wr Ts : Bounded_Poset
	wr Ps : Goal_instances
	wr As : Goal_instances
pre	gi in set Ps
post	let NewA = newid(dom Os~) in
	exists A in set pp.AS & Os = Os~ ++ {NewA |-> A} and
	achieve(Os, Ts, NewA, gi) and
	forall gj in set As~ & declobber(Os, Ts, NewA, gj) and
	completion_of(Ts, add_node(NewA, Ts~)) and 
	Ps = (Ps~ \ {gi}) union {mk_Goal_instance(p, NewA) | p in set A.pra} and
	As = As~ union {gi}