Author: Anne Haxthausen
This model has been translated by Peter Gorm Larsen from a similar model made in the RAISE Specification Language by Anne Haxthausen. It specifies relationships between countries on a map where naboring countries shall be coloured differently.
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | classic |
Entry point : | DEFAULT`colMapExpl({mk_(“Denmark”,”Sweden”),mk_(“Denmark”,”Germany”),mk_(“Germany”,”Poland”)}) |
Country = seq of char;
Relation = set of (Country * Country);
Colour = set of Country;
Colouring = set of Colour;
isRelation: Relation -> bool
isRelation(r) ==
forall mk_(c1,c2) in set r & c1 <> c2;
areNb: Country * Country * Relation -> bool
areNb(cn1,cn2,r) ==
mk_(cn1,cn2) in set r or mk_(cn2,cn1) in set r;
CountriesRel: Relation -> set of Country
CountriesRel(r) ==
dunion {{c1,c2} | mk_(c1,c2) in set r};
sameColour: Country * Country * Colouring -> bool
sameColour(cn1,cn2,cols) ==
exists col in set cols & cn1 in set col and cn2 in set col;
CountriesCol: Colouring -> set of Country
CountriesCol(cols) ==
dunion cols;
isColouring: Colouring -> bool
isColouring(cols) ==
forall col1,col2 in set cols & col1 <> col2 => col1 inter col2 = {};
isColouringOf: Colouring * set of Country -> bool
isColouringOf(cols,cns) ==
CountriesCol(cols) = cns;
nbDistinctColours: Colouring * Relation -> bool
nbDistinctColours(cols,r) ==
forall cn1, cn2 in set CountriesRel(r) &
areNb(cn1,cn2,r) => not sameColour(cn1,cn2,cols);
colMap(r: Relation) cols : Colouring
pre isRelation(r)
post isColouring(cols) and
isColouringOf(cols, CountriesRel(r)) and
nbDistinctColours(cols, r);
canBeExtBy: Colour * Country * Relation -> bool
canBeExtBy(col, c, r) ==
forall c1 in set col & not areNb(c1, c, r);
extndCol: Colouring * Country * Relation -> Colouring
extndCol(cols,c,r) ==
if cols = {}
then {{c}}
else let col in set cols
if canBeExtBy(col,c,r)
then { {c} union col } union cols \ {col}
else { col } union extndCol(cols \ {col}, c, r)
measure card cols;
colCntrs: set of Country * Relation -> Colouring
colCntrs(cs, r) ==
if cs = {}
then {}
else let c in set cs
extndCol(colCntrs(cs\{c}, r), c, r)
measure card cs;
colMapExpl: Relation -> Colouring
colMapExpl(r) ==
colCntrs(CountriesRel(r), r)
pre isRelation(r)