Author: John Fitzgerald
This VDM++ model is a direct transformation from the VDM-SL model presented in the Fitzgerald&Larsen98 book on VDM-SL. The tracker takes care of monitoring and controlling the nuclear material in a plant that takes care of processing such waste material.
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
-- The tracker example
public Tracker :: containers : ContainerInfo
phases : PhaseInfo
inv mk_Tracker(containers,phases) ==
Consistent(containers,phases) and
PhasesDistinguished(phases) and
public ContainerInfo = map ContainerId to Container;
public PhaseInfo = map PhaseId to Phase;
public Container :: fiss_mass : real
material : Material;
public Phase :: contents : set of ContainerId
expected_materials : set of Material
capacity : nat
inv p == card p.contents <= p.capacity and
p.expected_materials <> {};
public ContainerId = token;
public PhaseId = token;
public Material = token
-- introduce a new container to the plant (map union)
Introduce : Tracker * ContainerId * real * Material -> Tracker
Introduce(trk, cid, quan, mat) ==
mk_Tracker(trk.containers munion
{cid |-> mk_Container(quan, mat)},
pre cid not in set dom trk.containers;
-- permission to move (simple Boolean function)
Permission: Tracker * ContainerId * PhaseId -> bool
Permission(mk_Tracker(containers, phases), cid, dest) ==
cid in set dom containers and
dest in set dom phases and
card phases(dest).contents < phases(dest).capacity and
containers(cid).material in set phases(dest).expected_materials;
-- move a known container between two phases
Move : Tracker * ContainerId * PhaseId * PhaseId -> Tracker
Move(trk, cid, ptoid,pfromid) ==
let pha = mk_Phase(trk.phases(ptoid).contents union {cid},
Remove(trk,cid,pfromid).phases ++ {ptoid |-> pha})
pre Permission(trk, cid, ptoid) and pre_Remove(trk,cid,pfromid);
-- remove a container from the contents of a phase
Remove: Tracker * ContainerId * PhaseId -> Tracker
Remove(mk_Tracker(containers, phases), cid, source) ==
let pha = mk_Phase(phases(source).contents \ {cid},
mk_Tracker(containers, phases ++ {source |-> pha})
pre source in set dom phases and
cid in set phases(source).contents;
-- delete a container from the plant
Delete: Tracker * ContainerId * PhaseId -> Tracker
Delete(tkr, cid, source) ==
mk_Tracker({cid} <-: tkr.containers,
Remove(tkr, cid, source).phases)
pre pre_Remove(tkr,cid,source);
-- Auxiliary functions defined for inv-Tracker
Consistent: ContainerInfo * PhaseInfo -> bool
Consistent(containers, phases) ==
forall ph in set rng phases &
ph.contents subset dom containers;
PhasesDistinguished: PhaseInfo -> bool
PhasesDistinguished(phases) ==
not exists p1, p2 in set dom phases &
p1 <> p2 and
phases(p1).contents inter phases(p2).contents <> {};
MaterialSafe: ContainerInfo * PhaseInfo -> bool
MaterialSafe(containers, phases) ==
forall ph in set rng phases &
forall cid in set ph.contents &
cid in set dom containers and
containers(cid).material in set ph.expected_materials;