Author: Peter Gorm Larsen
This VDM++ model is made by Peter Gorm Larsen in 2010 based on the original VDM++ model created many years ago at IFAD.
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
Entry point : | new SortMachine().GoSorting([4,2,5,6,4,42,1,1,99,5]) |
class SortMachine
instance variables
srt: Sorter := new MergeSort();
public SetSort: Sorter ==> ()
SetSort(s) ==
srt := s;
public GoSorting: seq of int ==> seq of int
GoSorting(arr) ==
return srt.Sort(arr);
public SetAndSort: Sorter * seq of int ==> seq of int
SetAndSort(s, arr) ==
( srt := s;
return srt.Sort(arr)
DiffSorting: let srt in set {new DoSort(),new ExplSort(),new ImplSort(),
new MergeSort()}
end SortMachine
class DoSort is subclass of Sorter
public Sort: seq of int ==> seq of int
Sort(l) ==
return DoSorting(l)
DoSorting: seq of int -> seq of int
DoSorting(l) ==
if l = [] then
let sorted = DoSorting (tl l) in
InsertSorted (hd l, sorted)
measure Len;
InsertSorted: int * seq of int -> seq of int
InsertSorted(i,l) ==
cases true :
(l = []) -> [i],
(i <= hd l) -> [i] ^ l,
others -> [hd l] ^ InsertSorted(i,tl l)
measure Len;
Len: seq of int -> nat
Len(list) ==
len list;
Len: int * seq of int -> nat
Len(-,list) ==
len list
end DoSort
class ExplSort is subclass of Sorter
public Sort: seq of int ==> seq of int
Sort(l) ==
let r in set Permutations(l) be st IsOrdered(r) in
return r
Permutations: seq of int -> set of seq of int
Permutations(l) ==
cases l:
[],[-] -> {l},
others -> dunion {{[l(i)]^j |
j in set Permutations(RestSeq(l,i))} |
i in set inds l}
measure Len;
RestSeq: seq of int * nat -> seq of int
RestSeq(l,i) ==
[l(j) | j in set (inds l \ {i})]
pre i in set inds l
post elems RESULT subset elems l and
len RESULT = len l - 1;
IsOrdered: seq of int -> bool
IsOrdered(l) ==
forall i,j in set inds l & i > j => l(i) >= l(j);
Len: seq of int -> nat
Len(list) ==
len list
end ExplSort
class Sorter
Sort: seq of int ==> seq of int
Sort(arg) ==
is subclass responsibility
end Sorter
class MergeSort is subclass of Sorter
public Sort: seq of int ==> seq of int
Sort(l) ==
return MergeSorter(l)
MergeSorter: seq of real -> seq of real
MergeSorter(l) ==
cases l:
[] -> l,
[e] -> l,
others -> let l1^l2 in set {l} be st abs (len l1 - len l2) < 2
let l_l = MergeSorter(l1),
l_r = MergeSorter(l2) in
Merge(l_l, l_r)
measure Len;
Len: seq of real -> nat
Len(list) ==
len list;
Merge: seq of int * seq of int -> seq of int
Merge(l1,l2) ==
cases mk_(l1,l2):
mk_([],l),mk_(l,[]) -> l,
others -> if hd l1 <= hd l2 then
[hd l1] ^ Merge(tl l1, l2)
[hd l2] ^ Merge(l1, tl l2)
pre forall i in set inds l1 & l1(i) >= 0 and
forall i in set inds l2 & l2(i) >= 0
measure Len;
Len: seq of int * seq of int -> nat
Len(list1,list2) ==
len list1 + len list2;
end MergeSort
class ImplSort is subclass of Sorter
public Sort: seq of int ==> seq of int
Sort(l) ==
return ImplSorter(l);
public ImplSorter(l: seq of int) r: seq of int
post IsPermutation(r,l) and IsOrdered(r);
IsPermutation: seq of int * seq of int -> bool
IsPermutation(l1,l2) ==
forall e in set (elems l1 union elems l2) &
card {i | i in set inds l1 & l1(i) = e} =
card {i | i in set inds l2 & l2(i) = e};
IsOrdered: seq of int -> bool
IsOrdered(l) ==
forall i,j in set inds l & i > j => l(i) >= l(j)
end ImplSort