Author: Jeremy Bryans and John Fitzgerald
This specification describes access control and policies for restricting this. Details of the specification may be found in:
Formal Engineering of Access Control Policies in VDM++ Jeremy W. Bryans and John S. Fitzgerald. In proceedings of 9th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods (ICFEM 2007). Boca Raton, USA, November 2007. pp 37–56
A Formal Approach to Dependable Evolution of Access Control Policies in Dynamic Collaborations Jeremy W. Bryans, John S. Fitzgerald and Panos Periorellis. In Proceedings of the 37th Annual IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks, pp 352-353, Supplemental Volume. June 25-28, 2007. Edinburgh, UK
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
Entry point : | new Test().Run() |
class Evaluator
-- Evaluator is the "top level" class. It receives an access control
-- request and returns a response.
instance variables
pdp : PDP; -- an object of class PDP --- Policy Decision Point
env : Env; -- an object of class Env
req : Request; -- a request
inst: Inst;
Inst :: map FExp`UnId to FExp`Id
requester : FExp`UnId = mk_FExp`UnId(<requester>);
resource : FExp`UnId = mk_FExp`UnId(<resource>);
-- action : FExp`UnVar = mk_FExp`UnVar(<action>);
public Evaluator: Request * PDP * Env ==> Evaluator
Evaluator(r,p,e) ==
( req := r;
pdp := p;
env := e;
inst := mk_Inst({requester |-> req.GetSubject(),
resource |-> req.GetResource()})
-- evaluate operates on the request that is part of Evaluator state.
public evaluate: () ==> PDP`Effect
evaluate() ==
if (pdp.GetpolicyCombAlg() = <denyOverrides>) then
elseif (pdp.GetpolicyCombAlg() = <permitOverrides>) then
evaluatePDPDenyOverrides : () ==> PDP`Effect
evaluatePDPDenyOverrides() ==
if exists p in set pdp.Getpolicies() &
(evaluatePol(p) = <Deny> or evaluatePol(p) = <Indeterminate> )
then return(<Deny>)
elseif exists p in set pdp.Getpolicies() &
evaluatePol(p) = <Permit>
then return(<Permit>)
else return(<NotApplicable>);
evaluatePDPPermitOverrides : () ==> PDP`Effect
evaluatePDPPermitOverrides() ==
if exists p in set pdp.Getpolicies() &
(evaluatePol(p) = <Permit> or evaluatePol(p) = <Indeterminate> )
then return(<Permit>)
elseif exists p in set pdp.Getpolicies() &
evaluatePol(p) = <Deny>
then return(<Deny>)
else return(<NotApplicable>);
evaluateRule : PDP`Rule ==> PDP`Effect
evaluateRule(rule) ==
if targetmatch( then
if rule.cond = nil
then return(rule.effect)
else if (rule.cond).wfExpr(env) then
cases (rule.cond).EvaluateBind(req,env):
true -> return(rule.effect),
false -> return(<NotApplicable>),
<Indet> -> return(<Indeterminate>),
others -> error
else return <NotApplicable>
evaluatePol : PDP`Policy ==> PDP`Effect
evaluatePol(pol) ==
if targetmatch( then
cases pol.ruleCombAlg:
<denyOverrides> -> return(evaluateRulesDenyOverrides(pol.rules)),
<permitOverrides> -> return(evaluateRulesPermitOverrides(pol.rules)),
others -> return(<NotApplicable>)
else -- target does not match
evaluateRulesDenyOverrides : set of PDP`Rule ==> PDP`Effect
evaluateRulesDenyOverrides(rs) ==
if exists r in set rs &
evaluateRule(r) = <Deny>
then return(<Deny>)
elseif exists r in set rs &
(evaluateRule(r) = <Indeterminate> and pdp.GetEffect(r) = <Deny> )
then return(<Indeterminate>)
elseif exists r in set rs &
evaluateRule(r) = <Permit>
then return(<Permit>)
elseif exists r in set rs &
(evaluateRule(r) = <Indeterminate> and pdp.GetEffect(r) = <Permit> )
then return(<Indeterminate>)
else return(<NotApplicable>);
evaluateRulesPermitOverrides : set of PDP`Rule ==> PDP`Effect
evaluateRulesPermitOverrides(rs) ==
if exists r in set rs &
evaluateRule(r) = <Permit>
then return(<Permit>)
elseif exists r in set rs &
(evaluateRule(r) = <Indeterminate> and pdp.GetEffect(r) = <Permit> )
then return(<Indeterminate>)
elseif exists r in set rs &
evaluateRule(r) = <Deny>
then return(<Deny>)
elseif exists r in set rs &
(evaluateRule(r) = <Indeterminate> and pdp.GetEffect(r) = <Deny> )
then return(<Indeterminate>)
else return(<NotApplicable>);
-- targetmatch has been adapted. If any of the sets in the target of
-- the (rule|policy) is empty then they match anything.
targetmatch : PDP`Target ==> bool
targetmatch(tgt) ==
if ((tgt.subjects = {}) or (req.GetSubject() in set tgt.subjects)) and
((tgt.resources = {}) or (req.GetResource() in set tgt.resources)) and
((tgt.actions = {}) or (req.GetActions() inter tgt.actions) <> {})
then return true
else return false;
end Evaluator
class PDP
instance variables
policies : set of Policy;
policyCombAlg : CombAlg;
public PDP: set of Policy * CombAlg ==> PDP
PDP(ps,pca) ==
(policies := ps;
policyCombAlg := pca
public Permit = token;
public Deny = token;
public Null = token;
public CombAlg = <denyOverrides> | <permitOverrides>;
public Policy :: target : [Target]
rules : set of Rule
ruleCombAlg : CombAlg;
public Rule :: target : [Target]
effect : Effect
cond : [FExp];
public Effect = <Permit> | <Deny> | <Indeterminate> | <NotApplicable>;
public Target :: subjects : set of Subject
resources : set of Resource
actions : set of Action;
public Action = FExp`Id;
public Subject = FExp`Id;
public Resource = FExp`Id;
pure public GetpolicyCombAlg: () ==> CombAlg
GetpolicyCombAlg() ==
return policyCombAlg;
pure public Getpolicies: () ==> set of Policy
Getpolicies() ==
return policies;
pure public GetEffect: Rule ==> Effect
GetEffect(r) ==
return r.effect;
end PDP
class Env
instance variables
senv : map FExp`Id to FExp`SType;
denv : map FExp`Id to FExp`Val;
public Env: map FExp`Id to FExp`SType * map FExp`Id to FExp`Val ==> Env
Env(s,d) ==
(senv := s;
denv := d;
public GetSenv: () ==> map FExp`Id to FExp`SType
GetSenv() ==
return senv;
public GetDenv: () ==> map FExp`Id to FExp`Val
GetDenv() ==
return denv;
pure public GetVal: FExp`Id ==> FExp`Val
GetVal(id) ==
return denv(id)
pre id in set dom denv;
public GetAVal:FExp`Id * FExp`Id ==> FExp`Val
GetAVal(id,index) ==
return denv(id)(index)
pre id in set dom denv and index in set dom denv(id);
public GetSType: FExp`Id ==> FExp`SType
GetSType(id) ==
return senv(id)
pre id in set dom denv;
public GetSAType: FExp`Id ==> FExp`AType
GetSAType(id) ==
return senv(id)
pre id in set dom denv;
public GetAType:FExp`Id * FExp`Id ==> FExp`SType
GetAType(id,index) ==
return senv(id)(index)
pre id in set dom denv and index in set dom denv(id);
end Env
class Test
requester : FExp`UnId = mk_FExp`UnId(<requester>);
resource : FExp`UnId = mk_FExp`UnId(<resource>);
Anne : FExp`Id = (mk_token("Anne"));
Bob : FExp`Id = (mk_token("Bob"));
Charlie : FExp`Id = (mk_token("Charlie"));
Dave : FExp`Id = (mk_token("Dave"));
Eric : FExp`Id = (mk_token("Eric"));
Fred : FExp`Id = (mk_token("Fred"));
write : FExp`Id = (mk_token("write"));
read : FExp`Id = (mk_token("read"));
create : FExp`Id = (mk_token("create"));
signoff : FExp`Id = (mk_token("signoff"));
lab_results_signed : FExp`Id =
results_analysis_signed : FExp`Id =
Project1 : set of PDP`Subject = {Anne,Bob};
Project2 : set of PDP`Subject = {Bob,Charlie,Dave};
lab_technician : set of PDP`Subject = {Anne,Dave};
lab_manager : set of PDP`Subject = {Bob,Charlie};
Company2 : set of PDP`Subject = {Eric, Fred};
Assessor : set of PDP`Subject = {Fred};
lab_results : FExp`Id = (mk_token("lab_results"));
results_analysis : FExp`Id = (mk_token("results_analysis"));
sc_assess : FExp`Id = (mk_token("sc_assess"));
doc1 : FExp`Id = (mk_token("doc1"));
doc2 : FExp`Id = (mk_token("doc2"));
signed : FExp`Id = (mk_token("signed"));
con_nt : FExp = new FExp(mk_FExp`Unary(<NOT>,mk_FExp`boolLiteral(<TRUE>)));
con_nf : FExp = new FExp(mk_FExp`Unary(<NOT>,mk_FExp`boolLiteral(<FALSE>)));
con_no : FExp = new FExp(mk_FExp`Unary(<NOT>,mk_FExp`intLiteral(<ONE>)));
-- on Project One, lab results can be created only by a lab
-- technician, and can be read by anybody on the project. These are
-- project-wide.
project1_rule_nf : PDP`Rule =
<Permit>, con_nf);
project1_rule_nt : PDP`Rule =
<Permit>, con_nt);
project1_rule_no : PDP`Rule =
<Permit>, con_no);
project1_rule2 : PDP`Rule =
<Permit>, nil);
-- The project policy for the lab_results document is the combination
-- of these.
-- one policy for each exzpression that we test
lab_results_project_policy_no : PDP`Policy =
{project1_rule_no, project1_rule2}, <denyOverrides>);
lab_results_project_policy_nt : PDP`Policy =
{project1_rule_nt, project1_rule2}, <denyOverrides>);
lab_results_project_policy_nf : PDP`Policy =
{project1_rule_nf, project1_rule2}, <denyOverrides>);
-- New policy
-- Only a lab manager can sign these results off.
lab_results_rule1 : PDP`Rule =
<Permit>, nil);
-- Also, after signoff, no one can write to the lab_results file.
lab_results_rule2 : PDP`Rule =
<Deny>, new FExp(mk_FExp`ArrayLookup(signed,resource)));
lab_results_creator_policy : PDP`Policy =
{lab_results_rule1, lab_results_rule2}, <denyOverrides>);
-- New policy
-- From company 2, assessor_role writes the scale assessment.
scale_assess_write : PDP`Rule =
<Permit>, nil);
-- From company 2, anyone can read the scale assessment.
scale_assess_read : PDP`Rule =
<Permit>, nil);
scale_assess_policy : PDP`Policy =
{scale_assess_read, scale_assess_write}, <denyOverrides>);
gold_policy_no : PDP =
new PDP({lab_results_project_policy_no,lab_results_creator_policy,scale_assess_policy},
gold_policy_nt : PDP =
new PDP({lab_results_project_policy_nt,lab_results_creator_policy,scale_assess_policy},
gold_policy_nf : PDP =
new PDP({lab_results_project_policy_nf,lab_results_creator_policy,scale_assess_policy},
gold_policy_project_results : PDP =
new PDP({lab_results_project_policy_nf,lab_results_creator_policy}, <permitOverrides>);
gold_policy_results_scale : PDP =
new PDP({lab_results_creator_policy,scale_assess_policy}, <permitOverrides>);
public Run: () ==> PDP`Effect
Run () ==
-- ( dcl pdp : PDP := gold_policy_no;
-- ( dcl pdp : PDP := gold_policy_nt;
-- ( dcl pdp : PDP := gold_policy_nf;
-- ( dcl pdp : PDP := gold_policy_project_results;
( dcl pdp : PDP := gold_policy_results_scale;
dcl s : FExp := new FExp(mk_token("signed"));
dcl lr : FExp := new FExp(mk_token("lab_results"));
dcl req : Request := new Request(Anne,lab_results,{create});
dcl env : Env := new Env({s.GetExp() |-> {lr.GetExp() |-> <B>}},
{s.GetExp() |-> {lr.GetExp() |-> true}});
dcl eval : Evaluator := new Evaluator(req,pdp,env);
return eval.evaluate()
end Test
class FExp
instance variables
fexp : Expr;
public FExp : Expr ==> FExp
FExp(fe) ==
fexp := fe;
public GetExp: () ==> Expr
GetExp() ==
return fexp;
public AtomicVal = bool | int | <Indet>;
public BoolArray = map Id to bool;
public IntArray = map Id to int;
public UnArray = map Id to <Indet>;
public StructuredVal = BoolArray | IntArray | UnArray;
public Val = AtomicVal | StructuredVal;
public Expr = Id | UnId | BoolExpr | ArithExpr | ArrayLookup;
public Id = token;
public UnId :: <requester>|<resource>; --<action>;
-- Expressions returning true or false
public BoolExpr = RelExpr | Unary | Infix | Equal | boolLiteral;
public RelExpr :: left : Expr
op : <LT>|<GT>
right : Expr;
public Unary :: op : <NOT>
body : Expr;
public Infix :: left : Expr
op : <AND>|<OR>
right : Expr;
public Equal :: left : Expr
op : <EQ>
right : Expr;
public boolLiteral :: <TRUE>|<FALSE>;
-- Expression returning integer
public ArithExpr = intLiteral; -- | ArithInfix
public intLiteral :: <ZERO>|<ONE>|<TWO>|<THREE>|<FOUR>|<FIVE>|<SIX>|<SEVEN>|<EIGHT>|<NINE>|<TEN>;
public ArrayLookup :: aname : Id | UnId
index : Id | UnId;
-- binds the unbound variables within an expression.
public BindExpr: Expr * Request ==> FExp`Expr
BindExpr(fe,req) ==
cases fe:
mk_UnId(<requester>) -> return req.GetSubject(),
mk_UnId(<resource>) -> return req.GetResource(),
mk_RelExpr(left,op,right) -> return mk_RelExpr(BindExpr(left,req), op, BindExpr(right,req)),
mk_Unary(op,body) -> return mk_Unary(op,BindExpr(body,req)),
mk_Infix(left,op,right) -> return mk_Infix(BindExpr(left,req), op, BindExpr(right,req)),
--mk_ArrExp(left,op,right) -> ...
mk_intLiteral(-) -> return fe,
mk_boolLiteral(-) -> return fe,
mk_ArrayLookup(aname,index) -> return mk_ArrayLookup(BindExpr(aname,req),BindExpr(index,req)),
others -> return fe
-- Evaluate returns the meaning of an expression, wrt an environment
-- Dynamic Semantics for Expressions --
public EvaluateBind : Request * Env ==> Val
EvaluateBind(req,env) ==
let expr = BindExpr(fexp,req) in
Evaluate : Expr * Env ==> Val
Evaluate(expr,env) ==
cases expr :
mk_RelExpr(-,-,-) -> MRelExpr(expr,env),
mk_Unary(-,-) -> MUnary(expr,env),
mk_Infix(-,-,-) -> MInfix(expr,env),
mk_Equal(-,-,-) -> MEqual(expr,env),
--mk_ArrExp(-,-,-) -> ...
mk_boolLiteral(-) -> MLiteral(expr),
mk_intLiteral(-) -> MLiteral(expr),
mk_ArrayLookup(-,-) -> MArrayLookup(expr,env),
others -> MId(expr,env)
pure private MId : Id * Env ==> Val
MId(Id,env) ==
return env.GetVal(Id);
MRelExpr : RelExpr * Env ==> Val
MRelExpr(exp,env) ==
cases exp:
mk_RelExpr(-,<GT>,-) -> return (EvaluateGT(exp.left,exp.right,env)),
mk_RelExpr(-,<LT>,-) -> return (EvaluateLT(exp.left,exp.right,env)),
others -> error
EvaluateLT: Expr * Expr * Env ==> Val
EvaluateLT(exp1,exp2,env) ==
return (Evaluate(exp1,env) < Evaluate(exp2,env));
EvaluateGT: Expr * Expr * Env ==> Val
EvaluateGT(exp1,exp2,env) ==
return (Evaluate(exp1,env) > Evaluate(exp2,env));
MUnary : Unary * Env ==> Val
MUnary(unary,env) ==
return not (Evaluate(unary.body,env));
MInfix : Infix * Env ==> Val
MInfix(exp,env) ==
cases exp:
mk_Infix(-,<AND>,-) -> return (EvaluateAND(exp.left,exp.right,env)),
mk_Infix(-,<OR>,-) -> return (EvaluateOR(exp.left,exp.right,env)),
others -> error
EvaluateAND: Expr * Expr * Env ==> Val
EvaluateAND(exp1,exp2,env) ==
return (Evaluate(exp1,env) and Evaluate(exp2,env));
MEqual : Equal * Env ==> Val
MEqual(exp,env) ==
return (Evaluate(exp.left, env) = Evaluate(exp.right,env));
-- order of evaluation is left to right, as stipulated by XACML standard
EvaluateOR: Expr * Expr * Env ==> Val
EvaluateOR(exp1,exp2,env) ==
if (Evaluate(exp1,env))
then return true
else return Evaluate(exp2,env);
MArrayLookup : ArrayLookup * Env ==> Val
MArrayLookup(mk_ArrayLookup(aname,index),env) ==
return (MId(aname,env))(index)
pre index in set dom MId(aname,env);
MLiteral : boolLiteral | intLiteral -> Val
MLiteral(exp) ==
cases exp:
mk_boolLiteral(<TRUE>) -> true,
mk_boolLiteral(<FALSE>)-> false,
mk_intLiteral(<ZERO>) -> 0,
mk_intLiteral(<ONE>) -> 1,
mk_intLiteral(<TWO>) -> 2,
mk_intLiteral(<THREE>) -> 3,
mk_intLiteral(<FOUR>) -> 4,
mk_intLiteral(<FIVE>) -> 5,
mk_intLiteral(<SIX>) -> 6,
mk_intLiteral(<SEVEN>) -> 7,
mk_intLiteral(<EIGHT>) -> 8,
mk_intLiteral(<NINE>) -> 9,
others -> 10
-- Static Semantics for Expressions --
-- types for TP and WF judgements
public SType = <B>|<I>|<U>|AType|<Err>;
public AType = map Id to <B>|<I>|<U>;
operations -- for TP and WF judgements
public wfExpr : Env ==> bool
wfExpr(env) ==
return exprTp(fexp,env) = <B>;
private exprTp : Expr * Env ==> SType
exprTp(ex, env) ==
cases ex:
mk_Unary(-,-) -> wfUnary(ex,env),
mk_Infix(-,-,-) -> wfInfix(ex,env),
mk_RelExpr(-,-,-) -> wfRelExpr(ex,env),
-- mk_ArithExpr()
mk_Equal(-,-,-) -> wfEqual(ex,env),
mk_boolLiteral(-) -> wfLiteral(ex),
mk_intLiteral(-) -> wfLiteral(ex),
mk_UnId(-) -> wfUnId(ex),
mk_ArrayLookup(-,-) -> wfArrayLookup(ex,env),
others -> wfId(ex,env)
private wfInfix : Infix * Env ==> SType
wfInfix(mk_Infix(e1,-,e2), env) ==
if exprTp(e1, env) = <B> and exprTp(e2, env) = <B>
then return <B>
else return <Err>;
private wfUnary : Unary * Env ==> SType
wfUnary(mk_Unary(-,e), env) ==
if exprTp(e, env) = <B>
then return <B>
else return <Err>;
private wfRelExpr : RelExpr * Env ==> SType
wfRelExpr(mk_RelExpr(e1,-,e2), env) ==
if exprTp(e1, env) = <I> and exprTp(e2, env) = <I>
then return <B>
else return <Err>;
private wfLiteral : boolLiteral | intLiteral ==> SType
wfLiteral(e) ==
cases e:
mk_boolLiteral(-) -> return <B>,
mk_intLiteral(-) -> return <I>,
others -> return <Err>
private wfEqual: Equal * Env ==> SType
wfEqual(mk_Equal(e1,-,e2), env) ==
if (exprTp(e1, env) = <B> and exprTp(e2, env) = <B>) or
(exprTp(e1, env) = <I> and exprTp(e2, env) = <I>) or
(exprTp(e1, env) = <U> and exprTp(e2, env) = <U>)
then return <B>
else return <Err>;
private wfId: Id * Env ==> SType
wfId(e,env) ==
if (e in set dom env.GetSenv())
then let tp = env.GetSType(e) in
if tp = <B> or tp = <I> or tp = <U>
then return env.GetSType(e)
else return <Err>
else return <Err>;
wfUnId : UnId ==> SType
wfUnId(e) ==
cases e:
mk_UnId(<requester>) -> return <U>,
mk_UnId(<resource>) -> return <U>,
-- mk_UnId(<action>) -> return <U>,
others -> return <Err>
wfArrayLookup : ArrayLookup * Env ==> SType
wfArrayLookup(mk_ArrayLookup(id, index),env) ==
if (id in set dom env.GetSenv()) -- Id is in the env
then let tp = env.GetSType(id) in -- get the type of Id in env
if tp = <B> or tp = <I> or tp = <U>
then return <Err> -- Id is not an array in the env
elseif index in set dom env.GetSenv()(id) -- assuming Id points to an array in senv
then return env.GetAType(id,index) -- Get type of index in map
else return <Err>
else return <Err>;
end FExp
class Request
instance variables
-- Request targets must have a single subject AND a single resource.
subject : PDP`Subject;
resource : PDP`Resource;
actions : set of PDP`Action;
Inst :: map token to FExp`Id;
public Request: PDP`Subject * PDP`Resource * set of PDP`Action ==> Request
Request(s,r,aset) ==
(subject := s;
resource := r;
actions := aset;
pure public GetSubject: () ==> PDP`Subject
GetSubject() ==
return subject;
pure public GetResource: () ==> PDP`Resource
GetResource() ==
return resource;
pure public GetActions: () ==> set of PDP`Action
GetActions() ==
return actions;
end Request