Author: Claus Ballegaard Nielsen
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
class Table
public Element = <Tobacco> | <Paper> | <Match>;
instance variables
elements : set of Element := {};
inv card elements <= 3
public AddElement: Element ==> bool
AddElement(es) ==
if(es not in set elements) then
elements := elements union {es};
return true;
return false;
private ExtraElement: () ==> set of Element
ExtraElement() ==
let es = elements
in (
elements := {};
IO`print("table clear");
return es);
public TakeElements: set of Element ==> set of Element
TakeElements(es) == (
let e in set es
cases e:
<Tobacco> -> MissingPM(),
<Paper> -> MissingTM(),
<Match> -> MissingTP()
pre card es = 1;
MissingPM : () ==> ()
MissingPM() == skip;
MissingTM : () ==> ()
MissingTM() == skip;
MissingTP : () ==> ()
MissingTP() == skip;
per MissingPM => elements = {<Paper>,<Match>};
per MissingTM => elements = {<Tobacco>,<Match>};
per MissingTP => elements = {<Tobacco>, <Paper>};
--per AddElements => elements = {};
--per TakeElements => card elements = 2;
end Table
class World
instance variables
public static graphics : gui_Graphics:= new gui_Graphics();
table: Table := new Table();
public agent: Agent := new Agent(table);
smokers : set of Smoker := {new Smoker("Smoker 1", <Tobacco>, table),
new Smoker("Smoker 2", <Paper>, table),
new Smoker("Smoker 3", <Match>, table)};
limit : nat;
finished : bool := false;
public World: nat ==> World
World(simtime) ==
IO`print("World Ctor");
limit := simtime;
public Yield: () ==> ()
Yield() == skip;
Finished: () ==> nat
Finished() ==
public Run: () ==> ()
Run() ==
while agent.GetTime() <= limit do
finished := true)
per Finished => finished;
end World
class Smoker
instance variables
smokerName : seq of char;
elements: set of Table`Element;
orig_element : Table`Element;
cigarettes : nat := 0;
--inv cigarettes in set {0,1};
table : Table;
public Smoker: seq of char * Table`Element * Table ==> Smoker
Smoker(name ,element,tab) == (
smokerName := name;
elements := {element};
orig_element := element;
table := tab);
Roll: () ==> ()
Roll() == (
IO`print(smokerName ^ " rolling ");
elements := {};
cigarettes := cigarettes + 1
pre card elements = 3;
Smoke: () ==> ()
Smoke() ==(
IO`print("and smoking \n");
cigarettes := cigarettes - 1;
elements := {orig_element};
while true do (
elements := elements union table.TakeElements(elements);
per Smoke => cigarettes > 0;
end Smoker
class gui_Graphics
public init : () ==> ()
init() == is not yet specified;
public tobaccoAdded : () ==> ()
tobaccoAdded() == is not yet specified;
public paperAdded : () ==> ()
paperAdded() == is not yet specified;
public matchAdded : () ==> ()
matchAdded() == is not yet specified;
public tableCleared : () ==> ()
tableCleared() == is not yet specified;
public nowSmoking : nat ==> ()
nowSmoking(smokerNumber) == is not yet specified;
public static ElementToNat : Table`Element -> nat
ElementToNat(elm) ==
cases elm:
<Tobacco> -> 1,
<Paper> -> 2,
<Match> -> 3
end gui_Graphics
class IO
-- --------------------------------------------
-- Standard library for the Overture Interpreter. When the interpreter
-- evaluates the preliminary functions/operations in this file,
-- corresponding internal functions is called instead of issuing a run
-- time error. Signatures should not be changed, as well as name of
-- module (VDM-SL) or class (VDM++). Pre/post conditions is
-- fully user customizable.
-- Don't care's may NOT be used in the parameter lists.
-- The in/out functions will return false if an error occurs. In this
-- case an internal error string will be set (see 'ferror').
-- File path:
-- * An absolute path is accepted and used as specified.
-- * A relative path is relative to the debugger or if running in the
-- Overture IDE relative to the project root.
* The file directive used in in/out functions.
public filedirective = <start>|<append>
* Write VDM value in ASCII format to the console.
* @param val the VDM value to be written
* @return true if successful else false
public static writeval[@p]: @p -> bool
is not yet specified;
* Write VDM value in ASCII format to file. The type of the val must be
* specified as fwriteval[seq of char](...) when calling the function.
* @param filename the name of the file
* @param val the VDM value to be written.
* @param fdir if <start> then it will overwrite an existing file,
* else <append> will append output to the existing file
* @return true if successful else false
public static fwriteval[@p]:seq1 of char * @p * filedirective -> bool
fwriteval(filename,val,fdir) ==
is not yet specified;
* Read VDM value in ASCII format from file. The type which should be read must be
* specified as freadval[seq of char](...) when calling the function.
* @param filename the name of the file
* @return mk_(success,@p) if successful success will be
* set to true else false. @p will hold nil if unsuccessful or the value read.
public static freadval[@p]:seq1 of char -> bool * [@p]
freadval(filename) ==
is not yet specified
post let mk_(b,t) = RESULT in not b => t = nil;
* Write text to std out. Surrounding double quotes will be stripped,
* backslashed characters should be interpreted.
* @param text the text to write to the console
* @return if successful true else false.
public echo: seq of char ==> bool
echo(text) ==
fecho ("",text,nil);
* Write text to file like <code>echo</code>.
* @param filename the name of the file
* @param text the text to write to be written.
* @param fdir if nil or <start> then it will overwrite an existing file,
* else <append> will append output to the existing file.
* @return true if successful else false
public fecho: seq of char * seq of char * [filedirective] ==> bool
fecho (filename,text,fdir) ==
is not yet specified
pre filename = "" <=> fdir = nil;
* Returns the last error which may have occurred by any of the io/out functions
* @return the last error message
public ferror:() ==> seq of char
ferror () ==
is not yet specified;
-- New simplified format printing operations
* Prints any VDM value to the console
* @param arg a VDM value of any type
public static print: ? ==> ()
print(arg) ==
is not yet specified;
* Prints any VDM value to the console as a new line
* @param arg a VDM value of any type
public static println: ? ==> ()
println(arg) ==
is not yet specified;
* Prints any VDM value to the console
* @param format standard format string used in
* Java by <code>String.format(format,value)</code>
* @param arg a sequence of VDM values of any type
public static printf: seq of char * seq of ? ==> ()
printf(format, args) ==
is not yet specified;
end IO
class VDMUtil
-- Overture STANDARD LIBRARY: MiscUtils
-- --------------------------------------------
-- Version 1.0.0
-- Standard library for the Overture Interpreter. When the interpreter
-- evaluates the preliminary functions/operations in this file,
-- corresponding internal functions is called instead of issuing a run
-- time error. Signatures should not be changed, as well as name of
-- module (VDM-SL) or class (VDM++). Pre/post conditions is
-- fully user customisable.
-- Dont care's may NOT be used in the parameter lists.
-- Converts a set argument into a sequence in non-deterministic order.
static public set2seq[@T] : set of @T +> seq of @T
set2seq(x) == is not yet specified;
-- Returns a context information tuple which represents
-- (fine_name * line_num * column_num * class_name * fnop_name) of corresponding source text
static public get_file_pos : () +> [ seq of char * nat * nat * seq of char * seq of char ]
get_file_pos() == is not yet specified;
-- Converts a VDM value into a seq of char.
static public val2seq_of_char[@T] : @T +> seq of char
val2seq_of_char(x) == is not yet specified;
-- converts VDM value in ASCII format into a VDM value
-- RESULT.#1 = false implies a conversion failure
static public seq_of_char2val[@p]:seq1 of char -> bool * [@p]
seq_of_char2val(s) ==
let mk_(b, v) = seq_of_char2val_(s) in
if is_(v, @p) then mk_(b, v) else mk_(false, nil)
post let mk_(b,t) = RESULT in not b => t = nil;
static private seq_of_char2val_:seq1 of char -> bool * ?
seq_of_char2val_(s) == is not yet specified;
static public classname[@T] : @T -> [seq1 of char]
classname(s) == is not yet specified;
end VDMUtil
class MATH
-- --------------------------------------------
-- Standard library for the Overture Interpreter. When the interpreter
-- evaluates the preliminary functions/operations in this file,
-- corresponding internal functions is called instead of issuing a run
-- time error. Signatures should not be changed, as well as name of
-- module (VDM-SL) or class (VDM++). Pre/post conditions is
-- fully user customisable.
-- Dont care's may NOT be used in the parameter lists.
public static
sin:real +> real
sin(v) ==
is not yet specified
post abs RESULT <= 1;
public static
cos:real +> real
cos(v) ==
is not yet specified
post abs RESULT <= 1;
public static
tan:real -> real
tan(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre cos(a) <> 0;
public static
cot:real -> real
cot(a) ==
is not yet specified -- Could also be: 1/tan(r)
pre sin(a) <> 0;
public static
asin:real -> real
asin(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre abs a <= 1;
public static
acos:real -> real
acos(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre abs a <= 1;
public static
atan:real +> real
atan(v) ==
is not yet specified;
public static
acot:real +> real
acot(a) ==
pre a <> 0;
public static
sqrt:real -> real
sqrt(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre a >= 0;
public static
pi_f:() +> real
pi_f () ==
is not yet specified
public static
srand:int ==> ()
srand(a) ==
let - = MATH`srand2(a) in skip
pre a >= -1;
public static
rand:int ==> int
rand(a) ==
is not yet specified;
public static
srand2:int ==> int
srand2(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre a >= -1
public static
exp:real +> real
exp(a) ==
is not yet specified;
public static
ln:real -> real
ln(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre a > 0;
public static
log:real -> real
log(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre a > 0;
public static
fac:nat -> nat1
fac(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre a < 21; -- The limit for 64-bit calculations
pi = 3.14159265358979323846
end MATH
class Agent
thing_l = [<Tobacco>, <Paper>, <Match>]
instance variables
timer : nat := 0;
table : Table;
public Agent: Table ==> Agent
Agent(tab) ==
table := tab;
public GetTime: () ==> nat
GetTime() ==
return timer;
public AddTobacco : () ==> bool
AddTobacco() ==
if table.AddElement(thing_l(1)) then
return true;
return false;
public AddPaper : () ==> bool
AddPaper() ==
if table.AddElement(thing_l(2)) then
return true;
return false;
public AddMatch : () ==> bool
AddMatch() ==
if table.AddElement(thing_l(3)) then
return true;
return false;
end Agent