Author: Sten Agerholm
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
Entry point : | new SAFERSys().BigTest() |
Entry point : | new SAFERSys().HugeTest() |
class SAFERSys
public SAFER:: clock: nat -- init s == s = mk_SAFER(0)
functions -- operations
ControlCycle: SwitchPositions * HandGripPosition * RotCommand *
SAFER * AAH -> ThrusterSet * SAFER * AAH
saferstate,aahstate) ==
let mk_SAFER(clock) = saferstate,
grip_cmd = GripCommand(raw_grip,mode),
thrusters =
aahstate' = Transition(aah,grip_cmd,clock,aahstate),
saferstate' = mu(saferstate,clock|->clock+1)
in mk_(thrusters,saferstate',aahstate')
post let mk_(thr,-,-) = RESULT
in card thr <= 4 and
ThrusterConsistency: set of ThrusterName +> bool
ThrusterConsistency(thrusters) ==
not ({<B1>,<F1>} subset thrusters) and
not ({<B2>,<F2>} subset thrusters) and
not ({<B3>,<F3>} subset thrusters) and
not ({<B4>,<F4>} subset thrusters) and
not (thrusters inter {<L1R>,<L1F>} <> {} and thrusters inter {<R2R>,<R2F>} <> {}) and
not (thrusters inter {<L3R>,<L3F>} <> {} and thrusters inter {<R4R>,<R4F>} <> {}) and
not (thrusters inter {<D1R>,<D1F>} <> {} and thrusters inter {<U3R>,<U3F>} <> {}) and
not (thrusters inter {<D2R>,<D2F>} <> {} and thrusters inter {<U4R>,<U4F>} <> {})
-- module AUX
-- arbitrary_value = mk_token(1001);
axis_command_set : set of AxisCommand = {<Neg>,<Zero>,<Pos>};
tran_axis_set : set of TranAxis = {<X>,<Y>,<Z>};
public rot_axis_set : set of RotAxis = {<Roll>,<Pitch>,<Yaw>};
null_tran_command : TranCommand = {a |-> <Zero> | a in set tran_axis_set};
null_rot_command : RotCommand = {a |-> <Zero> | a in set rot_axis_set};
null_six_dof : SixDofCommand
= mk_SixDofCommand(null_tran_command,null_rot_command)
public AxisCommand = <Neg> | <Zero> | <Pos>;
TranAxis = <X> | <Y> | <Z>;
public RotAxis = <Roll> | <Pitch> | <Yaw>;
TranCommand = map TranAxis to AxisCommand
inv cmd == dom cmd = tran_axis_set;
public RotCommand = map RotAxis to AxisCommand
inv cmd == dom cmd = rot_axis_set;
SixDofCommand ::
tran : TranCommand
rot : RotCommand
-- module AAH
public AAH:: active_axes : set of RotAxis
ignore_hcm : set of RotAxis
toggle : EngageState
timeout : nat
-- init s == s = mk_AAH({},{},<AAH_off>,0)
public EngageState = <AAH_off> | <AAH_started> | <AAH_on> | <pressed_once> |
<AAH_closing> | <pressed_twice>;
click_timeout: nat = 10 -- was 100, changed for test purposes
functions -- operations
Transition: ControlButton * SixDofCommand * nat * AAH -> AAH
Transition(button_pos,hcm_cmd,clock,aahstate) ==
mk_AAH(active_axes,ignore_hcm,toggle,timeout) = aahstate,
engage = ButtonTransition(toggle,button_pos,active_axes,clock,timeout),
starting = (toggle = <AAH_off>) and (engage = <AAH_started>),
aahstate' = mu(aahstate,
{a | a in set rot_axis_set &
starting or
(engage <> <AAH_off> and a in set active_axes and
(hcm_cmd.rot(a) = <Zero> or a in set ignore_hcm))},
{a | a in set rot_axis_set &
(starting and hcm_cmd.rot(a) <> <Zero>) or
(not starting and a in set ignore_hcm)},
if toggle = <AAH_on> and engage = <pressed_once>
then clock + click_timeout
else timeout,
toggle|-> engage)
in aahstate';
AllAxesOff: set of RotAxis +> bool
AllAxesOff(active) == active = {};
ButtonTransition: EngageState * ControlButton * set of RotAxis *
nat * nat +> EngageState
ButtonTransition(estate,button,active,clock,timeout) ==
cases mk_(estate,button) :
mk_(<AAH_off>,<Up>) -> <AAH_off>,
mk_(<AAH_off>,<Down>) -> <AAH_started>,
mk_(<AAH_started>,<Up>) -> <AAH_on>,
mk_(<AAH_started>,<Down>) -> <AAH_started>,
mk_(<AAH_on>,<Up>) -> if AllAxesOff(active)
then <AAH_off>
else <AAH_on>,
mk_(<AAH_on>,<Down>) -> <pressed_once>,
mk_(<pressed_once>,<Up>) -> <AAH_closing>,
mk_(<pressed_once>,<Down>) -> <pressed_once>,
mk_(<AAH_closing>,<Up>) -> if AllAxesOff(active)
then <AAH_off>
elseif clock > timeout
then <AAH_on>
else <AAH_closing>,
mk_(<AAH_closing>,<Down>) -> <pressed_twice>,
mk_(<pressed_twice>,<Up>) -> <AAH_off>,
mk_(<pressed_twice>,<Down>) -> <pressed_twice>
-- module HCM
public SwitchPositions ::
mode: ControlModeSwitch
aah : ControlButton;
public ControlModeSwitch = <Rot> | <Tran>;
public ControlButton = <Up> | <Down>;
public HandGripPosition:: vert : AxisCommand
horiz : AxisCommand
trans : AxisCommand
twist : AxisCommand
-- add inv to exclude impossible combinations???
GripCommand: HandGripPosition * ControlModeSwitch +> SixDofCommand
GripCommand(mk_HandGripPosition(vert,horiz,trans,twist),mode) ==
let tran = {<X> |-> horiz,
<Y> |-> if mode = <Tran> then trans else <Zero>,
<Z> |-> if mode = <Tran> then vert else <Zero>},
rot = {<Roll> |-> if mode = <Rot> then vert else <Zero>,
<Pitch>|-> twist,
<Yaw> |-> if mode = <Rot> then twist else <Zero>}
-- module TS
public ThrusterName = <B1> | <B2> | <B3> | <B4> | <F1> | <F2> | <F3> | <F4> |
<L1R>| <L1F>| <R2R>| <R2F>| <L3R>| <L3F>| <R4R>| <R4F>|
<D1R>| <D1F>| <D2R>| <D2F>| <U3R>| <U3F>| <U4R>| <U4F>;
public ThrusterSet = set of ThrusterName
RotCmdsPresent: RotCommand +> bool
RotCmdsPresent(cmd) ==
exists a in set dom cmd & cmd(a) <> <Zero>;
PrioritizedTranCmd: TranCommand +> TranCommand
PrioritizedTranCmd(tran) ==
if tran(<X>) <> <Zero>
then null_tran_command ++ {<X> |-> tran(<X>)}
elseif tran(<Y>) <> <Zero>
then null_tran_command ++ {<Y> |-> tran(<Y>)}
elseif tran(<Z>) <> <Zero>
then null_tran_command ++ {<Z> |-> tran(<Z>)}
else null_tran_command;
CombinedRotCmds: RotCommand * RotCommand * set of RotAxis +> RotCommand
CombinedRotCmds(hcm_rot,aah,ignore_hcm) ==
let aah_axes = ignore_hcm union
{a | a in set rot_axis_set & hcm_rot(a) = <Zero>}
in {a |-> aah(a) | a in set aah_axes} munion
{a |-> hcm_rot(a) | a in set rot_axis_set\aah_axes};
IntegratedCommands: SixDofCommand * RotCommand * set of RotAxis * set of RotAxis +> SixDofCommand
IntegratedCommands(mk_SixDofCommand(tran,rot),aah,active_axes,ignore_hcm) ==
if AllAxesOff(active_axes)
then if RotCmdsPresent(rot)
then mk_SixDofCommand(null_tran_command,rot)
else mk_SixDofCommand(PrioritizedTranCmd(tran),null_rot_command)
else if RotCmdsPresent(rot)
then mk_SixDofCommand(null_tran_command,
else mk_SixDofCommand(PrioritizedTranCmd(tran),aah);
BFThrusters: AxisCommand * AxisCommand * AxisCommand +>
ThrusterSet * ThrusterSet
BFThrusters(A,B,C) ==
cases mk_(A,B,C) :
mk_(<Neg>,<Neg>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<B4>},{<B2>,<B3>}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Neg>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<B3>,<B4>},{}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Neg>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<B3>},{<B1>,<B4>}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Zero>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<B2>,<B4>},{}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Zero>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<B1>,<B4>},{<B2>,<B3>}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Zero>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<B1>,<B3>},{}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Pos>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<B2>},{<B1>,<B4>}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Pos>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<B1>,<B2>},{}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Pos>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<B1>},{<B2>,<B3>}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Neg>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<B4>,<F1>},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Neg>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<B4>,<F2>},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Neg>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<B3>,<F2>},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Zero>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<B2>,<F1>},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Zero>,<Zero>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Zero>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<B3>,<F4>},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Pos>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<B2>,<F3>},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Pos>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<B1>,<F3>},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Pos>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<B1>,<F4>},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Neg>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<F1>},{<F2>,<F3>}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Neg>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<F1>,<F2>},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Neg>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<F2>},{<F1>,<F4>}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Zero>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<F1>,<F3>},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Zero>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<F2>,<F3>},{<F1>,<F4>}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Zero>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<F2>,<F4>},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Pos>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<F3>},{<F1>,<F4>}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Pos>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<F3>,<F4>},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Pos>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<F4>},{<F2>,<F3>})
LRUDThrusters: AxisCommand * AxisCommand * AxisCommand +>
ThrusterSet * ThrusterSet
LRUDThrusters(A,B,C) ==
cases mk_(A,B,C) :
mk_(<Neg>,<Neg>,<Neg>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Neg>,<Zero>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Neg>,<Pos>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Zero>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<L1R>},{<L1F>,<L3F>}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Zero>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<L1R>,<L3R>},{<L1F>,<L3F>}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Zero>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<L3R>},{<L1F>,<L3F>}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Pos>,<Neg>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Pos>,<Zero>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Neg>,<Pos>,<Pos>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Neg>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<U3R>},{<U3F>,<U4F>}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Neg>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<U3R>,<U4R>},{<U3F>,<U4F>}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Neg>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<U4R>},{<U3F>,<U4F>}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Zero>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<L1R>,<R4R>},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Zero>,<Zero>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Zero>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<R2R>,<L3R>},{}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Pos>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<D2R>},{<D1F>,<D2F>}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Pos>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<D1R>,<D2R>},{<D1F>,<D2F>}),
mk_(<Zero>,<Pos>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<D1R>},{<D1F>,<D2F>}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Neg>,<Neg>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Neg>,<Zero>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Neg>,<Pos>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Zero>,<Neg>) -> mk_({<R4R>},{<R2F>,<R4F>}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Zero>,<Zero>) -> mk_({<R2R>,<R4R>},{<R2F>,<R4F>}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Zero>,<Pos>) -> mk_({<R2R>},{<R2F>,<R4F>}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Pos>,<Neg>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Pos>,<Zero>) -> mk_({},{}),
mk_(<Pos>,<Pos>,<Pos>) -> mk_({},{})
SelectedThrusters: SixDofCommand * RotCommand * set of RotAxis * set of RotAxis +> ThrusterSet
SelectedThrusters(hcm,aah,active_axes,ignore_hcm) ==
let mk_SixDofCommand(tran,rot) = IntegratedCommands(hcm,aah,active_axes,ignore_hcm),
mk_(bf_mandatory,bf_optional) =
mk_(lrud_mandatory,lrud_optional) =
bf_thr = if rot(<Roll>) = <Zero>
then bf_optional union bf_mandatory
else bf_mandatory,
lrud_thr = if rot(<Pitch>) = <Zero> and rot(<Yaw>) = <Zero>
then lrud_optional union lrud_mandatory
else lrud_mandatory
in bf_thr union lrud_thr;
public BigTest: () ==> map (SwitchPositions * HandGripPosition * RotCommand) to (ThrusterSet * SAFER * AAH)
BigTest() ==
let switch_positions : set of SwitchPositions = {mk_SwitchPositions(mode,aah) | mode in set {<Tran>,<Rot>}, aah in set {<Up>,<Down>}},
grip_positions : set of HandGripPosition = {mk_HandGripPosition(vert,horiz,trans,twist) |
vert, horiz, trans, twist in set axis_command_set &
vert = <Zero> and horiz = <Zero> and trans = <Zero> or
vert = <Zero> and horiz = <Zero> and twist = <Zero> or
vert = <Zero> and trans = <Zero> and twist = <Zero> or
horiz = <Zero> and trans = <Zero> and twist = <Zero>},
all_rot_commands : set of RotCommand = {{<Roll> |-> a, <Pitch> |-> b, <Yaw> |-> c} | a, b, c in set axis_command_set},
safer : SAFER = mk_SAFER(0),
aah : AAH = mk_AAH({},{},<AAH_off>,0)
(return {mk_(switch,grip,aah_law) |-> ControlCycle(switch,grip,aah_law,safer,aah) |
switch in set switch_positions,
grip in set grip_positions,
aah_law in set all_rot_commands}
public HugeTest: () ==> map (SwitchPositions * HandGripPosition * RotCommand) to (ThrusterSet * SAFER * AAH)
HugeTest() ==
let switch_positions : set of SwitchPositions = {mk_SwitchPositions(mode,aah) | mode in set {<Tran>,<Rot>}, aah in set {<Up>,<Down>}},
all_grip_positions : set of HandGripPosition = {mk_HandGripPosition(vert,horiz,trans,twist) |
vert, horiz, trans, twist in set axis_command_set},
all_rot_commands : set of RotCommand = {{<Roll> |-> a, <Pitch> |-> b, <Yaw> |-> c} | a, b, c in set axis_command_set},
safer : SAFER = mk_SAFER(0),
aah : AAH = mk_AAH({},{},<AAH_off>,0)
(return {mk_(switch,grip,aah_law) |-> ControlCycle(switch,grip,aah_law,safer,aah) |
switch in set switch_positions,
grip in set all_grip_positions,
aah_law in set all_rot_commands}
end SAFERSys