Author: Stephen Goldsack
This example deals with quadilaterals (figures with four straight lines) and the inheritance between them. A few basic operations are defined in the respective classes. This package also illustrates how to make use of C++ code automatically generated using VDMTools.
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
class Quadrilateral is subclass of Vector
instance variables
position: vector := NullVector;
protected v1 : vector := NullVector;
protected v2 : vector := NullVector;
protected v3 : vector := NullVector;
protected v4 : vector := NullVector;
inv add (add (v1, v2), add (v3, v4)) = NullVector;
Move: Position * Position ==> ()
Move(p1, p2) ==
position := add(position, mk_vector(p1, p2));
SetShape: Position * Position * Position * Position ==> ()
SetShape(p1, p2, p3, p4) ==
( atomic (
v1 := mk_vector(p1, p2);
v2 := mk_vector(p2, p3);
v3 := mk_vector(p3, p4);
v4 := mk_vector(p4, p1) ));
Display: () ==> ()
Display() == is not yet specified
end Quadrilateral
class MATH
-- --------------------------------------------
-- Standard library for the VDMTools Interpreter. When the interpreter
-- evaluates the preliminary functions/operations in this file,
-- corresponding internal functions is called instead of issuing a run
-- time error. Signatures should not be changed, as well as name of
-- module (VDM-SL) or class (VDM++). Pre/post conditions is
-- fully user customisable.
-- Dont care's may NOT be used in the parameter lists.
public static
sin:real +> real
sin(v) ==
is not yet specified
post abs RESULT <= 1;
public static
cos:real +> real
cos(v) ==
is not yet specified
post abs RESULT <= 1;
public static
tan:real -> real
tan(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre cos(a) <> 0;
public static
cot:real -> real
cot(a) ==
is not yet specified -- Could also be: 1/tan(r)
pre sin(a) <> 0;
public static
asin:real -> real
asin(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre abs a <= 1;
public static
acos:real -> real
acos(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre abs a <= 1;
public static
atan:real +> real
atan(v) ==
is not yet specified;
public static
acot:real +> real
acot(a) ==
pre a <> 0;
public static
sqrt:real -> real
sqrt(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre a >= 0;
public static
pi_f:() +> real
pi_f () ==
is not yet specified
public static
srand:int ==> ()
srand(a) ==
let - = MATH`srand2(a) in skip
pre a >= -1;
public static
rand:int ==> int
rand(a) ==
is not yet specified;
public static
srand2:int ==> int
srand2(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre a >= -1
public static
exp:real +> real
exp(a) ==
is not yet specified;
public static
ln:real -> real
ln(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre a > 0;
public static
log:real -> real
log(a) ==
is not yet specified
pre a > 0;
pi = 3.14159265358979323846
end MATH
class WorkSpace is subclass of Vector
Token = nat;
instance variables
screen: map Token to Quadrilateral := {|->};
LookUp: Token ==> Quadrilateral
LookUp(qid) ==
return screen (qid)
pre qid in set dom screen;
GetAngle: Token ==> real
GetAngle(qid) ==
def scrn: Parallelogram = screen(qid) in
return scrn.GetAngle()
pre qid in set dom screen
and isofclass (Parallelogram, screen(qid));
Display: Token * Quadrilateral ==> ()
Display(qid, q) ==
( screen := screen munion { qid |-> q };
q.Display() )
pre q not in set rng screen;
UnDisplay: Token ==> ()
UnDisplay(qid) ==
screen := {qid} <-: screen
pre qid in set dom screen;
Move: Token * (nat * nat) * (nat * nat) ==> ()
Move(qid, p1, p2) ==
( dcl scrn : Quadrilateral := screen(qid);
UnDisplay (qid);
scrn.Move (p1,p2);
Display (qid, scrn)
pre qid in set dom screen
end WorkSpace
class Vector
public NullVector : vector = mk_vector (mk_(0,0),mk_(0,0))
vector :: head: Position
tail: Position;
Position = Coordinate * Coordinate;
Coordinate = nat
inproduct: vector * vector -> real
inproduct (v1, v2) ==
let mk_vector (mk_(hd1x, hd1y), mk_(tl1x, tl1y)) = v1,
mk_vector (mk_(hd2x, hd2y), mk_(tl2x, tl2y)) = v2 in
(tl1x - hd1x) * (tl2x - hd2x) + (tl1y - hd1y) * (tl2y - hd2y);
length: vector -> real
length (v) ==
let mk_vector (mk_(hdx, hdy), mk_(tlx, tly)) = v in
MATH`sqrt ((tlx - hdx)**2 + (tly - hdy)**2);
add: vector * vector -> vector
add (v1, v2) ==
let mk_vector (hd1, mk_(tl1x, tl1y)) = v1,
mk_vector (mk_(hd2x, hd2y), mk_(tl2x, tl2y)) = v2 in
mk_vector(hd1, mk_(tl1x + (tl2x - hd2x), tl1y + (tl2y - hd2y)))
end Vector
class Square is subclass of Rhombus, Rectangle
end Square
class Mathematics
pi: real = 3.14
Angle = real
inv a == a >= 0 and a <= 2*pi
acos (x: real) res: Angle
post inv_Angle (res);
sqrt (r: real) res: real
post res**2 = r
end Mathematics
class Parallelogram is subclass of Quadrilateral
instance variables
inv (length (v1) = length (v3)) and (length (v2) = length (v4))
GetAngle: () ==> real
GetAngle() ==
let math = new MATH()
return math.acos (inproduct (v1, v2) / (length (v1) * length (v2)))
end Parallelogram
class Rhombus is subclass of Parallelogram
instance variables
inv length (v1) = length (v2)
end Rhombus
class Rectangle is subclass of Parallelogram
instance variables
inv inproduct (v1 , v2) = 0
end Rectangle