Author: Marvel Verhoef
This VDM++ model is developed by Marcel Verhoef as a part of the VDM++ book John Fitzgerald, Peter Gorm Larsen, Paul Mukherjee, Nico Plat and Marcel Verhoef. Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems, Springer, New York. 2005, ISBN 1-85233-881-4. This is a VDM++ model of the famous Enigma cipher machine used by the Germans in the Second World War to encrypt and decrypt messages that were exchanged between military units. The purpose of the model is to get a basic understanding of the cipher mechanism as implemented in Enigma. This example was the first place where the VDMUnit testing approach was introduced.
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
Entry point : | new EnigmaTest().Execute() |
class Alphabet
instance variables
alph : seq of char := [];
inv AlphabetInv(alph)
AlphabetInv: seq of char -> bool
AlphabetInv (palph) ==
len palph mod 2 = 0 and
card elems palph = len palph
public Alphabet: seq of char ==> Alphabet
Alphabet (pa) == alph := pa
pre AlphabetInv(pa);
public GetChar: nat ==> char
GetChar (pidx) == return alph(pidx)
pre pidx in set inds alph;
public GetIndex: char ==> nat
GetIndex (pch) ==
let pidx in set {i | i in set inds alph
& alph(i) = pch} in
return pidx
pre pch in set elems alph;
pure public GetIndices: () ==> set of nat
GetIndices () == return inds alph;
public GetSize: () ==> nat
GetSize () == return len alph;
public Shift: nat * nat ==> nat
Shift (pidx, poffset) ==
if pidx + poffset > len alph
then return pidx + poffset - len alph
else return pidx + poffset
pre pidx in set inds alph and
poffset <= len alph;
public Shift: nat ==> nat
Shift (pidx) == Shift(pidx, 1)
end Alphabet
class ConfigurationTest
is subclass of Configuration, TestCase
cfg : inmap nat to nat =
{ 1 |-> 2, 3 |-> 4 }
public ConfigurationTest: seq of char ==> ConfigurationTest
ConfigurationTest(nm) == name := nm;
protected SetUp: () ==> ()
SetUp () == config := cfg;
protected RunTest: () ==> ()
RunTest () ==
( AssertTrue(Encode(1) = 2);
AssertTrue(Encode(2) = 2);
AssertTrue(Encode(3) = 4);
AssertTrue(Encode(4) = 4);
AssertTrue(Decode(1) = 1);
AssertTrue(Decode(2) = 1);
AssertTrue(Decode(3) = 3);
AssertTrue(Decode(4) = 3) );
protected TearDown: () ==> ()
TearDown () == skip;
end ConfigurationTest
class TestSuite
is subclass of Test
instance variables
tests : seq of Test := [];
public Run: () ==> ()
Run () ==
(dcl ntr : TestResult := new TestResult();
public Run: TestResult ==> ()
Run (result) ==
for test in tests do
public AddTest: Test ==> ()
AddTest(test) ==
tests := tests ^ [test];
end TestSuite
class Reflector
is subclass of Configuration
instance variables
inv ReflectorInv(next, config, alph)
[Component] * inmap nat to nat * Alphabet -> bool
ReflectorInv (pnext, pconfig, palph) ==
pnext = nil and
dom pconfig inter rng pconfig = {} and
dom pconfig union rng pconfig = palph.GetIndices()
public Reflector:
nat * Alphabet * inmap nat to nat ==> Reflector
Reflector (psp, pa, pcfg) ==
atomic (alph := pa;
config := {pa.Shift(i, psp-1) |->
pa.Shift(pcfg(i), psp-1) |
i in set dom pcfg})
pre psp in set pa.GetIndices() and
ReflectorInv(next, pcfg, pa);
public Substitute: nat ==> nat
Substitute (pidx) ==
if pidx in set dom config
then Encode(pidx)
else Decode(pidx)
end Reflector
class Test
public Run: TestResult ==> ()
Run (-) == is subclass responsibility
end Test
class Plugboard
is subclass of Configuration
instance variables
inv PlugboardInv(config, alph)
PlugboardInv: inmap nat to nat * Alphabet -> bool
PlugboardInv (pconfig, palph) ==
dom pconfig subset palph.GetIndices()
public Plugboard:
Alphabet * inmap nat to nat ==> Plugboard
Plugboard (pa, pcfg) ==
atomic (alph := pa;
config := pcfg munion inverse pcfg)
pre dom pcfg inter rng pcfg = {} and
PlugboardInv(pcfg, pa);
public Substitute: nat ==> nat
Substitute (pidx) ==
pre pidx in set alph.GetIndices() and
(isofclass(Rotor,next) or
end Plugboard
class PlugboardTest
is subclass of TestCase
refcfg : inmap nat to nat =
{1 |-> 2, 3 |-> 4};
rotcfg : inmap nat to nat =
{1 |-> 2, 2 |-> 1, 3 |-> 4, 4 |-> 3};
pbcfg : inmap nat to nat =
{1 |-> 3}
instance variables
alph : Alphabet
public PlugboardTest: seq of char ==> PlugboardTest
PlugboardTest(nm) == name := nm;
protected SetUp: () ==> ()
SetUp () == alph := new Alphabet("ABCD");
protected SimpleTest: () ==> ()
SimpleTest () ==
(dcl tc : Plugboard := new Plugboard(alph,pbcfg);
tc.SetNext(new Reflector(1,alph,refcfg));
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(1) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(2) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(3) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(4) = 1));
protected ComplexTest: () ==> ()
ComplexTest () ==
(dcl tc : Plugboard := new Plugboard(alph,pbcfg),
rot : Rotor := new Rotor(1,1,alph,rotcfg);
rot.SetNext(new Reflector(1,alph,refcfg));
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(1) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(2) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(3) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(4) = 1));
protected RunTest: () ==> ()
RunTest () == (SimpleTest(); ComplexTest());
protected TearDown: () ==> ()
TearDown () == skip;
end PlugboardTest
class EnigmaTest
public Execute: () ==> ()
Execute () ==
(dcl ts : TestSuite := new TestSuite();
ts.AddTest(new AlphabetTest("Alphabet"));
ts.AddTest(new ConfigurationTest("Configuration"));
ts.AddTest(new ReflectorTest("Reflector"));
ts.AddTest(new RotorTest("Rotor"));
ts.AddTest(new PlugboardTest("Plugboard"));
ts.AddTest(new SimpleEnigmaTest("SimpleEnigma"));
end EnigmaTest
class ReflectorTest
is subclass of TestCase
cfg : inmap nat to nat =
{ 1 |-> 2, 3 |-> 4 }
instance variables
alph : Alphabet;
public ReflectorTest: seq of char ==> ReflectorTest
ReflectorTest(nm) == name := nm;
protected SetUp: () ==> ()
SetUp () == alph := new Alphabet("ABCD");
SimpleTest: () ==> ()
SimpleTest () ==
( dcl tc1 : Reflector := new Reflector(1, alph, cfg),
tc2 : Reflector := new Reflector(2, alph, cfg);
AssertTrue (tc1.Substitute(1) = 2);
AssertTrue (tc1.Substitute(2) = 1);
AssertTrue (tc1.Substitute(3) = 4);
AssertTrue (tc1.Substitute(4) = 3);
AssertTrue (tc2.Substitute(1) = 4);
AssertTrue (tc2.Substitute(2) = 3);
AssertTrue (tc2.Substitute(3) = 2);
AssertTrue (tc2.Substitute(4) = 1) );
ComplexTest: () ==> ()
ComplexTest () ==
for all x in set alph.GetIndices() do
( dcl tc : Reflector := new Reflector(x, alph, cfg);
for all y in set alph.GetIndices() do
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(tc.Substitute(y)) = y) );
protected RunTest: () ==> ()
RunTest () == ( SimpleTest(); ComplexTest() );
protected TearDown: () ==> ()
TearDown () == skip
end ReflectorTest
class TestResult
instance variables
failures : seq of TestCase := []
public AddFailure: TestCase ==> ()
AddFailure (ptst) == failures := failures ^ [ptst];
public Print: seq of char ==> ()
Print (pstr) ==
def - = new IO().echo(pstr ^ "\n") in skip;
public Show: () ==> ()
Show () ==
if failures = [] then
Print ("No failures detected")
for failure in failures do
Print (failure.GetName() ^ " failed")
end TestResult
class TestCase
is subclass of Test
instance variables
protected name : seq of char
public TestCase: seq of char ==> TestCase
TestCase(nm) == name := nm;
public GetName: () ==> seq of char
GetName () == return name;
protected AssertTrue: bool ==> ()
AssertTrue (pb) == if not pb then exit <FAILURE>;
protected AssertFalse: bool ==> ()
AssertFalse (pb) == if pb then exit <FAILURE>;
public Run: TestResult ==> ()
Run (ptr) ==
trap <FAILURE>
protected SetUp: () ==> ()
SetUp () == is subclass responsibility;
protected RunTest: () ==> ()
RunTest () == is subclass responsibility;
protected TearDown: () ==> ()
TearDown () == is subclass responsibility
end TestCase
class AlphabetTest
is subclass of TestCase
str : seq of char = "ABCD"
public AlphabetTest: seq of char ==> AlphabetTest
AlphabetTest(nm) == name := nm;
protected SetUp: () ==> ()
SetUp () == skip;
protected RunTest: () ==> ()
RunTest () ==
( dcl tc : Alphabet := new Alphabet(str);
for all i in set inds str do
( AssertTrue(tc.GetChar(i) = str(i));
AssertTrue(tc.GetIndex(str(i)) = i);
AssertTrue(tc.Shift(1,i) = tc.Shift(i)) );
AssertTrue(tc.GetSize() = 4);
AssertTrue(tc.GetIndices() = {1,...,4}) );
protected TearDown: () ==> ()
TearDown () == skip;
end AlphabetTest
class Configuration
is subclass of Component
instance variables
protected config: inmap nat to nat;
pure protected Encode: nat ==> nat
Encode (penc) ==
if penc in set dom config
then return config(penc)
else return penc;
pure protected Decode: nat ==> nat
Decode (pdec) ==
let invcfg = inverse config in
if pdec in set dom invcfg
then return invcfg(pdec)
else return pdec;
public Substitute: nat ==> nat
Substitute(pidx) ==
return Decode(next.Substitute(Encode(pidx)))
pre next <> nil
end Configuration
class Rotor
is subclass of Configuration
instance variables
latch_pos : nat;
latch_lock : bool := false;
inv RotorInv(latch_pos, config, alph)
RotorInv: nat * inmap nat to nat * Alphabet -> bool
RotorInv (platch_pos, pconfig, palph) ==
let ainds = palph.GetIndices() in
platch_pos in set ainds and
dom pconfig = ainds and
rng pconfig = ainds and
exists x in set dom pconfig & x <> pconfig(x)
public Rotor:
nat * nat * Alphabet * inmap nat to nat ==> Rotor
Rotor (psp, plp, pa, pcfg) ==
atomic (latch_pos := pa.Shift(plp,psp-1);
alph := pa;
config := {pa.Shift(i,psp-1) |->
pa.Shift(pcfg(i),psp-1) |
i in set dom pcfg})
pre psp in set pa.GetIndices() and
RotorInv(plp, pcfg, pa);
public Rotate: () ==> ()
Rotate () ==
(-- propagate the rotation to the next component
-- and tell it where our latch position is
-- update our own latch position and take the
-- alphabet size into account
if latch_pos = alph.GetSize()
then latch_pos := 1
else latch_pos := latch_pos+1;
-- update the transpositioning relation by
-- shifting all indices one position
config := {alph.Shift(i) |->
alph.Shift(config(i)) |
i in set dom config};
-- remember the rotation
latch_lock := true)
pre isofclass(Rotor,next) or
public Rotate: nat ==> ()
Rotate (ppos) ==
-- compare the latch position and the lock
if ppos = latch_pos and not latch_lock
-- perform the actual rotation
then Rotate()
-- otherwise reset the lock
else latch_lock := false
pre ppos in set alph.GetIndices();
end Rotor
class Component
instance variables
protected next : [Component] := nil;
protected alph : Alphabet
pure public Successors: () ==> set of Component
Successors () ==
if next = nil
then return {self}
else return {self} union next.Successors();
public SetNext: Component ==> ()
SetNext (pcom) == next := pcom
pre next = nil and
self not in set pcom.Successors();
public Substitute: nat ==> nat
Substitute (-) == is subclass responsibility;
public Rotate: () ==> ()
Rotate () == skip;
public Rotate: nat ==> ()
Rotate (-) == skip
end Component
class RotorTest
is subclass of TestCase
refcfg : inmap nat to nat =
{ 1 |-> 2, 3 |-> 4};
rotcfg : inmap nat to nat =
{ 1 |-> 1, 2 |-> 3, 3 |-> 2, 4 |-> 4}
instance variables
alph : Alphabet
public RotorTest: seq of char ==> RotorTest
RotorTest(nm) == name := nm;
protected SetUp: () ==> ()
SetUp () == alph := new Alphabet("ABCD");
protected SimpleTest: () ==> ()
SimpleTest () ==
( dcl tc : Rotor := new Rotor(1,1,alph,rotcfg);
tc.SetNext(new Reflector(1,alph,refcfg));
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(1) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(2) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(3) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(4) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(1) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(2) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(3) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(4) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(1) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(2) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(3) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(4) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(1) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(2) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(3) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc.Substitute(4) = 3) );
protected ComplexTest: () ==> ()
ComplexTest () ==
( dcl tc1 : Rotor := new Rotor(1,1,alph,rotcfg),
tc2 : Rotor := new Rotor(1,1,alph,rotcfg);
tc1.SetNext(new Reflector(1,alph,refcfg));
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(1) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(2) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(3) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(4) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(1) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(2) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(3) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(4) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(1) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(2) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(3) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(4) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(1) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(2) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(3) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(4) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(1) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(2) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(3) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(4) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(1) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(2) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(3) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(4) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(1) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(2) = 1);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(3) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(4) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(1) = 4);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(2) = 3);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(3) = 2);
AssertTrue(tc2.Substitute(4) = 1) );
protected RunTest: () ==> ()
RunTest () == ( SimpleTest(); ComplexTest() );
protected TearDown: () ==> ()
TearDown () == skip;
end RotorTest
class SimpleEnigmaTest is subclass of TestCase
public SimpleEnigmaTest: seq of char ==> SimpleEnigmaTest
SimpleEnigmaTest(nm) == name := nm;
protected SetUp: () ==> ()
SetUp () == skip;
protected RunTest: () ==> ()
RunTest () ==
(dcl se1 : SimpleEnigma := new SimpleEnigma(),
se2 : SimpleEnigma := new SimpleEnigma();
se1.Keystroke(se2.Keystroke(ch)) = ch));
protected TearDown: () ==> ()
TearDown () == skip
end SimpleEnigmaTest
class SimpleEnigma
is subclass of Component
refcfg : inmap nat to nat =
{1 |-> 3, 2 |-> 4};
rotcfg : inmap nat to nat =
{1 |-> 2, 2 |-> 4, 3 |-> 3, 4 |-> 1};
pbcfg : inmap nat to nat =
{2 |-> 3}
public SimpleEnigma: () ==> SimpleEnigma
SimpleEnigma () ==
(dcl cp : Component ;
alph := new Alphabet("ABCD");
next := new Reflector(4,alph,refcfg);
cp := new Rotor(3,3,alph,rotcfg);
next := cp;
cp := new Rotor(2,2,alph,rotcfg);
next := cp;
cp := new Rotor(1,1,alph,rotcfg);
next := cp;
cp := new Plugboard(alph,pbcfg);
next := cp);
public Keystroke : char ==> char
Keystroke (pch) ==
let pidx = alph.GetIndex(pch) in
return alph.GetChar(next.Substitute(pidx))
pre isofclass(Plugboard,next);
-- this is needed to make this a non-abstract class
public Substitute: nat ==> nat
Substitute (-) == return 1;
end SimpleEnigma