Author: Johannes Ulfkjær Jensen, Jon Nielsen and Leni Lausdahl
This example is produced by a group of students as a part of a VDM course given at the Engineering College of Aarhus. This model describes how to do code generation from a small applicative language called Simple to a subset of Java (called Geraffe). This example also illustrates how one can make use of Java jar files as a part of a VDM model supported by Overture.
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | classic |
Entry point : | new codegen_Util().Run() |
class returnConstInt
public returnConstInt =
new SimpleSpecificationImpl([
new SimpleFunctionDefinitionImpl(new SimpleIdentifierImpl("x"),
new SimpleIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl(13))
end returnConstInt
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleLocalDefinition is subclass of SimpleNode
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
public getValue: () ==> SimpleExpression
getValue() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleLocalDefinition
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleTypeDefinition is subclass of SimpleDefinition
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
public getType: () ==> SimpleType
getType() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleTypeDefinition
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleNode
-- Abstract
end SimpleNode
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleCaseAlternative is subclass of SimpleNode
public getTest: () ==> SimpleExpression
getTest() == is subclass responsibility;
public getExp: () ==> SimpleExpression
getExp() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleCaseAlternative
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleDefinition is subclass of SimpleNode
-- Abstract
end SimpleDefinition
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleUnaryExpression is subclass of SimpleExpression
public getOp: () ==> SimpleUnaryOperator
getOp() == is subclass responsibility;
public getExp: () ==> SimpleExpression
getExp() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleUnaryExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleCasesExpression is subclass of SimpleExpression
public getTest: () ==> SimpleExpression
getTest() == is subclass responsibility;
public getAlts: () ==> seq of SimpleCaseAlternative
getAlts() == is subclass responsibility;
public hasDeflt: () ==> bool
hasDeflt() == is subclass responsibility;
public getDeflt: () ==> SimpleExpression
getDeflt() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleCasesExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleExpression is subclass of SimpleNode
-- Abstract
end SimpleExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleFunctionDefinition is subclass of SimpleDefinition
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
public getParams: () ==> seq of SimpleParameter
getParams() == is subclass responsibility;
public getBody: () ==> SimpleExpression
getBody() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleFunctionDefinition
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleRealLiteralExpression is subclass of SimpleLiteralExpression
public getValue: () ==> real
getValue() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleRealLiteralExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleVariableExpression is subclass of SimpleExpression
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleVariableExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleType is subclass of SimpleNode
-- Abstract
end SimpleType
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleSpecification is subclass of SimpleNode
public getDefs: () ==> seq of SimpleDefinition
getDefs() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleSpecification
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleBooleanLiteralExpression is subclass of SimpleLiteralExpression
public getValue: () ==> bool
getValue() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleBooleanLiteralExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleBinaryOperator is subclass of SimpleNode
public AND = new SimpleBinaryOperator("AND");
public DIV = new SimpleBinaryOperator("DIV");
public DIVIDE = new SimpleBinaryOperator("DIVIDE");
public EQUALS = new SimpleBinaryOperator("EQUALS");
public EQUIVALENT = new SimpleBinaryOperator("EQUIVALENT");
public GE = new SimpleBinaryOperator("GE");
public GT = new SimpleBinaryOperator("GT");
public IMPLIES = new SimpleBinaryOperator("IMPLIES");
public LE = new SimpleBinaryOperator("LE");
public LT = new SimpleBinaryOperator("LT");
public MINUS = new SimpleBinaryOperator("MINUS");
public MOD = new SimpleBinaryOperator("MOD");
public NE = new SimpleBinaryOperator("NE");
public OR = new SimpleBinaryOperator("OR");
public PLUS = new SimpleBinaryOperator("PLUS");
public REM = new SimpleBinaryOperator("REM");
public TIMES = new SimpleBinaryOperator("TIMES");
instance variables
public name:[seq of char] := nil;
public SimpleBinaryOperator: seq of char ==> SimpleBinaryOperator
SimpleBinaryOperator(n) == name := n;
end SimpleBinaryOperator
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleBasicType is subclass of SimpleType
public BOOL = new SimpleBasicType("BOOL");
public INT = new SimpleBasicType("INT");
public NAT = new SimpleBasicType("NAT");
public REAL = new SimpleBasicType("REAL");
instance variables
public name:[seq of char] := nil;
public SimpleBasicType: seq of char ==> SimpleBasicType
SimpleBasicType(n) == name := n;
end SimpleBasicType
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleIntegerLiteralExpression is subclass of SimpleLiteralExpression
public getValue: () ==> int
getValue() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleIntegerLiteralExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleElseIfExpression is subclass of SimpleNode
public getTest: () ==> SimpleExpression
getTest() == is subclass responsibility;
public getThn: () ==> SimpleExpression
getThn() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleElseIfExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleLetExpression is subclass of SimpleExpression
public getDefs: () ==> seq of SimpleLocalDefinition
getDefs() == is subclass responsibility;
public getBody: () ==> SimpleExpression
getBody() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleLetExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleBinaryExpression is subclass of SimpleExpression
public getLhs: () ==> SimpleExpression
getLhs() == is subclass responsibility;
public getOp: () ==> SimpleBinaryOperator
getOp() == is subclass responsibility;
public getRhs: () ==> SimpleExpression
getRhs() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleBinaryExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleUnaryOperator is subclass of SimpleNode
public MINUS = new SimpleUnaryOperator("MINUS");
public NOT = new SimpleUnaryOperator("NOT");
public PLUS = new SimpleUnaryOperator("PLUS");
instance variables
public name:[seq of char] := nil;
public SimpleUnaryOperator: seq of char ==> SimpleUnaryOperator
SimpleUnaryOperator(n) == name := n;
end SimpleUnaryOperator
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleIfExpression is subclass of SimpleExpression
public getTest: () ==> SimpleExpression
getTest() == is subclass responsibility;
public getThn: () ==> SimpleExpression
getThn() == is subclass responsibility;
public getElif: () ==> seq of SimpleElseIfExpression
getElif() == is subclass responsibility;
public getEse: () ==> SimpleExpression
getEse() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleIfExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleParameter is subclass of SimpleNode
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
public getType: () ==> SimpleType
getType() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleParameter
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleLiteralExpression is subclass of SimpleExpression
-- Abstract
end SimpleLiteralExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleApplyExpression is subclass of SimpleExpression
public getFunc: () ==> SimpleExpression
getFunc() == is subclass responsibility;
public getArgs: () ==> seq of SimpleExpression
getArgs() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleApplyExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:54 CET 2010
class SimpleIdentifier is subclass of SimpleType
public getName: () ==> seq of char
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
end SimpleIdentifier
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleLiteralExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleExpressionImpl
-- empty
end SimpleLiteralExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleTypeImpl is subclass of SimpleNodeImpl
-- empty
end SimpleTypeImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleBinaryOperatorImpl is subclass of SimpleBinaryOperator
end SimpleBinaryOperatorImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleDefinitionImpl is subclass of SimpleNodeImpl
-- empty
end SimpleDefinitionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleTypeDefinitionImpl is subclass of SimpleTypeDefinition
instance variables
private iv_name:SimpleIdentifier;
private iv_type:SimpleType;
public SimpleTypeDefinitionImpl: SimpleIdentifier * SimpleType ==> SimpleTypeDefinitionImpl
SimpleTypeDefinitionImpl(p_name, p_type) ==
iv_name := p_name;
iv_type := p_type;
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
public getType: () ==> SimpleType
getType() == return iv_type;
end SimpleTypeDefinitionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleVariableExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleVariableExpression
instance variables
private iv_name:SimpleIdentifier;
public SimpleVariableExpressionImpl: SimpleIdentifier ==> SimpleVariableExpressionImpl
SimpleVariableExpressionImpl(p_name) ==
iv_name := p_name;
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
end SimpleVariableExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleIntegerLiteralExpression
instance variables
private iv_value:int;
public SimpleIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl: int ==> SimpleIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl
SimpleIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl(p_value) ==
iv_value := p_value;
public getValue: () ==> int
getValue() == return iv_value;
end SimpleIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleBinaryExpression
instance variables
private iv_lhs:SimpleExpression;
private iv_op:SimpleBinaryOperator;
private iv_rhs:SimpleExpression;
public SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl: SimpleExpression * SimpleBinaryOperator * SimpleExpression ==> SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl
SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl(p_lhs, p_op, p_rhs) ==
iv_lhs := p_lhs;
iv_op := p_op;
iv_rhs := p_rhs;
public getLhs: () ==> SimpleExpression
getLhs() == return iv_lhs;
public getOp: () ==> SimpleBinaryOperator
getOp() == return iv_op;
public getRhs: () ==> SimpleExpression
getRhs() == return iv_rhs;
end SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleFunctionDefinitionImpl is subclass of SimpleFunctionDefinition
instance variables
private iv_name:SimpleIdentifier;
private iv_params:seq of SimpleParameter;
private iv_body:SimpleExpression;
public SimpleFunctionDefinitionImpl: SimpleIdentifier * seq of SimpleParameter * SimpleExpression ==> SimpleFunctionDefinitionImpl
SimpleFunctionDefinitionImpl(p_name, p_params, p_body) ==
iv_name := p_name;
iv_params := p_params;
iv_body := p_body;
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
public getParams: () ==> seq of SimpleParameter
getParams() == return iv_params;
public getBody: () ==> SimpleExpression
getBody() == return iv_body;
end SimpleFunctionDefinitionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleNodeImpl
-- empty
end SimpleNodeImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleCaseAlternativeImpl is subclass of SimpleCaseAlternative
instance variables
private iv_test:SimpleExpression;
private iv_exp:SimpleExpression;
public SimpleCaseAlternativeImpl: SimpleExpression * SimpleExpression ==> SimpleCaseAlternativeImpl
SimpleCaseAlternativeImpl(p_test, p_exp) ==
iv_test := p_test;
iv_exp := p_exp;
public getTest: () ==> SimpleExpression
getTest() == return iv_test;
public getExp: () ==> SimpleExpression
getExp() == return iv_exp;
end SimpleCaseAlternativeImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleNodeImpl
-- empty
end SimpleExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleCasesExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleCasesExpression
instance variables
private iv_test:SimpleExpression;
private iv_alts:seq of SimpleCaseAlternative;
private iv_deflt:[SimpleExpression];
public SimpleCasesExpressionImpl: SimpleExpression * seq of SimpleCaseAlternative * [SimpleExpression] ==> SimpleCasesExpressionImpl
SimpleCasesExpressionImpl(p_test, p_alts, p_deflt) ==
iv_test := p_test;
iv_alts := p_alts;
iv_deflt := p_deflt;
public getTest: () ==> SimpleExpression
getTest() == return iv_test;
public getAlts: () ==> seq of SimpleCaseAlternative
getAlts() == return iv_alts;
public hasDeflt: () ==> bool
hasDeflt() == return (iv_deflt = nil);
public getDeflt: () ==> SimpleExpression
getDeflt() == return iv_deflt;
end SimpleCasesExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleIfExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleIfExpression
instance variables
private iv_test:SimpleExpression;
private iv_thn:SimpleExpression;
private iv_elif:seq of SimpleElseIfExpression;
private iv_ese:SimpleExpression;
public SimpleIfExpressionImpl: SimpleExpression * SimpleExpression * seq of SimpleElseIfExpression * SimpleExpression ==> SimpleIfExpressionImpl
SimpleIfExpressionImpl(p_test, p_thn, p_elif, p_ese) ==
iv_test := p_test;
iv_thn := p_thn;
iv_elif := p_elif;
iv_ese := p_ese;
public getTest: () ==> SimpleExpression
getTest() == return iv_test;
public getThn: () ==> SimpleExpression
getThn() == return iv_thn;
public getElif: () ==> seq of SimpleElseIfExpression
getElif() == return iv_elif;
public getEse: () ==> SimpleExpression
getEse() == return iv_ese;
end SimpleIfExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleSpecificationImpl is subclass of SimpleSpecification
instance variables
private iv_defs:seq of SimpleDefinition;
public SimpleSpecificationImpl: seq of SimpleDefinition ==> SimpleSpecificationImpl
SimpleSpecificationImpl(p_defs) ==
iv_defs := p_defs;
public getDefs: () ==> seq of SimpleDefinition
getDefs() == return iv_defs;
end SimpleSpecificationImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleApplyExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleApplyExpression
instance variables
private iv_func:SimpleExpression;
private iv_args:seq of SimpleExpression;
public SimpleApplyExpressionImpl: SimpleExpression * seq of SimpleExpression ==> SimpleApplyExpressionImpl
SimpleApplyExpressionImpl(p_func, p_args) ==
iv_func := p_func;
iv_args := p_args;
public getFunc: () ==> SimpleExpression
getFunc() == return iv_func;
public getArgs: () ==> seq of SimpleExpression
getArgs() == return iv_args;
end SimpleApplyExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleElseIfExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleElseIfExpression
instance variables
private iv_test:SimpleExpression;
private iv_thn:SimpleExpression;
public SimpleElseIfExpressionImpl: SimpleExpression * SimpleExpression ==> SimpleElseIfExpressionImpl
SimpleElseIfExpressionImpl(p_test, p_thn) ==
iv_test := p_test;
iv_thn := p_thn;
public getTest: () ==> SimpleExpression
getTest() == return iv_test;
public getThn: () ==> SimpleExpression
getThn() == return iv_thn;
end SimpleElseIfExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleUnaryExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleUnaryExpression
instance variables
private iv_op:SimpleUnaryOperator;
private iv_exp:SimpleExpression;
public SimpleUnaryExpressionImpl: SimpleUnaryOperator * SimpleExpression ==> SimpleUnaryExpressionImpl
SimpleUnaryExpressionImpl(p_op, p_exp) ==
iv_op := p_op;
iv_exp := p_exp;
public getOp: () ==> SimpleUnaryOperator
getOp() == return iv_op;
public getExp: () ==> SimpleExpression
getExp() == return iv_exp;
end SimpleUnaryExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleParameterImpl is subclass of SimpleParameter
instance variables
private iv_name:SimpleIdentifier;
private iv_type:SimpleType;
public SimpleParameterImpl: SimpleIdentifier * SimpleType ==> SimpleParameterImpl
SimpleParameterImpl(p_name, p_type) ==
iv_name := p_name;
iv_type := p_type;
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
public getType: () ==> SimpleType
getType() == return iv_type;
end SimpleParameterImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleLetExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleLetExpression
instance variables
private iv_defs:seq of SimpleLocalDefinition;
private iv_body:SimpleExpression;
public SimpleLetExpressionImpl: seq of SimpleLocalDefinition * SimpleExpression ==> SimpleLetExpressionImpl
SimpleLetExpressionImpl(p_defs, p_body) ==
iv_defs := p_defs;
iv_body := p_body;
public getDefs: () ==> seq of SimpleLocalDefinition
getDefs() == return iv_defs;
public getBody: () ==> SimpleExpression
getBody() == return iv_body;
end SimpleLetExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleIdentifierImpl is subclass of SimpleIdentifier
instance variables
private iv_name:seq of char;
public SimpleIdentifierImpl: seq of char ==> SimpleIdentifierImpl
SimpleIdentifierImpl(p_name) ==
iv_name := p_name;
public getName: () ==> seq of char
getName() == return iv_name;
end SimpleIdentifierImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleBooleanLiteralExpression
instance variables
private iv_value:bool;
public SimpleBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl: bool ==> SimpleBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl
SimpleBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl(p_value) ==
iv_value := p_value;
public getValue: () ==> bool
getValue() == return iv_value;
end SimpleBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleUnaryOperatorImpl is subclass of SimpleUnaryOperator
end SimpleUnaryOperatorImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleLocalDefinitionImpl is subclass of SimpleLocalDefinition
instance variables
private iv_name:SimpleIdentifier;
private iv_value:SimpleExpression;
public SimpleLocalDefinitionImpl: SimpleIdentifier * SimpleExpression ==> SimpleLocalDefinitionImpl
SimpleLocalDefinitionImpl(p_name, p_value) ==
iv_name := p_name;
iv_value := p_value;
public getName: () ==> SimpleIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
public getValue: () ==> SimpleExpression
getValue() == return iv_value;
end SimpleLocalDefinitionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleRealLiteralExpressionImpl is subclass of SimpleRealLiteralExpression
instance variables
private iv_value:real;
public SimpleRealLiteralExpressionImpl: real ==> SimpleRealLiteralExpressionImpl
SimpleRealLiteralExpressionImpl(p_value) ==
iv_value := p_value;
public getValue: () ==> real
getValue() == return iv_value;
end SimpleRealLiteralExpressionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 17:56:55 CET 2010
class SimpleBasicTypeImpl is subclass of SimpleBasicType
end SimpleBasicTypeImpl
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-- Thu Mar 11 11:27:03 CET 2010
class GiraffeElseIfExpression is subclass of GiraffeNode
public getTest: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getTest() == is subclass responsibility;
public getThn: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getThn() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeElseIfExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeClassDefinition is subclass of GiraffeNode
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
public getMethods: () ==> set of GiraffeMethodDefinition
getMethods() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeClassDefinition
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeBinaryOperator is subclass of GiraffeNode
public AND = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("AND");
public DIV = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("DIV");
public EQUALS = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("EQUALS");
public GE = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("GE");
public GT = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("GT");
public LE = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("LE");
public LT = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("LT");
public MINUS = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("MINUS");
public MOD = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("MOD");
public NE = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("NE");
public OR = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("OR");
public PLUS = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("PLUS");
public TIMES = new GiraffeBinaryOperator("TIMES");
instance variables
public name:[seq of char] := nil;
public GiraffeBinaryOperator: seq of char ==> GiraffeBinaryOperator
GiraffeBinaryOperator(n) == name := n;
end GiraffeBinaryOperator
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeParameter is subclass of GiraffeNode
public getType: () ==> GiraffeType
getType() == is subclass responsibility;
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeParameter
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeMethodDefinition is subclass of GiraffeNode
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
public getParameters: () ==> seq of GiraffeParameter
getParameters() == is subclass responsibility;
public getType: () ==> GiraffeType
getType() == is subclass responsibility;
public getBody: () ==> seq of GiraffeStatement
getBody() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeMethodDefinition
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeIfExpression is subclass of GiraffeExpression
public getTest: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getTest() == is subclass responsibility;
public getThn: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getThn() == is subclass responsibility;
public getEls: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getEls() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeIfExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeSpecification is subclass of GiraffeNode
public getClazz: () ==> GiraffeClassDefinition
getClazz() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeSpecification
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeLiteralExpression is subclass of GiraffeExpression
-- Abstract
end GiraffeLiteralExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeVariableDeclStatement is subclass of GiraffeStatement
public getType: () ==> GiraffeType
getType() == is subclass responsibility;
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
public getValue: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getValue() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeVariableDeclStatement
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeNode
-- Abstract
end GiraffeNode
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeBasicType is subclass of GiraffeType
public BOOL = new GiraffeBasicType("BOOL");
public DOUBLE = new GiraffeBasicType("DOUBLE");
public INT = new GiraffeBasicType("INT");
instance variables
public name:[seq of char] := nil;
public GiraffeBasicType: seq of char ==> GiraffeBasicType
GiraffeBasicType(n) == name := n;
end GiraffeBasicType
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeVariableExpression is subclass of GiraffeExpression
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeVariableExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeBinaryExpression is subclass of GiraffeExpression
public getLhs: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getLhs() == is subclass responsibility;
public getOp: () ==> GiraffeBinaryOperator
getOp() == is subclass responsibility;
public getRhs: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getRhs() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeBinaryExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeUnaryExpression is subclass of GiraffeExpression
public getOp: () ==> GiraffeUnaryOperator
getOp() == is subclass responsibility;
public getExp: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getExp() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeUnaryExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeStatement is subclass of GiraffeNode
-- Abstract
end GiraffeStatement
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeIdentifier is subclass of GiraffeType
public getName: () ==> seq of char
getName() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeIdentifier
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpression is subclass of GiraffeLiteralExpression
public getValue: () ==> int
getValue() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpression
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeCasesExpression is subclass of GiraffeExpression
public getTest: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getTest() == is subclass responsibility;
public getAlts: () ==> seq of GiraffeCaseAlternative
getAlts() == is subclass responsibility;
public hasDeflt: () ==> bool
hasDeflt() == is subclass responsibility;
public getDeflt: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getDeflt() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeCasesExpression
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeBooleanLiteralExpression is subclass of GiraffeLiteralExpression
public getValue: () ==> bool
getValue() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeBooleanLiteralExpression
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeUnaryOperator is subclass of GiraffeNode
public MINUS = new GiraffeUnaryOperator("MINUS");
public NOT = new GiraffeUnaryOperator("NOT");
public PLUS = new GiraffeUnaryOperator("PLUS");
instance variables
public name:[seq of char] := nil;
public GiraffeUnaryOperator: seq of char ==> GiraffeUnaryOperator
GiraffeUnaryOperator(n) == name := n;
end GiraffeUnaryOperator
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeCaseAlternative is subclass of GiraffeNode
public getTest: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getTest() == is subclass responsibility;
public getExp: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getExp() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeCaseAlternative
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeExpression is subclass of GiraffeNode
-- Abstract
end GiraffeExpression
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeType is subclass of GiraffeNode
-- Abstract
end GiraffeType
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeReturnStatement is subclass of GiraffeStatement
public getValue: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getValue() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeReturnStatement
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:15 CET 2010
class GiraffeDoubleLiteralExpression is subclass of GiraffeLiteralExpression
public getValue: () ==> real
getValue() == is subclass responsibility;
end GiraffeDoubleLiteralExpression
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeTypeImpl is subclass of GiraffeNodeImpl
-- empty
end GiraffeTypeImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeIdentifierImpl is subclass of GiraffeIdentifier
instance variables
private iv_name:seq of char;
public GiraffeIdentifierImpl: seq of char ==> GiraffeIdentifierImpl
GiraffeIdentifierImpl(p_name) ==
iv_name := p_name;
public getName: () ==> seq of char
getName() == return iv_name;
end GiraffeIdentifierImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeDoubleLiteralExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeDoubleLiteralExpression
instance variables
private iv_value:real;
public GiraffeDoubleLiteralExpressionImpl: real ==> GiraffeDoubleLiteralExpressionImpl
GiraffeDoubleLiteralExpressionImpl(p_value) ==
iv_value := p_value;
public getValue: () ==> real
getValue() == return iv_value;
end GiraffeDoubleLiteralExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeParameterImpl is subclass of GiraffeParameter
instance variables
private iv_type:GiraffeType;
private iv_name:GiraffeIdentifier;
public GiraffeParameterImpl: GiraffeType * GiraffeIdentifier ==> GiraffeParameterImpl
GiraffeParameterImpl(p_type, p_name) ==
iv_type := p_type;
iv_name := p_name;
public getType: () ==> GiraffeType
getType() == return iv_type;
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
end GiraffeParameterImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeCaseAlternativeImpl is subclass of GiraffeCaseAlternative
instance variables
private iv_test:GiraffeExpression;
private iv_exp:GiraffeExpression;
public GiraffeCaseAlternativeImpl: GiraffeExpression * GiraffeExpression ==> GiraffeCaseAlternativeImpl
GiraffeCaseAlternativeImpl(p_test, p_exp) ==
iv_test := p_test;
iv_exp := p_exp;
public getTest: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getTest() == return iv_test;
public getExp: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getExp() == return iv_exp;
end GiraffeCaseAlternativeImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeBinaryExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeBinaryExpression
instance variables
private iv_lhs:GiraffeExpression;
private iv_op:GiraffeBinaryOperator;
private iv_rhs:GiraffeExpression;
public GiraffeBinaryExpressionImpl: GiraffeExpression * GiraffeBinaryOperator * GiraffeExpression ==> GiraffeBinaryExpressionImpl
GiraffeBinaryExpressionImpl(p_lhs, p_op, p_rhs) ==
iv_lhs := p_lhs;
iv_op := p_op;
iv_rhs := p_rhs;
public getLhs: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getLhs() == return iv_lhs;
public getOp: () ==> GiraffeBinaryOperator
getOp() == return iv_op;
public getRhs: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getRhs() == return iv_rhs;
end GiraffeBinaryExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeNodeImpl
-- empty
end GiraffeExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeVariableDeclStatementImpl is subclass of GiraffeVariableDeclStatement
instance variables
private iv_type:GiraffeType;
private iv_name:GiraffeIdentifier;
private iv_value:GiraffeExpression;
public GiraffeVariableDeclStatementImpl: GiraffeType * GiraffeIdentifier * GiraffeExpression ==> GiraffeVariableDeclStatementImpl
GiraffeVariableDeclStatementImpl(p_type, p_name, p_value) ==
iv_type := p_type;
iv_name := p_name;
iv_value := p_value;
public getType: () ==> GiraffeType
getType() == return iv_type;
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
public getValue: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getValue() == return iv_value;
end GiraffeVariableDeclStatementImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeNodeImpl
-- empty
end GiraffeNodeImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeVariableExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeVariableExpression
instance variables
private iv_name:GiraffeIdentifier;
public GiraffeVariableExpressionImpl: GiraffeIdentifier ==> GiraffeVariableExpressionImpl
GiraffeVariableExpressionImpl(p_name) ==
iv_name := p_name;
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
end GiraffeVariableExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeUnaryExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeUnaryExpression
instance variables
private iv_op:GiraffeUnaryOperator;
private iv_exp:GiraffeExpression;
public GiraffeUnaryExpressionImpl: GiraffeUnaryOperator * GiraffeExpression ==> GiraffeUnaryExpressionImpl
GiraffeUnaryExpressionImpl(p_op, p_exp) ==
iv_op := p_op;
iv_exp := p_exp;
public getOp: () ==> GiraffeUnaryOperator
getOp() == return iv_op;
public getExp: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getExp() == return iv_exp;
end GiraffeUnaryExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeReturnStatementImpl is subclass of GiraffeReturnStatement
instance variables
private iv_value:GiraffeExpression;
public GiraffeReturnStatementImpl: GiraffeExpression ==> GiraffeReturnStatementImpl
GiraffeReturnStatementImpl(p_value) ==
iv_value := p_value;
public getValue: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getValue() == return iv_value;
end GiraffeReturnStatementImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeStatementImpl is subclass of GiraffeNodeImpl
-- empty
end GiraffeStatementImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeUnaryOperatorImpl is subclass of GiraffeUnaryOperator
end GiraffeUnaryOperatorImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeClassDefinitionImpl is subclass of GiraffeClassDefinition
instance variables
private iv_name:GiraffeIdentifier;
private iv_methods:set of GiraffeMethodDefinition;
public GiraffeClassDefinitionImpl: GiraffeIdentifier * set of GiraffeMethodDefinition ==> GiraffeClassDefinitionImpl
GiraffeClassDefinitionImpl(p_name, p_methods) ==
iv_name := p_name;
iv_methods := p_methods;
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
public getMethods: () ==> set of GiraffeMethodDefinition
getMethods() == return iv_methods;
end GiraffeClassDefinitionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeIfExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeIfExpression
instance variables
private iv_test:GiraffeExpression;
private iv_thn:GiraffeExpression;
private iv_els:GiraffeExpression;
public GiraffeIfExpressionImpl: GiraffeExpression * GiraffeExpression * GiraffeExpression ==> GiraffeIfExpressionImpl
GiraffeIfExpressionImpl(p_test, p_thn, p_els) ==
iv_test := p_test;
iv_thn := p_thn;
iv_els := p_els;
public getTest: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getTest() == return iv_test;
public getThn: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getThn() == return iv_thn;
public getEls: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getEls() == return iv_els;
end GiraffeIfExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Thu Mar 11 11:27:03 CET 2010
class GiraffeElseIfExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeElseIfExpression
instance variables
private iv_test:GiraffeExpression;
private iv_thn:GiraffeExpression;
public GiraffeElseIfExpressionImpl: GiraffeExpression * GiraffeExpression ==> GiraffeElseIfExpressionImpl
GiraffeElseIfExpressionImpl(p_test, p_thn) ==
iv_test := p_test;
iv_thn := p_thn;
public getTest: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getTest() == return iv_test;
public getThn: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getThn() == return iv_thn;
end GiraffeElseIfExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeBinaryOperatorImpl is subclass of GiraffeBinaryOperator
end GiraffeBinaryOperatorImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeSpecificationImpl is subclass of GiraffeSpecification
instance variables
private iv_clazz:GiraffeClassDefinition;
public GiraffeSpecificationImpl: GiraffeClassDefinition ==> GiraffeSpecificationImpl
GiraffeSpecificationImpl(p_clazz) ==
iv_clazz := p_clazz;
public getClazz: () ==> GiraffeClassDefinition
getClazz() == return iv_clazz;
end GiraffeSpecificationImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeBooleanLiteralExpression
instance variables
private iv_value:bool;
public GiraffeBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl: bool ==> GiraffeBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl
GiraffeBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl(p_value) ==
iv_value := p_value;
public getValue: () ==> bool
getValue() == return iv_value;
end GiraffeBooleanLiteralExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpression
instance variables
private iv_value:int;
public GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl: int ==> GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl
GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl(p_value) ==
iv_value := p_value;
public getValue: () ==> int
getValue() == return iv_value;
end GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeMethodDefinitionImpl is subclass of GiraffeMethodDefinition
instance variables
private iv_name:GiraffeIdentifier;
private iv_parameters:seq of GiraffeParameter;
private iv_type:GiraffeType;
private iv_body:seq of GiraffeStatement;
public GiraffeMethodDefinitionImpl: GiraffeIdentifier * seq of GiraffeParameter * GiraffeType * seq of GiraffeStatement ==> GiraffeMethodDefinitionImpl
GiraffeMethodDefinitionImpl(p_name, p_parameters, p_type, p_body) ==
iv_name := p_name;
iv_parameters := p_parameters;
iv_type := p_type;
iv_body := p_body;
public getName: () ==> GiraffeIdentifier
getName() == return iv_name;
public getParameters: () ==> seq of GiraffeParameter
getParameters() == return iv_parameters;
public getType: () ==> GiraffeType
getType() == return iv_type;
public getBody: () ==> seq of GiraffeStatement
getBody() == return iv_body;
end GiraffeMethodDefinitionImpl
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-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeBasicTypeImpl is subclass of GiraffeBasicType
end GiraffeBasicTypeImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeLiteralExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeExpressionImpl
-- empty
end GiraffeLiteralExpressionImpl
-- Created automatically by VDMJ ASTgen. DO NOT EDIT.
-- Wed Mar 17 13:43:16 CET 2010
class GiraffeCasesExpressionImpl is subclass of GiraffeCasesExpression
instance variables
private iv_test:GiraffeExpression;
private iv_alts:seq of GiraffeCaseAlternative;
private iv_deflt:[GiraffeExpression];
public GiraffeCasesExpressionImpl: GiraffeExpression * seq of GiraffeCaseAlternative * [GiraffeExpression] ==> GiraffeCasesExpressionImpl
GiraffeCasesExpressionImpl(p_test, p_alts, p_deflt) ==
iv_test := p_test;
iv_alts := p_alts;
iv_deflt := p_deflt;
public getTest: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getTest() == return iv_test;
public getAlts: () ==> seq of GiraffeCaseAlternative
getAlts() == return iv_alts;
public hasDeflt: () ==> bool
hasDeflt() == return (iv_deflt = nil);
public getDeflt: () ==> GiraffeExpression
getDeflt() == return iv_deflt;
end GiraffeCasesExpressionImpl
class VDMUtil
-- Overture STANDARD LIBRARY: MiscUtils
-- --------------------------------------------
-- Version 1.0.0
-- Standard library for the Overture Interpreter. When the interpreter
-- evaluates the preliminary functions/operations in this file,
-- corresponding internal functions is called instead of issuing a run
-- time error. Signatures should not be changed, as well as name of
-- module (VDM-SL) or class (VDM++). Pre/post conditions is
-- fully user customisable.
-- Dont care's may NOT be used in the parameter lists.
-- Converts a set argument into a sequence in non-deterministic order.
static public set2seq[@T] : set of @T +> seq of @T
set2seq(x) == is not yet specified;
-- Returns a context information tuple which represents
-- (fine_name * line_num * column_num * class_name * fnop_name) of corresponding source text
static public get_file_pos : () +> [ seq of char * nat * nat * seq of char * seq of char ]
get_file_pos() == is not yet specified;
-- Converts a VDM value into a seq of char.
static public val2seq_of_char[@T] : @T +> seq of char
val2seq_of_char(x) == is not yet specified;
-- converts VDM value in ASCII format into a VDM value
-- RESULT.#1 = false implies a conversion failure
static public seq_of_char2val[@p]:seq1 of char -> bool * [@p]
seq_of_char2val(s) ==
let mk_(b, v) = seq_of_char2val_(s) in
if is_(v, @p) then mk_(b, v) else mk_(false, nil)
post let mk_(b,t) = RESULT in not b => t = nil;
static private seq_of_char2val_:seq1 of char -> bool * ?
seq_of_char2val_(s) == is not yet specified;
static public classname[@T] : @T -> [seq1 of char]
classname(s) == is not yet specified;
end VDMUtil
class Compiler
util : codegen_Util = new codegen_Util();
instance variables
typeDefs : seq of SimpleTypeDefinition := [];
context : map seq of char to seq of char := {|->};
inv card dom context = card rng context;
varDecls : seq of GiraffeVariableDeclStatement := [];
uid : nat1 := 1;
private getUniqeName : () ==> seq of char
getUniqeName() == let res = uid
in (uid := uid + 1;
return "v" ^ util.iToS(res))
post RESULT not in set rng context;
private getUniqeSimpleName : () ==> seq of char
getUniqeSimpleName() ==
while true do
let name : seq of char = getUniqeName() -- Use it as a source of new string
if (name not in set dom context) then
return name
return ""
post RESULT not in set dom context;
public Compile : seq of char * SimpleSpecification ==> GiraffeSpecification
Compile(programName, spec) ==
let name : GiraffeIdentifier = new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(programName),
defs : seq of SimpleDefinition = spec.getDefs(),
functionz : set of GiraffeMethodDefinition = {Compile(defs(i))
| i in set inds defs
& isofclass(SimpleFunctionDefinition, defs(i))},
classDef : GiraffeClassDefinition = new GiraffeClassDefinitionImpl(name, functionz)
(typeDefs := [defs(i) | i in set inds defs & isofclass(SimpleTypeDefinition, defs(i))];
return new GiraffeSpecificationImpl(classDef))
pre len programName > 0 and programName(1) not in set {'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9'};
public Compile : SimpleFunctionDefinition ==> GiraffeMethodDefinition
Compile(func) ==
let name : GiraffeIdentifier = new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(func.getName().getName()),
defs : seq of SimpleParameter = func.getParams(),
params : seq of GiraffeParameter = [Compile(defs(i))
| i in set inds defs],
type : GiraffeType = Compile(GetType(func.getBody())),
body : seq of GiraffeStatement = varDecls ^ [new GiraffeReturnStatementImpl(Compile(func.getBody()))]
in (varDecls := [];
return new GiraffeMethodDefinitionImpl(name, params, type, body))
pre varDecls = [] and context = {|->}
post varDecls = [] and context = {|->};
public Compile : SimpleParameter ==> GiraffeParameter
Compile(param) ==
let name : GiraffeIdentifier = new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(param.getName().getName()),
type : GiraffeType = Compile(param.getType())
in return new GiraffeParameterImpl(type, name);
public Compile : SimpleType ==> [GiraffeType]
Compile(type) ==
if isofclass(SimpleIdentifier, type) then
let t : SimpleIdentifier = type
in return Compile(GetBasicType(t))--new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(t.getName())
let t : SimpleBasicType = type
"INT" -> return GiraffeBasicType`INT,
others -> return nil
post RESULT <> nil;
public Compile : SimpleExpression ==> [GiraffeExpression]
Compile(exp) ==
cases true:
(isofclass(SimpleIntegerLiteralExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleIntegerLiteralExpression = exp
in return new GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpressionImpl(e.getValue()),
(isofclass(SimpleBinaryExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleBinaryExpression = exp
in return Compile(e.getOp(), e.getLhs(), e.getRhs()),
(isofclass(SimpleCasesExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleCasesExpression = exp
in return CompileCases(e),
(isofclass(SimpleVariableExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleVariableExpression = exp,
name : SimpleIdentifier = e.getName()
in return new GiraffeVariableExpressionImpl(new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(context(name.getName()))),
(isofclass(SimpleLetExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleLetExpression = exp
in return CompileLet(e),
(isofclass(SimpleIfExpression, exp)) -> let e : SimpleIfExpression = exp
in return CompileIf(e),
others -> return nil
post RESULT <> nil;
public CompileCases : SimpleCasesExpression ==> GiraffeExpression
CompileCases(e) ==
let testVarName : SimpleIdentifier = new SimpleIdentifierImpl(getUniqeSimpleName()),
testVar : SimpleVariableExpression = new SimpleVariableExpressionImpl(testVarName),
testVarAss : SimpleLocalDefinition = new SimpleLocalDefinitionImpl(testVarName, e.getTest()),
letBody : SimpleExpression =
if e.getAlts() = [] then
let first : SimpleCaseAlternative = hd e.getAlts(),
ifTest : SimpleBinaryExpression = new SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl(testVar, SimpleBinaryOperator`EQUALS, first.getTest()),
rest : seq of SimpleCaseAlternative = tl e.getAlts(),
elsIfs : seq of SimpleElseIfExpression = [new SimpleElseIfExpressionImpl(new SimpleBinaryExpressionImpl(testVar, SimpleBinaryOperator`EQUALS, rest(i).getTest()), rest(i).getExp()) | i in set inds rest]
new SimpleIfExpressionImpl(ifTest, first.getExp(), elsIfs, e.getDeflt())
in return Compile(new SimpleLetExpressionImpl([testVarAss], letBody))
pre not e.hasDeflt(); -- Empty defaults not allowed as we do not want to implement runtime errors.
-- not operator used due to a bug in ASTGEN
public CompileLet : SimpleLetExpression ==> GiraffeExpression
CompileLet(letExp) ==
let oldContext : map seq of char to seq of char = context
in (for x in letExp.getDefs() do
let name : seq of char = x.getName().getName(),
newName : seq of char = getUniqeName(),
type : SimpleType = GetType(x.getValue()),
gType : GiraffeType = Compile(type),
gName : GiraffeIdentifier = new GiraffeIdentifierImpl(newName),
gValue : GiraffeExpression = Compile(x.getValue()),
gStm : GiraffeVariableDeclStatement = new GiraffeVariableDeclStatementImpl(gType, gName, gValue)
in (context := context ++ {name |-> newName};
varDecls := varDecls ^ [gStm];);
let body : GiraffeExpression = Compile(letExp.getBody())
in (context := oldContext; return body;))
pre letExp.getDefs() <> [];
public Compile : SimpleBinaryOperator * SimpleExpression * SimpleExpression ==> [GiraffeBinaryExpression]
Compile(op, lhs, rhs) ==
"EQUALS" -> let glhs : GiraffeExpression = Compile(lhs),
gop : GiraffeBinaryOperator = GiraffeBinaryOperator`EQUALS,
grhs : GiraffeExpression = Compile(rhs)
in return new GiraffeBinaryExpressionImpl(glhs, gop, grhs),
"PLUS" -> let glhs : GiraffeExpression = Compile(lhs),
gop : GiraffeBinaryOperator = GiraffeBinaryOperator`PLUS,
grhs : GiraffeExpression = Compile(rhs)
in return new GiraffeBinaryExpressionImpl(glhs, gop, grhs),
others ->
return nil
post RESULT <> nil;
public GetType : SimpleExpression ==> SimpleType
GetType(exp) ==
return SimpleBasicType`INT;
public GetBasicType : SimpleType ==> SimpleBasicType
GetBasicType(type) ==
return SimpleBasicType`INT;
public CompileIf : SimpleIfExpression -> GiraffeIfExpression
CompileIf(selif) ==
gTest : GiraffeExpression = Compile(selif.getTest()),
gThen : GiraffeExpression = Compile(selif.getThn()),
gElse : GiraffeExpression = deflatten(selif.getElif(), selif.getEse())
new GiraffeIfExpressionImpl(gTest,gThen,gElse);
public deflatten : seq of SimpleElseIfExpression * SimpleExpression -> GiraffeExpression
deflatten(elsif, els) ==
if (elsif = []) then
let head : SimpleElseIfExpression = hd elsif,
gTest : GiraffeExpression = Compile(head.getTest()),
gThen : GiraffeExpression = Compile(head.getThn()),
gElse : GiraffeExpression = deflatten(tl elsif, els)
in new GiraffeIfExpressionImpl(gTest, gThen, gElse);
end Compiler
class Codegen
instance variables
public Generate : GiraffeSpecification ==> seq of char
Generate(spec) ==
let clazz : GiraffeClassDefinition = spec.getClazz(),
genClasses : seq of char = Generate(clazz)
return conc ["public class ", genClasses];
public Generate : GiraffeClassDefinition ==> seq of char
Generate(classDef) ==
let methods : set of GiraffeMethodDefinition = classDef.getMethods(),
mlist : seq of GiraffeMethodDefinition = VDMUtil`set2seq[GiraffeMethodDefinition](methods),
genMethods : seq of char = conc [Generate(mlist(i)) | i in set inds mlist]
return conc [classDef.getName().getName(), " { ", genMethods];--, " } "];
public Generate : GiraffeMethodDefinition ==> seq of char
Generate(method) ==
let params : seq of GiraffeParameter = method.getParameters(),
genParams : seq of char = conc tail(conc [[", ", Generate(params(i))] | i in set inds params]),
body : seq of GiraffeStatement = method.getBody(),
genBody : seq of char = conc conc [[Generate(body(i)), ";"] | i in set inds body]
in return conc ["public static ", Generate(method.getType()), " ", Generate(method.getName()), "(", genParams, ")", "{", genBody, "}"];
public Generate : GiraffeParameter ==> seq of char
Generate(param) == return conc [Generate(param.getType()), " ", param.getName().getName()];
public Generate : GiraffeType ==> seq of char
Generate(type) ==
if isofclass(GiraffeIdentifier, type) then
let i : GiraffeIdentifier = type
in return i.getName()
let t : GiraffeBasicType = type
"INT" -> return "int",
"DOUBLE"-> return "double",
"BOOL" -> return "boolean",
others -> error
public Generate : GiraffeStatement ==> seq of char
Generate(stm) ==
cases (true):
(isofclass(GiraffeVariableDeclStatement, stm)) ->
let s : GiraffeVariableDeclStatement = stm
in return conc [Generate(s.getType()), " ", Generate(s.getName()), " = ", GenerateExpression(s.getValue())],
(isofclass(GiraffeReturnStatement, stm)) -> let s : GiraffeReturnStatement = stm
in return conc ["return ", GenerateExpression(s.getValue())],
others -> error
public GenerateExpression : GiraffeExpression ==> seq of char
GenerateExpression(exp) ==
cases (true):
(isofclass(GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpression, exp)) ->
let e : GiraffeIntegerLiteralExpression = exp
in return new codegen_Util().iToS(e.getValue()),
(isofclass(GiraffeVariableExpression, exp)) ->
let e : GiraffeVariableExpression = exp
in return e.getName().getName(),
(isofclass(GiraffeBinaryExpression, exp)) ->
let e : GiraffeBinaryExpression = exp
in return GenerateBinaryExpression(e),
(isofclass(GiraffeIfExpression, exp)) ->
let e : GiraffeIfExpression = exp
in return " ( (" ^ GenerateExpression(e.getTest()) ^ ") ? (" ^ GenerateExpression(e.getThn()) ^ ") : (" ^ GenerateExpression(e.getEls()) ^ ") ) ",
others -> error
public GenerateBinaryExpression : GiraffeBinaryExpression ==> seq of char
GenerateBinaryExpression(binexp) ==
let op : GiraffeBinaryOperator = binexp.getOp(),
lhs : GiraffeExpression = binexp.getLhs(),
rhs : GiraffeExpression = binexp.getRhs()
("EQUALS") -> return " ( " ^ GenerateExpression(lhs) ^ " == " ^ GenerateExpression(rhs) ^ " ) ",
("PLUS") -> return " ( " ^ GenerateExpression(lhs) ^ " + " ^ GenerateExpression(rhs) ^ " ) ",
others -> error
public tail : seq of seq of char -> seq of seq of char
tail(x) ==
if (x = []) then
tl x;
end Codegen
class codegen_Util
instance variables
compiler : Compiler := new Compiler();
codegen : Codegen := new Codegen();
--io : IO := new IO();
public Run : () ==> (bool|int|seq of char)
Run() ==
let programs = getSimpleNames() in
public Run : seq of seq of char ==> seq of char
Run(programs) ==
if programs = [] then
return []
program = hd programs,
z = parseSimpleProgram(program),
a = compiler.Compile(program, z),
b = codegen.Generate(a),
real_b = b ^ " public static void main(String[] argv){ System.exit(x()); }}",
c = writeProgram(program, real_b),
d = compileProgram(program),
e = runProgram(program)
if e <> 42 then
return "\nTest " ^ program ^ " failed with code: " ^ iToS(e) ^ Run(tl programs)
return "\nTest " ^ program ^ " success" ^ Run(tl programs);
public iToS : int -> seq of char
iToS(i) == is not yet specified;
public showType : int -> int
showType(type) == is not yet specified;
public getSimpleNames : () -> seq of seq of char
getSimpleNames() == is not yet specified;
public parseSimpleProgram : seq of char -> SimpleSpecification
parseSimpleProgram(filename) == is not yet specified;
public writeProgram : seq of char * seq of char -> bool
writeProgram(fileName, contents) == is not yet specified;
public compileProgram : seq of char -> bool
compileProgram(fileName) == is not yet specified;
public runProgram : seq of char -> (int|bool)
runProgram(fileName) == is not yet specified;
end codegen_Util