Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Properties Values
Language Version: classic


-- transcript of the autopilot example of the hol98 Taupo-2 release

class Autopilot


events = <press_att_cws> 
       | <press_cas_eng> 
       | <press_alt_eng> 
       | <press_fpa_sel>
       | <input_alt>     
       | <input_fpa>
       | <input_cas>
       | <alt_reached>   
       | <fpa_reached>   
       | <alt_gets_near>;

off_eng = <off> | <engaged>;

mode_status = <armed_mode> | <off_mode> | <engaged_mode>; 

disp_status = <pre_selected> | <current>;

altitude_vals = <away> 
              | <near_pre_selected> 
              | <at_pre_selected>;

-- Define state-type projection and update functions.                       

states :: att_cws  : off_eng
          cas_eng  : off_eng
          fpa_sel  : off_eng
          alt_eng  : mode_status
          alt_disp : disp_status
          fpa_disp : disp_status
          cas_disp : disp_status
          altitude : altitude_vals
inv sta == 
         ((sta.att_cws = <engaged>) or (sta.fpa_sel = <engaged>) or 
          (sta.alt_eng = <engaged_mode>))
     and  (not (sta.alt_eng = <engaged_mode>) or not (sta.fpa_sel = <engaged>))
     and  ((sta.att_cws = <engaged>) 
           => not (sta.alt_eng = <engaged_mode>) and 
               not (sta.fpa_sel = <engaged>)) 
     and  ((sta.alt_eng = <armed_mode>) => (sta.fpa_sel = <engaged>));

-- State predicates.                                                        

tran_att_cws : states -> states
tran_att_cws (sta) ==
  if sta.att_cws = <off> 
  then mu(sta, att_cws |-> <engaged>, 
               fpa_sel |-> <off>,
               alt_eng |-> <off_mode>,
               fpa_disp |-> <current>, 
               alt_disp |-> <current>)
  else sta;

tran_cas_eng : states -> states
tran_cas_eng (sta) ==
 if sta.cas_eng = <off> 
 then mu(sta, cas_eng |-> <engaged>)
 else mu(sta, cas_disp |-> <current>, cas_eng |-> <off>);

tran_fpa_sel : states -> states
tran_fpa_sel (sta) ==
  if sta.fpa_sel = <off> 
  then mu(sta, fpa_sel |-> <engaged>, 
               att_cws |-> <off>, 
               alt_eng |-> <off_mode>,
               alt_disp |-> <current>)
  else mu(sta, fpa_sel |-> <off>, 
               fpa_disp |-> <current>, 
               att_cws |-> <engaged>,
               alt_eng |-> <off_mode>, 
               alt_disp |-> <current>);

tran_alt_eng : states -> states
tran_alt_eng (sta) ==
  if sta.alt_eng = <off_mode> and sta.alt_disp = <pre_selected> 
  then if not (sta.altitude = <away>) 
       then mu(sta, att_cws |-> <off>, 
                    fpa_sel |-> <off>, 
                    alt_eng |-> <engaged_mode>,
                    fpa_disp |-> <current>)
       else mu(sta,att_cws |-> <off>, 
                   fpa_sel |-> <engaged>, 
                   alt_eng |-> <armed_mode>)
  else sta;

tran_input_alt : states -> states
tran_input_alt (sta) ==
  if sta.alt_eng = <off_mode> 
  then mu(sta, alt_disp |-> <pre_selected>)
  elseif (sta.alt_eng = <armed_mode>) or 
         (sta.alt_eng = <engaged_mode>) 
  then mu(sta,alt_eng |-> <off_mode>,
              alt_disp |-> <pre_selected>,
              att_cws |-> <engaged>, 
              fpa_sel |-> <off>, 
              fpa_disp |-> <current>)
  else sta;

tran_input_fpa : states -> states 
tran_input_fpa (sta) ==
  if sta.fpa_sel = <off> 
  then mu(sta,fpa_disp |-> <pre_selected>)
  else sta;

tran_input_cas : states -> states 
tran_input_cas (sta) ==
  if sta.cas_eng = <off> 
  then mu(sta, cas_disp |-> <pre_selected>)
  else sta;

tran_alt_gets_near : states -> states
tran_alt_gets_near (sta) ==
  if sta.alt_eng = <armed_mode> 
  then mu(sta,altitude |-> <near_pre_selected>, 
              alt_eng |-> <engaged_mode>,
              fpa_sel |-> <off>, 
              fpa_disp |-> <current>)
   else mu(sta,altitude |-> <near_pre_selected>);

tran_alt_reached  : states -> states
tran_alt_reached (sta) ==
  if sta.alt_eng = <armed_mode> 
  then mu(sta,altitude |-> <at_pre_selected>, 
              alt_disp |-> <current>,
              alt_eng |-> <engaged_mode>, 
              fpa_sel |-> <off>, 
              fpa_disp |-> <current>)
  else mu(sta,altitude |-> <at_pre_selected>, 
              alt_disp |-> <current>);

tran_fpa_reached : states -> states 
tran_fpa_reached (sta) == 
  mu(sta,fpa_disp |-> <current>);

-- The transition function.                                                  

nextstate : states * events -> states 
nextstate (sta,evts) ==
  cases evts: 
    <press_att_cws> -> tran_att_cws (sta),     
    <press_alt_eng> -> tran_alt_eng (sta),
    <press_fpa_sel> -> tran_fpa_sel (sta),
    <press_cas_eng> -> tran_cas_eng (sta),
    <input_alt>     -> tran_input_alt (sta),
    <input_fpa>     -> tran_input_fpa (sta),
    <input_cas>     -> tran_input_cas (sta),
    <alt_reached>   -> tran_alt_reached (sta),
    <fpa_reached>   -> tran_fpa_reached (sta),
    <alt_gets_near> -> tran_alt_gets_near (sta)


-- Initial state.                                                            

st0 : states = 


isInitial : states -> bool
isInitial (sta) ==
   (sta.att_cws = <engaged>)  and 
   (sta.cas_eng = <off>)      and
   (sta.fpa_sel = <off>)      and
   (sta.alt_eng = <off_mode>) and 
   (sta.alt_disp = <current>) and
   (sta.fpa_disp = <current>) and 
   (sta.cas_disp = <current>);

end Autopilot