Author: John Fitzgerald and Peter Gorm Larsen
This is a version of the alarm example from the VDM++ book, John Fitzgerald, Peter Gorm Larsen, Paul Mukherjee, Nico Plat and Marcel Verhoef, Validated Designs for Object-oriented Systems, Springer, New York. 2005, ISBN 1-85233-881-4. This version of the example has been used for proof purposes and thus the operations in the normal VDM++ of this example are made as functions just like in the VDM-SL version of the alarm example. The example is inspired by a subcomponent of a large alarm system developed by IFAD A/S. It is modelling the management of alarms for an industrial plant. The purpose of the model is to clarify the rules governing the duty roster and calling out of experts to deal with alarms.
Properties | Values |
Language Version: | vdm10 |
Entry point : | new alarm().RunTest() |
-- alarm-with-POs.vdm
-- The alarm example
class alarm
Plant :: schedule : Schedule
alarms : set of Alarm
inv mk_Plant(schedule,alarms) ==
forall a in set alarms &
forall peri in set dom schedule &
Schedule = map Period to set of Expert
inv sch ==
forall exs in set rng sch &
exs <> {} and
forall ex1, ex2 in set exs &
ex1 <> ex2 => ex1.expertid <> ex2.expertid;
public Period = token;
Expert :: expertid : ExpertId
quali : set1 of Qualification;
ExpertId = token;
Qualification = <Elec> | <Mech> | <Bio> | <Chem>;
Alarm :: alarmtext : seq of char
quali : Qualification
NumberOfExperts: Period * Plant -> nat
NumberOfExperts(peri,plant) ==
card plant.schedule(peri)
pre peri in set dom plant.schedule;
ExpertIsOnDuty: Expert * Plant -> set of Period
ExpertIsOnDuty(ex,mk_Plant(sch,-)) ==
{peri | peri in set dom sch & ex in set sch(peri)};
ExpertToPage(a:Alarm,peri:Period,plant:Plant) r: Expert
pre peri in set dom plant.schedule and
a in set plant.alarms
post r in set plant.schedule(peri) and
a.quali in set r.quali;
static QualificationOK: set of Expert * Qualification -> bool
QualificationOK(exs,reqquali) ==
exists ex in set exs & reqquali in set ex.quali;
pure public RunTest : () ==> set of Period
RunTest () ==
let a1 : Alarm = mk_Alarm("Mechanical fault",<Mech>),
a2 : Alarm = mk_Alarm("Tank overflow",<Chem>),
ex1 : Expert = mk_Expert(mk_token(1),{<Mech>,<Bio>}),
ex2 : Expert = mk_Expert(mk_token(2),{<Elec>}),
ex3 : Expert = mk_Expert(mk_token(3),{<Chem>,<Bio>,<Mech>}),
ex4 : Expert = mk_Expert(mk_token(4),{<Elec>,<Chem>}),
p1 : Period = mk_token("Monday day"),
p2 : Period = mk_token("Monday night"),
plant : Plant = mk_Plant({p1 |-> {ex1,ex4}, p2 |-> {ex2,ex3}},{a1,a2})
return ExpertIsOnDuty(ex1,plant);
end alarm