Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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FMI Support

The support for FMI in Overture is based on the Crescendo Tool and an automated export is avaliable when annotating the specification with FMI specific information.

The entry point used by the FMU wrapper is: new World().run() so make sure it is present on export.

Overture (VDM) specification can be annotated with interface annotations allowing the modeller to specify which values should be parameters, and which instance variables should be inputs or outputs.

The annotation format is as follows:

-- @ interface: type = [input/output/parameter], name="...";

it must be located exactly above a value or instance variable, and it must be of one of the subclasses of Port from the FMI library.

Installing the FMI Exporter for Overture

Open Overture and follow these steps:

A snapshot build is avaliable from http://overture.au.dk/into-cps/vdm-tool-wrapper/development/latest

Updating / Checking for new versions

Importing a ModelDescription.xml file

alt text

If import is done on a clean project, the following files will be created:

If these files already exist in the project, the HardwareInterface.vdmrt will be updated, the import will check for an instance thereof in the system and check for the run operation in World.

Exporting an FMU

alt text

The export will place a .fmu in the project folder on completion and list the export progress in the console as follows:

|             FMU Export              |
Starting FMU export for project: 'watertankController'
Found annotated definition 'HardwareInterface.minlevel' with type 'parameter' and name 'minlevel'
Found annotated definition 'HardwareInterface.maxlevel' with type 'parameter' and name 'maxlevel'
Found annotated definition 'HardwareInterface.level' with type 'input' and name 'level'
Found annotated definition 'HardwareInterface.valveState' with type 'output' and name 'valveState'
Found system class: 'System'
Setting generation data to: 2016-04-26T15:36:08

This is followed by a printout of the modelDescription.xml file it generates.


Parameter Annotations

A parameter annotation can only be used with VDM values as shown here:

-- Hardware IO parameters aka - Shared Design Parameters
-- @ interface: type = parameter, name="maxlevel1";
public maxlevel1 : RealPort = new RealPort(2.0); -- {m}

The annotation can be used on any value in any class.

Input & Output Annotations

An input or output annotation can only be used on instance variables in the HardwareInterface class as shown here:

system HardwareInterface

-- Hardware IO definitions
instance variables
-- @ interface: type = input, name="level1";
    public static upperlevel   : RealPort := new RealPort(0.0);
-- @ interface: type = output, name="valveState1";   
    public static upperValveState : BoolPort := BoolPort(false);

Manual Export

See this page for manual export.


The following example is a WaterTank controller that seeks to keep the water level in the tank between min and max by opening and closing a valve. It has a fixed inflow.

Extract from modelDescription.xml

<ScalarVariable name="minlevel" 
		<Real start="1.0" />

<ScalarVariable name="level" 
		<Real start="0.0" />

<ScalarVariable name="maxlevel" 
		<Real start="2.0" />

<ScalarVariable name="valveState" 
		<Boolean  />

The HardwareInterface as it will be imported or how it should be written manually. Note that the parameters (VDM values) could have been placed in other classes.

class HardwareInterface

	-- @ interface: type = parameter, name="minlevel";
	public minlevel : RealPort = new RealPort(1.0);
	-- @ interface: type = parameter, name="maxlevel";
	public maxlevel : RealPort = new RealPort(2.0);

instance variables
	-- @ interface: type = input, name="level";
	public level : RealPort := new RealPort(0.0);

instance variables
	-- @ interface: type = output, name="valveState";
	public valveState : BoolPort := new BoolPort(false);
end HardwareInterface

The World class, which is just used to start the model

class World


public run : () ==> ()
run() ==

private block : () ==>()
block() ==


  per block => false;

end World

The system has one special instance variable hwi. This is used to auto link the FMI interface to the VDM model.

system System

instance variables

-- Hardware interface variable required by FMU Import/Export
public static hwi: HardwareInterface := new HardwareInterface();

instance variables

  public static controller : [Controller] := nil;

	cpu1 : CPU := new CPU(<FP>, 20);

public System : () ==> System
System () == 
	let levelSensor   = new LevelSensor(hwi.level),
		 valveActuator =  new ValveActuator(hwi.valveState ) 
		controller := new Controller(levelSensor, valveActuator);


end System

The LevelSensor class has a port which it operates on.

class LevelSensor

instance variables

port : RealPort;


public LevelSensor: RealPort ==> LevelSensor
LevelSensor(p) == port := p;

public getLevel: () ==> real
getLevel()==return port.getValue();

end LevelSensor

The ValveActuator class has a port it operates on.

class ValveActuator

instance variables

port : BoolPort;


public ValveActuator: BoolPort ==> ValveActuator
ValveActuator(p) == port := p;

public setValve: bool ==> ()
setValve(value)==let - = handle(value) in skip;

end ValveActuator

Finally for completeness the Controller.

class Controller
instance variables

  levelSensor   : LevelSensor;
  valveActuator : ValveActuator;


public Controller : LevelSensor * ValveActuator  ==> Controller
 (levelSensor   := l;
  valveActuator := v;
open : bool = true;
close: bool = false;


private loop : () ==>()
    let level : real = levelSensor.getLevel()
    if( level >= HardwareInterface`maxlevel.getValue())
    then valveActuator.setValve(open);
    if( level <= HardwareInterface`minlevel.getValue())
    then valveActuator.setValve(close);

end Controller

Simulating this model from 0 to 30.0 with a variable step size algorithm should show similar to this:

Watertank Sim

FMI 2.0 Library for VDM

The FMI interface is modelled as a collection of VDM classes all deriving from the Port class:

* FMI 2.0 interface for VDM
* The Port class is the base class for all ports. The following ports exists:
* - IntPort
* - BoolPort
* - RealPort
* - StringPort
* These concreate ports must be used in the HardwareInterface class. All of them must contain a private 'value' field
*  this field is accessed directly by the build-in FMI support in the simulator. The ports can be given as arguments to 
*  other model elements. All access to the internal value must be done through set/getValue since this call insured that the
*  simulator knows that the value have been read or written to and requires a co-simulation step for synchronization.
* A port can be instantiated with a value or with no values to use the library default value. 

class Port

	public String = seq of char;
	public FmiPortType = bool | real | int | String;

	public setValue : FmiPortType ==> ()
	setValue(v) == is subclass responsibility;

	public getValue : () ==> FmiPortType
	getValue() == is subclass responsibility;

	public static create: FmiPortType ==> IntPort | BoolPort | RealPort | StringPort
	create(v) ==
		if is_(v, String) then
			return new StringPort(v)
		elseif is_(v,bool) then
			return new BoolPort(v)
	 elseif is_(v,int) then
			return new IntPort(v)
			return new RealPort(v)
end Port

class IntPort is subclass of Port

instance variables
	value: int:=0;

	public IntPort: int ==> IntPort

	public setValue : int ==> ()
	setValue(v) ==value :=v;

	public getValue : () ==> int
	getValue() == return value;

end IntPort

class BoolPort is subclass of Port

instance variables
	value: bool:=false;

	public BoolPort: bool ==> BoolPort

	public setValue : bool ==> ()
	setValue(v) ==value :=v;

	public getValue : () ==> bool
	getValue() == return value;

end BoolPort

class RealPort is subclass of Port

instance variables
	value: real:=0.0;

	public RealPort: real ==> RealPort

	public setValue : real ==> ()
	setValue(v) ==value :=v;

	public getValue : () ==> real
	getValue() == return value;

end RealPort

class StringPort is subclass of Port

instance variables
	value: String:="";

	public StringPort: String ==> StringPort

	public setValue : String ==> ()
	setValue(v) ==value :=v;

	public getValue : () ==> String
	getValue() == return value;

end StringPort