The mission of the Overture project is twofold:
The Overture tools are being developed by volunteers from industry, research scientists and students, currently from Denmark, England, The Netherlands and Japan. You can find an overview of us at our wiki page The Community.
Anyone interested (from both industry and academia) is welcome to join the project as an active member. You might be interested in contributing directly to tools building (via our Overture open source project at Github), or you may be interested in developing the formal foundations of VDM++ and Overture. If you are a student (BSc, MSc, PhD), we can provide practical and theoretical projects!
The Overture community at large (shown above at the 8th Overture workshop on language semantics, held at BCS, London in september 2010) meets together at occasional Workshops (about once per year) and monthly via on-line Netmeetings using Skype. If you want to join the project please do not hesitate to send us an e-mail.
In the tradition of open source software development, all contributions to Overture, the language definitions and other aspects, are handled through the Overture Community Process (OCP). The Language Board (LB) has elaborated on the “Initial Consideration” Phase of the OCP and this process is described as the Language Board Process (LBP) description.
The Overture project is supported by
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If you wish to be added to this list, please send us a mail. You can also join a mailing list for Overture users.
This mailing list is the main channel of communication of the user community.
To post a message to this mailing list, send a mail to
To see the mailing list archives go to Overture-Users archives.
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Organization | Country | Point of contact |
Aarhus University | Denmark | Peter Gorm Larsen |
Bang & Olufsen | Denmark | Klaus Kristensen |
Boston University | USA | Zhiqiang Ren |
Chess | The Netherlands | Marcel Verhoef |
Designers’ Den Corp | Japan | Sako Hiroshi |
Fujitsu Services | England | Nick Battle |
Hosei University | Japan | Shin Sahara |
Insiel S.p.A. | Italy | Enrico Fracasso |
Institute of Technology Carlow | Ireland | Chris Meudec |
Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences | Russia | Nikolay Pakulin |
Key Technology Laboratory, Software Research Associates, Inc | Japan | Tomohiro Oda |
Komatsu Ltd | Japan | Takayuki Mori |
Lomonosov Moscow State University | Russia | Eugene Kornykhin |
National Institute of Informatics | Japan | Fuyuki Ishikawa |
NeoPost | The Netherlands | Peter van Eijk |
SCSK Corporation | Japan | Masayuki Ueki |
SofTools | USA | Janusz Laski |
Technical University of Denmark | Denmark | Anne Haxthausen |
Terma | Denmark | Sune Wolff |
UFPE | Brazil | Augusto Sampaio |
Universität der Bundeswehr München | Germany | Lothar Schmitz |
Universität Klagenfurt | Austria | Andreas Bollin |
Univasidad Politécnica de Madrid | Spain | Manuel Carro |
University Malaysia Sarawak | Malaysia | Edwin Mit |
University of Alabama at Birmingham | USA | Barrett Bryant |
University of Minesota | USA | Mats Heimdahl |
University of Minho | Portugal | José Nuno Oliveira |
University of Newcastle | England | John Fitzgerald |
University of Oslo | Norway | Einar Broch Johnsen |
University of Porto | Portugal | Ana Paiva |
University of Salford | England | Sunil Vadera |
University of York | England | Jim Woodcock |
University of Wuppertal | Germany | Hans-Jürgen Buhl |
Verheart | Belgium | Yoni De Witte |
Waseda University | Japan | PengFei Wang |
West Consulting | The Netherlands | Nico Plat |