Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

Overture Tool

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Net Meeting 21

Date 14 October 2007, 1300 CET
Participants Peter Gorm Larsen, Hugo Macedo, Shin Sahara, Emma Nicholls,Adriana Santos and Carlos Vilhena

Review of Action List

The actions are all at Overture on SourceForge.


Status and development plans for VDMTools version 8.xx
The VDMTools newest version is 8.0.1b-071011 with some small bugs fixed. A part of interpreter code was rewritten for efficiency.
There are two new users. Both are still small jobs, one decided to use VDM as a detail design specification language. The other requires a report on “How to write requirement specification”. The problem is how to make the requirement specification for plant model (physical model) and control software.
Bug reporting for VDMTools bugs
All bugs reported in English were fixed.


Status of Thomas’ work on the Overture type checker
Nothing to report.
Status of Hugo’s work on the Overture interpreter
Hugo will add status information and update the wiki with his technical report.
Status of Sander’s work on the Overture proof support
Sander is to update the wiki according to the VDMTools Proof Obligation generation new features (file output).
The MONDEX case study
Latest report from John is that there is steady progress and some interesting refinement issues have been identified. Current plan is prepare a paper for the FM08 Grand Challenge workshops (which may then transform into a journal paper).
The Pacemaker case study
Hugo is to upload his thesis after defense and Emma’s thesis was approved this week.
Introduction to new Overture subjects (Adriana, Carlos and Augusto)
Carlos is starting his thesis: “Connecting between VDM++ and JML” . Now reading some material to get into this theme, while modelling the “Alarm System” in JML in order to compare the differences between JML and VDM++.
Adriana is working on test automation support. Now reading about the different ways to make test automation and trying to run the VDMTesk tool.

Publication plans

In preparation:

In review:

In press:

Recently Appeared:

Strategic Research Agenda and Wikipedia

Peter updated http://www.vdmportal.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SRA and feedback is welcome.

Wikipedia VDM section has been updated but still need improvements.

Any other business

Note that FM’09 will be in Eindhoven.

John also said, he is PC Chair for ICTAC 2008 and welcome suggestions for workshops or indeed papers for the conference. Also welcome are papers on the application of theories, especially in areas such as domain modelling; Also welcome are papers on support for theories in tools. There are likely to be a couple of special tracks, probably on domain modelling and tool support as the topics.

Next Meeting

18 November 2007, 1300 CET