Overture Tool

Formal Modelling in VDM

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Net Meeting 101

Date 18 September 2016, 12:00 CEST
Participants PGL, JF, MV, NP, TO Minutes by NB

Review Status of the Action List

Action 80-1, to update the strategic agenda, was closed after work by PGL and JF. Two slides are availailable from PGL.

See Net Meeting Actions

Overture Language Board Status

The LB failed to meet this time, due to problems forming a stable Skype meeting and two members of the board being away. To avoid similar problems in future, MV created a #language-board channel within the Overture team on Slack. If the rest of the LB agrees, future meetings will be held there.

Status of VDMTools Development

Status of the Overture Components



Just one very small tweak to VDMJ (doesn’t apply to Overture):


The following fixes and enhancements have been made since the last core meeting:

Release Planning

For the next release – version 2.4.2 (due by October 9, 2016) – we expect to include a first version of the auto-completion feature. As usual a release candidate will be sent out one or two weeks before the release date.

Furthermore, in response to the request for future release dates, the following milestones have been added to Github:

Community Development

Overture Traffic

See download stats on the downloads page

Overture workshop

NP described the intention of the “special session” at the workshop, for the benefit of those who did not attend the previous net meeting. The session will produce a BMC (Business Model Canvas) and a VPC (Value proposition canvas) for formal methods. More information will be distributed to attendees before the event. The SRA will also be an important input here.

Strategic Research Agenda

This has been published, and action 80-1 closed. The agenda is currently available as a slide pack from PGL, but we should add the information to the GitHub site shortly.

Publications Status and Plans

See Planned Publications.

Any Other Business

NP reminded us that he is leaving West IT Solutions on 1st October to pursue a career as an independent consultant. The team offer him our best wishes for the future.

MV identified an interesting development from a Lithuanian company that intends to produce a qualified code generator for VDM, based on AdaCore QGen technology. We hope that they will be able to use Overture technology and support the community in future.